One Day

Why would you?

Jr woke up the next day, having all the events of the previous day run through his head. The rehearsals, bombarded by fans, Ren cryin-

Ren crying.

Jr sighed. He never made someone cry, well not like in sad emotions, but he never did. Come to think of it that was the first time Ren cried, since he met him. Well at least he never cried with Jr knowing.

He looked up at his alarm clock showing it was 8 am. Rubbing the sleepiness away with his hand. Bringing his legs to hang over the side of the bed, he stretched his arms above his head. Having a quick glance around the room.

Baekho knocked on Jr's door waiting for a reply. Soon to hear shuffling coming closer towards him. The door swung open to reveal a sleepy, bed-headed Jr.

"Hey Jr, get ready to come have breakfast and then we have an interveiw in about 2 hours. All good?" Baekho said giving Jr the morning agenda, giving Jr a thumbs up.

"Ne. See you down stairs then." Jr said finally waking up giving the bandmate a thumbs up back. Closing the door he was to get ready.


Ren sat at the table on the first level of the house, that he shared with the rest of Nu'est. Aron sat beside him, asking if Ren was okay, Knowing about the night before.

Ren ignored his recent 'are you okay?'s. 

When suddenly the three heard a loud thud come from the hallway. 

Rushing towards the direction the noise came from, the three saw Baekho on the ground at the bottom of the stairs.

Jr behind him on the stairs, trying to stop himself from laughing.

"What happened?" Minhyun asked already knowing the possible answers.

"Well you see Baekho and I were having a race down the stairs and I might of accidentally tripped him. He just kept on rolling. See Baekho, you won." Jr said patting Baekho's head that was red from his laughing. 

"You guys are lucky that we have an interveiw soon because it would have left by now for a walk." Ren said walking back towards the dining room table.

"Ren I know things are stressful for you right now, but stay in a cheery, happy mood you are usually in." Baekho said finally getting up off the floor. He smacked Jr's arm as he got up.

"Ow!" Jr yelped from Baekho's solid hit to the arm. 'One day Rennie, I'll see how you really feel. Just to raise a weight off your shoulders' Jr thought rubbing his arm.

"Okay everyone needs to eat. Get in that kitchen and whatever food you can make quickly." Minhyun said pointing towards the kitchen.


"Annyeonghaseyo everyone! We are back. And our guest today is Nu'est!" The interviewer said happily pointing to the boys.

"So to start off our interveiw we would like to ask a question." The lady said a bit serious.

Aron, Minhyun, Jr, Ren, and Baekho all nodded ready for what might to come next.

"We've heard that there has been some tension in the group. It that true?" She said eyeballing each of the boys.

"Well there has been a bit of tension, but we are getting it figure out, hopefully." Minhyun said glancing at Jr and Ren. 

The lady nodded. "We have some fan questions. If you could date anyone in Nu'est, who would it be?"

Looking around all the boys tried to think of someone and why.

"Baekho how about you start this off." 

"I would probably date Jr because he has that bad boy look to him, but when really he is innocent and kind." Baekho said a tad nervous.

"Aw thanks buddy, I would date you too." Jr said wrapping an arm around Baekho's shoulders.

Ren's muscles stiffened. 'There he goes again. Forgetting everything that happened last night.' 

Ren tried to restrain his tears from showing.

Aron, being right beside him, rubbed Ren's back trying to sooth or calm the Maknae.

"Looks we got a Nu'est couple coming on." The interviewer stated smiling freakishly.






chapter 2- Done!

here you guys go, thanks for the subscriptions and comments.

Keep it up, I enjoy seeing them.


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Nattie-- #1
Chapter 9: Please update!
sanjana3 #2
This is adorable can't wait to read the rest of the great story :D
Chapter 9: cute story! Rennie!!! I feel so bad for him. It's okay. Take your time!
pigurou #4
Chapter 9: new reader here it's a cute story please update soon
Chapter 9: continue! please? i love the story you can't just leave the plot hanging like that
Chapter 9: Please continue or at least give it a wrap up chapter.
neon_fighter #7
Chapter 9: Please continue!! It's really good so far. :D