angry, much?

Trip to Destiny

Jinyoung's POV

I opened the window in my room and climbed onto the roof, I looked up at the stars as the sun was setting. Getting darker and darker, I was thinking about Luna, how she dumped me, I still can't get over the fact that we are single now. Everyone thought we would be together for a veeeery long time, and so did we. I guess people change the most when you least expect them to.

Suddenly my phone rang, I remembered it was on the edge of my nighstand, I climbed down from the roof and returned into my room. The phone chimed and chimed. "hello?" I ask wondering who 'unknown caller' was. "JINYOUNG! PLEASE COME TO THE SCHOOL NOW IM IN TROUBLE AND I LOST CNU HURRY SOMEONE IS TRYING TO BEAT ME UP! " the worrisome voice belonged to the one and only Baro. "aish, fine I'll be there in 10" I said as I hung up and ran downstairs. I was about to step out the door with my coat in the air hanging from my hands as I was about to pull my arms through, but the sight of Sandeul his phone caused some delay.
I ran out the door and darted to the school, the lights were still on and I whispered CNU and Baro's name all over the hallway wandering cluelessly. I hear voices coming from a very open room, probably a choir I thought. I was about to just let that room go, I didn't want to interrupt their lesson but at the corner of my eye I saw CNU staring at them in awe, he looked like the fangirls we always see - always saw in korea.
"yah! CNU,hurry , come here." I said whispering loudly for him to be the only to hear. He quickly snapped out of his weird trance and walked to me, I told him with Baro told me and we started look.
We split up in the school, he went right I went left. After what seemed like 20 minutes searching inside I finished my route and decided to look outside. I stumbled as I walked down the step and I saw some random though guy start punching Baro.
"HEY GET THE HELL OFF OF HIM, YOU !" I screamed as I ran towards Baro. The guy didn't turn around till the last minute.
BOOM, punched right in the gut.
As he fell onto his back, I saw blood dripping from the side of Baro's head. 

Aish, so much violence in America. 

I helped him up and he was limping on one leg, he said the violent guy kicked him on his right leg, punched his stomach hard, and punched his face against the ground. He could've easily had a concussion, but it's a good thing he wears his hats.

We met up with CNU right as we got back in the school and then he went all motherly on always. don't do this, don't do that, stay here, go there , NAG NAG NAG.

We had to get a cab and drive off to a hospital so Baro could get stitches , but I felt like something was missing. OH RIGHT! the little dongsaeng we lost after school, it sure is getting late..and cold. I hope he knowns where to go...
He'll need all the help he can get, he's probably suffering.

Gongchan's POV

"thanks!" I told the cashier who handed me some pizza. Running away wasn't actually as bad I expected. I mean I just got a free tour of New York and it's awesome. 

I ate my Pizza inside the restaurant because it was getting colder outside. I was walking to the garbage to  throw away my plate and napkins and I saw someone walk past the window. I don't know why , but it felt like I knew her and I had the sudden urge to follow her and find out who she is, so I did. Her pacing started to get faster , so I started to run towards her to just see her face. She turned to look at me, she only caught a quick glance of me and I a quick glance of her, it was Lillian!

how lucky.

She looked freaked out, she turned into an alley hoping to get away from me. I turned into the alley and I lost her, I looked behind the dumpsters and garbage bags, where did she go, there's no way out; it's a dead end.
I turned around and tried to walk away because 2 dark figures crept out from behind a dumpster and walked towards the dead end wall. I didn't want to get beat up again.
"AAAAHHHHH!" A girl screamed, it was deffinetly Lillian. I ran back to the alley and saw her.
"help me PLEASE!" she pleaded.
I walked towards them and saw that they were trying to get her purse, one of the guys had a knife in his hand , held up against Lillian's throat. I was panicking. what do I do? what if they kill me, or her!?
Be a Man , Gongchan.
I heard a little voice in the back of my mind say, that voice was right. Its time to finally stand up for what you want and not let anything or anyone hold you back. I need to save Lillian, she'll love me afterwards, I would be her savior.
I grabbed a brick that lying in the ground and threw it at the guy with the knife. He fell backward dropping the knife, Lillian caught the knife in mid air and threatened to kill the other thug, but he managed to escape without her purse.
I still don't think she saw me as I walked closer to her, she bent down to retrieve her purse and I tapped on her shoulder, she turned around stunned, she almost stabbed me with the knife.
"whoa take it easy!" I say putting my hands up defensively. She dropped the knife and hugged me tight. I don't know why she is hugging me, but it was no problem for me!
"uh, Lillian are you okay?" I asked as  she started to sniffle and let down a few tears.
"n-NOOO!" she said cracking into a loud sob.
"I-I almost died, they could've killed me if it wasn't for you!" she said looking into my eyes. My plan worked! I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight and let her cry it out, I mean that would be super scary. I told her my little situation, about me running away from home and not knowing how to get back and she offered to take me back since are been in New York since she was very little, she as well used to live in Korea.
"are you sure this is your house!?" she said with wide open in awe.
"ye-yes? what's wrong with it?" I ask, worried.
"it's just it's so big!"she says as we walked up to the house.
"yeah well, I was famous in Korea, in a group with my hyungs." I tell her .
"oh, right! that's really cool, anyways I think I'll go now, bye!" she says walking off.
"WAIT!" I yell over to her.
"are you sure your going to be fine, you know after what happened?" I tell her warily.
"uh, yeah," she says unsure.
"do you have a phone?"
"yeah." I pulling my phone out of my pocket. We exchanged numbers and she was off , I hope she'll get home safe.

