Anticipate For The Show!

You've Got Me Good


“Woah~ This ring is so pretty!” Sujin’s eyes lit up after seeing all those beautiful rings displayed behind the clean glass. G.O chuckled at Sujin’s reaction. Woohyun wasn’t paying attention to Sujin; he had his eyes fixed on his phone, waiting for the other person to text back. He was going impatient. *Gosh, how slow does she type?* Woohyun was tapping his feet and focusing on his phone.

“Woohyun-ssi, do you think this ring is ok?” Sujin and G.O turned to look at Woohyun, waiting for an answer.

“Woohyun-ssi?” G.O repeated, his tone is not so friendly since Woohyun just ignored his sister.

“Hello? Earth to Woohyun?” Sujin waved her hands in front of Woohyun, causing him to look up. *Hmm, her hands smells so good, it smells like...... White Citrus.*

“Sujin was asking you your opinion.” G.O said coldly. *There is something off about this kid, I don’t like him, he seems like he doesn’t care about my Sujin.*

“Uh, this looks good. I like it.” Woohyun replied.

Sujin’s smile was gone. “You said that for the last 5 rings.”

“Well, it’s because I....” He was cut off by his phone ringing. “I’m sorry I have to take a call.” Woohyun then quickly disappeared out the door. Sujin sighed as G.O turned to her. “I don’t like that Woohyun kid, he gets on my nerves somehow.”

“Well, I don’t like him, but I don’t hate him either. There’s something about him that’s off. To the real me, he’s.... careless, rude and disrespectful.. But to the nerdy me, he’s.... caring, kind hearted and warm. Very warm.” Sujin trailed off. Those moments she shared with Woohyun on the rooftop in school flashed in her mind. She remembered his warmth as he carefully took out his handkerchief wrapped her wound, afraid that she might be in pain. However, she then remembered how carelessly Woohyun treated her wound back in her office. It felt.... so different. One felt very warm and peace while the other one felt cold and meaningless. That same person can give out two different feelings.

“Sujin-ah.” G.O called out, making Sujin snapback to reality. “What are you thinking? Is it about that kid Woohyun? If it is, then don’t. Don’t waste your energy on him, even though he might become your other half; however, as long as I’m alive, I will never let him marry you. I will talk to appa and umma about his later when we go home. What were they thinking?”

Sujin shooked her head and chuckled. “Umma probably watched too many dramas, thinking that this arranged marriage will turn out as beautiful as those in dramas. But a drama is a drama. Reality is reality. Never mix them up.”

“Woah there lil sis, teaching a life lesson here?” G.O teased. However, Sujin did not laugh, those words were as serious as it sounds. Korean dramas and reality don’t go with each other.

Sujin sighed and look at those beautiful rings that shined under the light. *I wonder when and who will give me a ring that is full with love.*

“Yeobo saeyo?” Woohyun picked up the phone.

“Jagiya, I’m sorry I couldn’t reply all of your texts, I was still in class. College is no joke.” The girl in the phone replied.

“It’s ok babe, as long as I get to hear you and see you, that’s enough. But at least text me that ur in class.” Woohyun pouted.

“Arraso, I will do that next time. Please forgive me, in return, let’s go out on a date today!” She sounded excited.

Woohyun beamed. “Oh yes! When should we go and where?”

“Hmmm..... how about....... now?”

“Now?” Woohyun looked toward the glass and saw Sujin admiring all the rings. He couldn’t help to feel guilty this moment.

“Jagiya, are you busy now? It’s ok if you’re busy, we can always change the time.” The girl frowned and said in a sad but cute tone.

“Of course not, you are first priority. I was just thinking where I should take you. Alright, get ready now and I will go and pick you up.” Woohyun said as he took one last peek at Sujin, then hung up the phone and sighed. *I’m sorry Sujin, but to me, you are nothing, hope you can understand. No, you have to understand that we are not meant together and I have my own life.*

“Guys, I have to leave first, it’s an emergency. Hope you guys will understand” Woohyun came back in to grab his coat and went out without looking back.

“Seriously what is wrong with him? I can’t let my precious sister marry an irresponsible guy like him.” G.O said.

“Who was he talking to? It might really be an emergency.” Sujin replied, a little disappointed that Woohyun left. Sujin turned to admire the rings one last time, then turned to G.O.

