
The Dance of Love
I woke up in the morning, showered, went downstairs to eat my breakfast then left to catch the train to dance class. I waited at the train station for my best friend Daeun. "Oh my goodness I'm so sorry I'm late!" yelled Da Eun. "YA DAEUN! Where have you been?" I said worried since we could be late for dance practice. "Well you see...Mom sat me down and had a long talk to me about staying up really late and how it was bad for you, and how I needed so many hours of sleep. Then... she took my phone away. There you go now you know why I'm late!" Daeun answered with an upset face. All i did was smile and got on the train. 
As we sat down, all I could think about was dancing. I couldn't wait to get my feet moving today! When we arrived to dance class, our teacher came up to me and told me that we have a new student. "Gaeul would you mind being his partner?" The teacher asked with a smile on her face. I rolled my eyes and answered "Alright I'll be his partner! I mean it'll be fun...right?" Our teacher turned away, and I got up to introduce myself to the new kid.
"Hello my name is Gaeul. Nice to meet you." I said while bowing. He bowed and replied "Nice to meet you Gaeul I am Byunghun, but all my friends call me L.Joe."  We stood, awkwardly, next to each other while waiting for practice to begin. While waiting, Hyuna walked toward us cutely and said , "Don't get in my way, got it?" We both just shook our heads, and I laughed. Dance practice had begun and ended quick tonight or at least it seemed quicker than usual. We all said our goodbyes and went our seperate ways. 
A couple months had passed and we started to practice for our upcoming performance in 3 months. Since this song was hard I guess the teacher decided to start practicing early. "Ok kids, lets start moving our butts!" She yelled while clapping her hands, "1, 2, 3, 4!" It was about 6 hours into dance practice and she finally gave us a break. I sat beside L. Joe since we have become close in the past month. He seemed to look upset while eating his turkey and cheese sandwich. "Whats wrong you look bummed?" I asked concerned that something had happened. He looked me in the eyes and said with a sigh, "You see, my parents move a lot so I just hope i'm here for our performance." I looked away for a second and then said jokingly, "If you leave me on stage alone I'll have to come find you and drag you back here!" He chuckled, poked me in my forehead, and replied, "Only if you can catch me!" At that moment I felt a feeling I had never felt before. I was wondering if it was the feeling everyone talks about when they start to really care for someone.
As dance class came to an end, L.Joe and I walked to the train station together. We waited for the train in silence until he finally broke it, "You know, these past couple of months have been great, but you want to know what the best part has been?" I laughed and asked "What?" Looking me straight in the eyes he replied, "Meeting you." I was stunned by what he just said. I looked away for a second and thought "Does he like me?" Then he continued to talk "I know its only been a few months, but you're different from other girls I have met. You're fun to be around, and you have compassion for something I love too. After getting to know you, I felt myself getting nervous around you, and ... Well, I think I may like you." I looked at him wide eyed and shyly replied, "You know L.Joe, it's weird you said that because I have started to have feelings for you too." All we could do was smile at each other ,but when the train came and we started to walk I felt his fingers intertwine with mine. At that moment, I never stopped smiling. When I was with him, I felt comfortable and happy, and I know that this is that feeling people talk about. The feeling of: Love.
Finally, the day we have all been waiting for. The day of our performance. As we all stood backstage, our teacher came to give us a pep talk. "Guys todays the day that we all have worked our butts off for. So, please do your best and remember never make yourself feel less than these other groups. You are just as good as them!" She smiled at us, then walked off to take her seat in the front row. 
After watching some very talented dancers on the stage, including our schools older dancers who performed before us. "Good luck guys! Break a leg!" Hyuna said smiling as she exited the stage with the other girls. Da Eun looked at me with twinkling eyes and said, " Gaeul I know we will do great out there! Lets just go out there and do our best!" I looked at her, smiled, and nodded. We entered onto the stage and all I could think about was how many people there was and how big the stage is. We started to dance and before I knew it, it was over. 
At the end of the performance, they announced the winners. Unfortunately, we didn't win, but we had fun and tried our best and I was proud of us. 
