{ eight }

Forbidden Love

Once they reached home, Minhye put down her bag and when into the kitchen straight away. Himchan wanted to help but Minhye shooed him away. After a few minutes, the smell of the awesome ramen Minhye made travelled from the kitchen all the way to Himchan's room, signalling him to come down to have his dinner. He came down in a split second and started snacking on the ramen hungrily. "Oppa are you really that hungry or is it my ramen are too awesome?" Minhye asked with a smirk on her beautiful face. "BOTH!" Himchan shouted with ramen still in his mouth. "Aigoo Oppa, don't ever talk with your mouth full of food again arraso?! It's disgusting!" Minhye hollered back while showing a disgusted face. "You did that too Dongsaeng!! So why can't I do it?!" Himchan said again with ramen in his mouth. Minhye then remembered her gorging on her favourite lemon chicken that Himchan's omma had prepared for her so she became embarrased and kept quiet.


After they finished their dinner, Himchan stood up and cleared the table before Minhye could do anything. He didn't want her dear princess to do these chores. "Dongsaeng, I'll do the dishes today. Thanks for everything you did." Himchan said to Minhye with a grateful smile as he don't know anything about the laundry and more. "Your welcome pabo oppa. Keke." Minhye replied with a playful giggle. "Tsk" Himchan smirked as he walked towards the kitchen with the bowls on his hands. "By the way Dongsaeng, you wanna stay here until Monday? We can go school together and you can help me with those laundry." Himchan said playfully. "Erm sure since we did nothing about the project yet too..." Minhye reminded Himchan. "Oh! I totally forgotten about that project thingy!"


After that, they headed to take their showers. When they came out of the shower, they wanted very much to do their project but they felt tired. They sat on the couch at the living room and watched the television together. Since it's already around 9 plus, they decided to just call it a day. Himchan played with the remote and kept changing the channels since the shows were all boring to him. On the other side, Minhye was already falling asleep. Himchan suddenly felt something dropped on his shoulders. He turned to his side and saw Minhye's head lying on his broad shoulders, sleeping soundly. He smiled at her beautiful face. "How can you be so pretty even when you're sleeping?" he whispered to himself. He adjusted Minhye's head to his lap and fell asleep soon too.


When Minhye woke up, she was surprised to be sleeping on Himchan's lap instead of the bed. She looked up and found Himchan still sleeping and she doesn't wants to interrupt so she slowly sat up and crept upstairs to wash-up. But, Himchan's phone rang unexpectedly. It was a call from his Omma. He was woken up by his ringtone and answered the phone still feeling sleepy. "Yoboseyo" Himchan said. "Himchan! I called to tell you that you and Minhye need not come here today as I remembered you two needed to do your project. So don't worry about me and your Appa arasso?" Himchan's Omma half-yelled. Himchan didn't know why she was yelling early in the morning but he just know that his eardrums are hurting. "Huh? How about your clothes and stuffs? You don't need them?" Himchan asked. "Pabo, I have already been here for days and you're only asking me now? Don't worry, before, I went back home and packed what I need already." his Omma replied, still yelling. "Arasso, arasso. Take care!" Himchan said and with that he hung up.


He then realised something; Minhye was missing from his embrace. He struggled to get up the couch as he had slept in an awkward position the whole night. His body was aching. Suddenly, he spotted Minhye walking down, washed-up. "Oh you're awake?" Minhye asked. "Nae, and Omma just called and said we need not go to the hospital today and we should focus on our project already." Himchan told Minhye. "Arasso, let's go out for breakfast shall we? I'm tired of ramen already. Keke." Minhye said playfully.


Thank you to those who are reading this ^^ 

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Chapter 12: Update already! Huhu
Chapter 12: It's good. Hwaiting!
Chapter 10: Oh~~~ jinja DAEBAK!
Chapter 9: Unnie updated! Update more!!!
Chapter 8: Author-nim, your story is DAEBAK!
iiiiiiuuuuuu #6
sounds goood^^