Sandeul's POV


omg, someone is at the door! What if it's Melanie!

I got up from the couch and fixed my hair and walked over to the door and opened it. GONGCHAN!
"WHERE WERE YOU PABO!?!!" I say pulling him inside.
"I was exploring New York, by myself." he said with a chuckle.
"yah, what's so funny?" I ask suspiciously.
"nothing, but you guys must've been looking everywhere while I was relaxing." he says taking his coat off and walking up to his room. That's it?  He doesn't even care that we were all looking for him and worried sick? hmm, pabo.
I returned to the couch and decided to see what was playing on american tv. I suddenly remembered that I had to tell te guys that Gongchan was back home and they could stop looking for him. I dial Baro's number, no answer. I dial Jinyoung's phone and no one answers. Then I dial CNU, I can rely on him, he always pickle up his pho- "hello?" he picks up.
"hey, Gongchan is back home!" I say excitedly.
"what the fu- we've been looking for him EVERYWHERE! Baro even got in a fist fight with some random guy and now we're in the hospital waiting for him to get stitches!" I could hear the frustration in his voice.
"oh god. Is he alright?"
"yeah, he's going to be fine,"
"that's good."
"oh he's out! Tell Gongchan he's gonna get a nice beating from his hyungs when we get home." he says viciously, very motherly CNU...
"okay I will!" not .He hung up and I returned to my viewing.

I got a text, it was from Sun. I totally forgot about her, shiiiiiit.

Hey, I missed you when you stopped texting and...when you left ㅋㅋㅋ 

ugh, what should I do?
Reply? Ignore? Erase?
I don't think I want to be with her, now that I have Melanie...

Wait a minute pabo, Melanie isn't yours! You are not the possesive kind, snap out of it.
She will on the other hand be yours when you have enough courage to ask her out, or even start being better friends so she CAN be your girlfriend.

Now all I have to do is play the waiting game, aiiish , this just seriously needs to come faster.
I have it all planned out.

I'll ask Melanie out, after a few dates or so?
Then I will ask her out, then when she hopefully says yes I will break up with Sun. She is going to hate me so much when she finds out I'll already have some one when I possibly return to Korea after this year.

Sun is a tough girl, she can take care of herself. She won't mind, we'll become friends, good friends, and she'll even like Melanie, they can be friends, and do make-overs and talk about girl stuff. This is going to be SOOO perfect...

Wait a minute Sandeul, you forgot one thing...

Sun is the possesive type.


I told them about the phone call Sandeul made and obviously everyone got mad...even I lost my cool and started spazzing, and I never lose it, Baro on the other hand just started punching the taxi driver's seat causing the taxi driver to shout some American stuff at the three of us which made us form confused looks on our faces.

The taxi driver dropped us off 5 blocks behind our apartment thanks to Baro's bad temper, aish that pabo needs to learn some manners.

"thanks Baro." Jinyoung said expressionlessly while he shoved Baro into a streetlamp causing the top where the lightbulb was to fall down and shatter.

"YAH! see what you did?!" Baro said dusting off puny shards of glass of his coat.
We all turned around when we heard a loud whistle blow. It was police officer.
I gave Baro my death glare, and he just took in a deep breath and sighed loudly. The police officer came walking close and closer to us, what do we do run?
no, we would get in even MORE trouble.
I think Baro thought he knew what I was thinking..WRONG. I put my head down, which I think confused Baro making him think it was a nod as in a cue for us to start running, oh silly Baro.