“Oppa, since Woohyun left, let’s go home, it’s useless being here now that the main character is gone.” Sujin said coldly. She was sad, but not because of Woohyun, but because she didn’t get a ring. Those rings are amazing!

“Appa! Umma! We’re home!” Sujin yelled while taking off her shoes.

“Ommo!” Mrs. Kwon said surprisingly. “Who do we have here? Byunghee-ah!” She said as she hugged him and led him to the living room.

“Appa! Umma! How can you guys arrange a marriage for Sujin? She’s still underage! Also, that Woohyun kid you guys picked is horrible. I can hand Sujin to any other guy on Earth, just not that Woohyun kid. Even the clumsiness Zelo works. Why out of all those guys, Woohyun is the one you picked?” G.O scolded his parents.

“Byung hee-ah, listen. I know that Woohyun is messed up and is.... a playboy. However, he’s a really nice kid. Trust appa, appa had watched him grow up. He’s has a soft spot, but he tries to hide it from others. He is not as bad as you think he is. Give him some time to open up to our Sujin, and you will see what I mean. He is the perfect candidate for Sujin’s husband.” Mr. Kwon said in awe, hoping that his kids will understand his decision.

“I understand and believes that he is a good kid as well; however, so far, he hasn’t been treating Sujin the way she is suppose to be treated. I don’t know if he will be the perfect candidate as Sujin’s future husband or not, it’s still too early to tell. However, what I do know is, I don’t like him and I prefer handing Sujin over to Zelo better.”

“Zelo? You mean that kid Junhong? I don’t think handing Sujin over to him will be a good idea. He is very clumsy.” Mr. Kwon laughed.

“Appa! I know Zelo oppa is very clumsy, but he really cares about me. He always treat me well and is a very good friend to me.” Sujin defended Zelo since they are best friends.

“Ah! Speaking of him. I remember, Appa, umma, I fired Mr. Park and Mr. Ham from the company.”

“You what?” G.O, Mr. Kwon, Mrs. Kwon and Baekhyun yelled at the same time.

“Oh Baekhyun oppa, you’re here.” Sujin beamed as she saw her brother walk in the living room.

“Now tell me baby sister, you what?” Baekhyun asked, not because he didn’t hear her, but because he couldn’t believe what he just heard.

“I fired Mr Park and Mr. Ham from the company.” Sujin repeated herself, not sure on what their reaction is going to be.

“Sujin-ah! You did well.” Mr. Kwon, Mrs. Kwon, G.O and Baekhyun said in chorus.

Now it’s Sujin’s turn to be surprised. “You... you guys are not angry that I.... fired them?”

“We all know what they did in private with our company's money, but we decided not to say it out loud since he had been working in our company for a long time.” Mr. Kwon answered honestly.

“We were still thinking on how to tell them about this, but I guess we don’t need to worry about that anymore.” Mrs. Kwon added.

“So... why did you fire them?” G.O asked.

“Well, it’s because I went over the company’s old document and found some errors and figured out it was their doing.” Sujin answered, hoping they won’t ask more.

“And tell me baby sister, why would you go over the company’s old document?” Baekhyun asked suspiciously, emphasizing the old.

“Well, that I can’t tell you. I did it based on..... personal motive.....” Sujin trailed off her sentence.

“Ah, Sujin-ah, I heard from Woohyun’s parents that he took you out today to pick out an engagement ring, so, mind showing us your first ring ever, gifted from a guy?” Mrs. Kwon said playfully.

“Oh... uh.. I” Sujin frowned.

“Umma, Woohyun did not pick out a ring for our Sujin, he left in the middle saying that he had to go due to an emergency.” G.O replied, his voice sounded so cold that the family noticed.

“Hey baby sister, what did Woohyun do to upset hyung?” Baekhyun whispered in Sujin’s ear.

“I’ll explain everything later.” She whispered back.

“You better not left out any small details got it?”

“Arraso arraso!” Sujin said in annoyance.

“I don’t quite like that kid umma, I hope you can call off the wedding, Sujin is still underage.” G.O continued.

“Byunghee-ah, you’ll understand in the future, trust appa and umma.” Mrs. Kwon said. “Just give him.... time.”

“Speaking of time, we’re running out of time. Appa, umma, me and Sujin will take our leave first if you don’t mind.” Baekhyun said as he stood up.

“Arraso, you guys can leave.” Mr. Kwon said and but his goodbye.

