Letter to Luhan

Your Eyes



Do you still remember the very first time that we met?

You said that I was the one who left a deepest impression to you because of my complexion and squishy, chubby cheeks that reminds you so much of a baozi.

Shall I tell you about the very first thing that I notice on you that time?

It was not your face that resembles a girl or your skinny frame that you hate so much.

It was your eyes.

And when I thought about it, your eyes really resembles the one of a deer and that adds to your cuteness and compliments your delicate pretty features.

Oops! Hahaha

I forgot that you dislike being called cute and pretty. You always want to show that you’re manly after all.

Are you wondering why I like your eyes?

Wait, let me rephrase that…

Are you wondering why I LOVE your eyes?

Because, whenever I gaze at them I can feel and see all the emotions that you are hiding.

The way your eyes flashed with anger whenever I tell you about my insecurities. And after an hour of scolding from you, your eyes will turn soft and give me an adoring look, my negative thoughts about myself will vanish to thin air.

There are times that your eyes shows insecurities, too. But, it’s different from mine. I’m insecure about my talent and capabilities, and you’re insecure about yourself. Always thinking that you’re not good enough for me and what will happen if I found someone better? This time, I was the one scolding you the same way you did. We end up laughing our off and the next thing we know a full blown make out session started.

I love it when you’re trying to hide your jealousy whenever I’m with the other members and being touchy with me. You won’t look at me in the eyes because you know that you’ll betray yourself in not showing that emotion in front of me. But, I can feel your emotion and I know that, that emotion is building up in you. The time came that you snapped at them, hugging me tightly while shouting:

“Don’t touch MY baozi. He’s mine. Minseok is Luhan’s. Mine. Mine. Mine!!”

The members are trying to calm you down because you’re almost suffocating me but you didn’t listen to them. Instead I hugged you back with the same force and whispered, “ Baozi belongs to Xiao Lu. But,”

You loosened your grip and look up to me, “Does Xiao Lu belongs to baozi, too?”

You smiled with that blinding smile of yours and said, “Forever.”

The members gave you a good smack after that but you just continued on smiling.

And most of all, the emotion that you show me every time I utter those three words to you.

“I LOVE YOU” I whispered to you one night after long hours of love making.

You looked at me straight in the eyes, giving me a look that’s full of love and promises of forever.

A promise of endless happiness, security and devotion.

“I love you, too. With all my heart.”


O.Okay! my brained was spent now. so sorry for the late update. My responsibilities are the ones keeping me from updating..huhuhuh…

*sigh*this story is a little crappy…

Sorry for disappointing you guys…

I’ll be better next time…


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luvkpop #1
Chapter 1: awww sooo cuteeee >.< awww luhan so possessive of his baoxi ^^
will you really update this dear? :)
alobeiro #3
Update soon, neh?
glasskun #4
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^