1. My Pastry Shop

My Sweet Pastry Momment's

//A/N// 안녕하세여!!! Hello i want to express my feeling to sweets and EXO this time...kyaaa//

Me, Song Mi Ni owns a little cute pink polka dot pastry shop i inherited to from my deceased mother.

I also helps in making the pastries here...

My pastry shop is kinda well known in Gangnam-gu District...

Some KPOP idol are really seen over stopping at my pastry shop...

Like BTOB, BoA, BAP and JYJ

But there's just one KPOP male group i really wish to visit my shop this time...

That group is EXO!!!

I'm also a big fan of EXO...

Actually I Have lots of posters,pictures of them and also their album...

But i know the success of EXO is really great that they're popularity is really increasing one at a time...

So popular they even experiencing fan attacks on some airports of some country they're visiting
Cause some of they're fans mostly those sasaeng fans of them are really want to get close to EXO.

So maybe there's no way they can freely go stopover at my pastry shop
More likely they are forbidden by their managers and also by the management to just go on some places even here in Gangnam.


There's no way that they can eat these pastries i made containing my love for them...

So the night arrives..

.I decided to close my shop

Late cause this day is really one of the fruitfull day of my shop...

Cause at the same time 2 KPOP idol groups are able to stop over at my shop

and that was 4Minute and FT Island .

Arranging the chairs and turning all The lights off at my shop...

I went to the entrance but when I just about to lock the doors of my shop...

I was stopped by a sudden light coming from the headlights of a large van...

Then i saw a guy stepping out of the van...

He was wearing a cap and a mask...

I cannot clearly see his face...

He approach me...

"Will you pls. once again open your shop for a while just for us?"...he told me in a soothing tone of voice.

but at the same time I think that his voice is very familiar to me...

"ummm...,its late and..." not able to finish my word's he interrup's me

"Pls...just for a minute" he muttered.

I don't know what was gotten into me .

But his voice,
ts like if you can see his voice its like a puppy making puppy eyes to you and i thought i was being rude if i'm not going to grant his wish so...

"Ok...i can open it just for about 30 minute is that ok?" I said to him

" Really? thank you so much..." he told me

Then he wave his hands to the van.

Turning on again the lights of my shop

I saw 5 more guys exited from the van...


//A/N// rawrrr... thank GOD i'm finish with my first ever chapter...
I really told myself that i need to finish atleast one chapter even if i sleep late...kekeke
I'm really busy the whole day so I decided to finish it late at night...
So I hope you like my Introduction Chapter guys...
jeongmal kamsahamnida...jjang

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shiningdorks #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^