“Appa, umma, oppa, see you next time!” Sujin waved.

“Bye appa, bye umma, and bye hyung, and don’t give me that look, I will take good care of your princess Sujin since she is my baby sister as well.” Baekhyun added when G.O glared at him. to be honest, G.O doesn’t quite trust Baekhyun, despite the fact that Baekhyun is his dongsaeng. He knows how lazy Baekhyun is. And he knows clearly that Sujin is the one working hard all the time while Baekhyun is the one going clubbing and hanging out with his friends. Even though he doesn’t trust Baekhyun to take care of Sujin, he trust Sujin that she can take care of herself and even take care of Baekhyun.

“So....... mind explaining?” Baekhyun asked as they seated on the couch.

“About what?” Sujin asked innocently.

“Oh don’t give me that look, I know that you remembered clearly.”

Sujin’s innocent look disappeared and was replace with a sly look. “Well I do remember, but I don’t want to tell you. Make me.” Sujin smiled slyly.

Oh really?” Baekhyun smiled slyly as well. “Would you tell me after........ THIS?” Baekhyun yelled as he started tickling Sujin’s side, making her burst out of laughters.

“Oppa! ah!!! Stop!” She said between her yells and laughs.

“So will you tell me now?” Baekhyun asked, still tickling her sides.

“YES!” Sujin yelled, hoping he would stop.

“Arraso, I’ll stop now so you can talk.” Baekhyun smiled.

“Geez oppa, you can be more violent.” Sujin sit up straight and fixed her clothes.


“REALLY? That kid did that? He is so going to get it. don’t worry baby sister, two guys are going after him. Me and G.O hyung will go talk to him and maybe beat him up.” Baekhyun said as he held up his fist, but only to get slap by Sujin.

“Nonsense. G.O oppa will not be as immature as you. Woohyun did nothing wrong. I believe it really is an emergency.” Sujin said, trying to cheer herself. *Think positive Sujin, if Woohyun said it’s an emergency, then it is.*

“If you mean going out with girls is an emergency then sure he left due to a real ‘emergency’”

“Oh don’t be so sarcastic oppa. Trust him once, and if his ‘emergency’ really is going out with girls, then let him be. We agreed that we won’t interfere each other’s private lives, so it will not be a good idea to stop him.” Sujin said. Even though she didn’t like it, she didn’t complain. Who is she to tell Woohyun to stop meeting with other girls? She may be his future wife, but it’s only written on papers, not on his heart.

“Well, if you say so....” Baekhyun didn’t like their idea of not interfering with each other’s private life. But he didn’t say it out loud. He trust his sister. If this is the solution she came up with, then she must had gave it a lot of thoughts.

“Oh! So what are you going to do to T-ara now?” Baekhyun asked curiously.

“I fire their father from the company, took away their houses and froze their bank account.” Sujin replied as she sipped her orange juice.

“Not their fathers, I mean them”

“Oh them?” Sujin asked, looking at Baekhyun. “Please anticipate for it because the world’s funniest show is about to begin. It will be a pity if you missed it.”

“I will be anticipating, tell me when the show starts so I can have time to buy popcorn and choose the right seat to watch the show.”

Both Baekhyun and Sujin laughed. What will Kwon Sujin do to T-ara? You will only find out during the show.


Yay I updated!! Anyways I hope you guys liked this Chapter since it was mostly family reuniting, but please do anticipate for the show!


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syaveda #1
Chapter 25: Dont you dare make sujin die...
mynameisyou #2
Nice Storyyy author-nim
i like it keke ><
i think this story is pretty interesting, i will save this for tomorrow ;)
How can she be 16 and vice president of...anything?
Chapter 24: Argh!! She will be safe right??
I don't want sujin left woohyun after what have happen :(
Chapter 23: :OOOOOOOO she has stomach cancer?! holycrap... looking forward to your next update! ^^
Chapter 23: Omo!!! Sujin-ah, how can you not take care of yourself properly? :(

Btw great fanfic author-nim!!
Chapter 23: Please update soon author-nim!!!
I'm really looking forward for your story~~~^__^
katcha #9
Chapter 22: omooo! Sujin is sick!?!?
kpopinsane23 #10
Chapter 22: as much as woohyun is my bias and as much as i love him, sujin, you better dump his sorry and kick him to the curb. D:<