He is my tutor?!

My crush? It's him!

Nobody's POV.


Jihyun walked out of her class as she sighed and covered her face with her books. Yes, she failed her maths quiz again. It's the 4th time this week. Mathematics is her weakness. Ms Kim had assigned her a buddy in the library. She said that he is a senior, and he can teach her maths since he is a very smart student.


Well, Jihyun doesn't care about it. All her mind is filled with Daehyun, Daehyun, and Daehyun. She giggled to herself when suddenly she knocked her knees on the table and gasped loudly and dropped her books on the floor, causing all the people in the library looking at her. She blushed and bowed as she squats down and picked up her books when suddenly, a pair of hands appeared infront of her as that pair of hands held her books and passed it back to her.


"Thank you." She sighed as she took the books from the hands and kept looking down as she is embarrassed. She bowed and was about to walk away when someone spoke,


"Hey, you still dropped your pen." She facepalmed myself as she took the pen.


"Thank yo-" She looked up and widened her eyes as blood rushed to her cheeks as she kept staring at the person infront of her.


Daehyun was holding onto her pen as he slowly put his hand out with her pen on his hand and keep looking at her. "I guess..this is your pen right? You dropped it with your books together just now."


She didn't replied back. She just blinked and kept staring at him as blood kept rushing to her cheeks, causing her cheeks to blush even more badly. She gripped her books tightly as she gulped.


"Erm..excuse me?" Daehyun waved his hand infront of her face as she snapped back into the reality and blushed badly when she realised she is not dreaming. Jung Daehyun is standing infront of her.


"I erm..t-thank...you.." She stuttered as she slowly took her pen back as he puts his hand back into his pocket. He looked SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO handsome when she looked at him closer. More handsome she meant.


"By any chance, are you Park Jihyun?" She blushed as he spoke she name and she quickly nods her head fast.


"W-Why?" She gulped as he kept giving her his cold stares.


"Ms Kim asked me to tutor you." He said. She widened her eyes and blinked continously.


Your POV.


What. Did. He. Just. Say?


"What....?" I whispered as he rolled his eyes and talked more louder.


"I said, I'm your tutor. You're late you know." He said as my heart starts to beat furiously as I blushed even more and looked down shyly. "Let's go now, we should start now." I nodded as I followed him behind as he walked back to the table.


"Now, do you understand this question?" He asked as I kept staring at him and 'drooled'. I blushed even more as he looked up at me and then, my heart skipped a BIG beat.


"N-Neh..? Uhm..can you repeat it again?" I blushed and bite my lips as he sighed.


"This is the 4th time I'm explaining to you yet you still don't understand? Arraso, this is the last time I'm gonna explain it." I nodded my head as I looked down at my paper and started to stay focus.

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mienamore #1
Chapter 3: 10000 like!! I like this story!! please update! >.<
Chapter 3: good story! :)
update soon! :D