A couple weeks had passed since our performance, and it was all great, but one day L.Joe called me and told to meet him at the Hello Kitty Cafe which was where we had our first date. When I arrived, we both smiled at each other and ordered our drinks. When our drinks arrived his smile had faded. "Ga Eul I asked to meet you here today to tell you something really important." I looked worried and just nodded. He sighed before continuing, "I'm moving to California." I looked at him shocked while tears began to fill my eyes, but I held them back and smiled. I took a deep breath before asking "When?" When he replied back, it felt like my heart had broken into tiny little pieces. His reply was...."In two days".  We talked for awhile after that, and decided we should hangout tomorrow with  Da Eun, Hyuna, and Teen top for his official last day here, and also so we could all say our goobyes. 
The next morning I woke up and did my usual routine. We had decided to have a picnic at the park. I packed the basket with sandwhichs and other snacks. I stopped when i heard a knock at my door. To my surprise it was Da Eun and Hyuna! "What are you guys doing here?!" I yelled with a big smile on my face. "Well we came by before going to the park to see if you would need any help making food!" replied Hyuna with a friendly smile. "Yeah! I even bought us all some cupcakes and packed a cooler with water." said a cheerful Daeun.  I invited them in, but when they saw i was already done they frowned. I looked at them and smiled "Thanks for coming to help me guys, but its already done! But hey we can walk there together!" Their faces brightened up and we headed out to the park. When we got there, all the boys had already arrived. After we all had greeted each other, made small talk; and ate our sandwiches the picnic had come to an end. 
We all walked home together that night. L.Joe and I walked behind the others holding hands tightly, knowing it was the last time we'd ever get too be together. Everyone went there seperate ways besides me and him. When we got to my house and up to the front door we let go of each others hands and just stood in front of each other. After a couple minutes, of silence and the tears building up in my eyes he grabbed me and hugged me with all his might!  "I'm going to miss you Gaeul. I hope we stay in touch and get to see each other and be in each others arms again. I hope we can be together someday." Tears started to flow down my cheeks, I let go and ran inside and upstairs to my room. I couldn't sleep that night knowing he would be gone tomorrow. 
I woke up really early the next day. I was pretty much dragging my feet out of bed since i didn't sleep much. I checked my phone when i got done doing my everyday routine. When i checked it, there was a message from L.Joe saying he wanted me to see him off at the airport at six. I read the time again and looked at the clock. "CRAP ITS 5:35!" I rushed out the door even though I was still in my pajamas. I jumped on the train and headed to the airport. When i finally arrived at the airport I looked everywhere for L.Joe. I didn't see him so I decided to go up to the lady at the counter. "Hello, um.. has the plane to California left yet?" she looked at me and said "I don't know ma'am." I frowned and asked, "Well can you please check?" She shook her head and checked the computer, "The flight to California left about fifteen minutes ago." I looked at her with tears in my eyes and replied, "Ok, thanks." She looked at me with sympathy, and nodded. I sat down in a chair and started to cry. I couldn't believe I didn't get to see him leave and also I couldn't believe I never told him I would miss him too and most importantly that I love him. I got up and started to walk away when I heard someone calling my name. "Gaeul..GAEUL!" I looked behind me to see that it was L.Joe standing behind me smiling. As I turned around and seen him all I could do was smile. We walked up to each other and with tears falling down my already tear-stained face, I asked, "I thought your flight had left already? I even asked the lady at the counter!" He wiped my tears and replied, "Our flight got delayed for an hour. I'm really happy to see you Gaeul." I hugged him really tight and said, "I'm going to miss you so much! I was so upset when I thought you had already left." my head he replied, "Don't worry I haven't left yet." I waited with him until his flight was finally called. We hugged again before he left. Before letting go he said "I love you, Gaeul."  I smiled, "I love you too, Lee Byunghun."


Hi guys! I hope you like this oneshot! 

I know, I know... it was going to be a story, but I decided to make a oneshot instead... Sorry.

Anyways, please comment and tell me what you think! 

This is my first story on here!

Anyways, thank you for reading this oneshot. :)


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Chapter 1: cant wait for it!!!!