He ran fast, but not fast enough, as it turned out the police officer was very fast and soon caught Baro's coat and tackled him to the ground, accidentally pushing to much force on his forehead. His stitches were bleeding.

Me and Jinyoung looked at eachother devilishly and watched and slowly backed away as the police officer was struggling to contain Baro in a calm, unmoving position.

"YAH, baro stop spazzing and calm down, we're going back home, bye! LOVE YOU!!" Jinyoung yelled as we calmly walked the 5 blocks back home.

Baro's POV

I was escorted roughly into the back of a police cruiser all alone, it smelt like barf,blood and sweat. ew, criminals have been sitting here.Druggies, murderers, rapists and all kinds of physcopathic people. gross.

I can't believe CNU and Jinyoung left me. Jinyoung seems like the type of person to do that, but not our umma CNU!
I chuckles to myself.

"shut up." the officer said rudely.

Well then, HE won't be getting an autograph OR apology for arresting such an amazing, handsome kpop star.

We got to NYPD, I lauged to myself as I read it , it sounded like nipped. Oh how silly of me.
He took my by the cuffs and yanked me out of the cruiser. I am really starting to hate this guy.

"wh-why am I here?" I asked nervously, as 'Officer Jones' sat me down on a very uncomfortable chair.
"vandalising city property and running off, that's what." he said with attitude.
Is it just me or is he getting rudder everytime he opens his mouth?
"can, I like go home or something?" I asked stupidly, I've never been arrested, so I don't know how this works.
"NO! you can't 'like go home' " DID HE JUST MOCK ME? OH NO.
"HEY! don't mock me. do you know who I am?" I ask trying to stand up from my seat, but just get knocked of to my side as he tried to ' make me sit' back down. Well now there's more blood.
"NO! I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE."  he yells in my face. P.U. his breath smells like garlic, I think someone needs to learn how to use a toothbrush and some mints properly
"well I am Korea." I say disappointedly.
"oh well guess what big shot, we're not in Koree-uh." He says with some sort of southern accent, what the hell?
I just sit all grumpy for 10 minutes without talking.
"Can I get a comfier chair? I mean my but is all hard cause of this." I comlain
"shut. up. now."
And I sit...
"I'm thirsty."
And sit.
"I'm hungry."
And sit.
"I'm sleepy!!"
And sit.
"I'm so u-"
"OMG, JUST SHUT THE UP AND LEAVE ALREADY, DON'T EVER COME BACK." Officer Jones screams again with his stinky breath and unlocks my cuffs. WOOHOO, I'M FREE! I bet he is relieved to see me walk out the doors.

I grab another taxi and I'm out of there.

better watch out when I get home, ur in trouble.

I text Gongchan.


He replies almost instantly.

Too Bad dongsaeng, too bad.


<">WOOOOOOOOOOOO, finally updated!
sorry, it's been A WHILE.
I still have school which will end soon, so updates won't be so drastically long...

well, hope you liked the chapter kekeke , thanks for reading and subscribing!

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EveDay #1
Chapter 7: hope she get better
gongchan14 #2
why does gong chan have a lot of story lines?? i hope he has lot of lines in singging too!
SJ-LikeThis #3
aww, I hope your mom gets better soon! <br />
<br />
update more so we won't forget what's happened in the previous chapters ;o
YOU took forever and forever. Is your mother okay?? <br />
You know, everyone gets posters from Musicandseven lol. I've seen them EVERYWHERE. >o<<br />
It's been so long, I forgot what's even going on.... Oh well.
...<br />
<br />
This was not the update I was looking for.
aww, omg this is so cute and interesting! glad I saw it ^.^<br />
<br />
update soon!
I know what's wrong with Jinyoungie. Love does crazy things to a fool, durr. Hehe, I hope you hurry and update fricking soon because seriously, Lill and Jinyoung need to get together and all that stuff. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE
SJ-LikeThis #9
bwahahaha , poor Baro he's such a loner and a bad . I wouldn't be surprised if he actually punched the police officer...i would too if I were him.<br />
<br />
Ou la la , Gongchan and Lillian (LOL) <br />
oh man. lucky -.-
Puhahahaha, I love Baro's POV freakin hilarious XD "I'm hungry, I want a comfier chair, I'm sleepy." "OMG go STFU and leave already!" LOL XD