But....... I Love You

But....... I Love You

You were best friends with Teen Tops Changjo untill that one day....


-Flash Back-

it was 6:30 in the morning

your alarm for school went off

you were going to be going to a new school because you were now under T.O.P Media as a trainee for a new girl group that would debut in a year or so..

and you were super happy your favorite guy group Teen Top was under T.O.P Media so was 100% your other favorite band!

as you rolled over to shut off your alarm all of that went through your head and you prung out og bed as fast os you could

"aish why didnt i get up earlier!"

you scolded your self as you walked to your bathroom

"gosh it feels weird living by myself.... i guess you dont join the rest of the girls in the dorms yes" you said to yourself walking into the bathroom

you looked in the mirror and said

"oh god i have work to do" said while sighing

you poked your face and ruffled your hair

"first thing shower!" you exsclaimed "i have to look good for everyone at the new school

- 30 minutes later-

as you looked at your self in the mirror and sighed.... "makeup time"

( you did your makeup like this http://media.onsugar.com/files/2011/04/14/6/1048/10483350/57ed1d564aed6783_Bom_1.jpg)

looking in the mirror you smiled for the first time that moring

"good job" you said to yourself

your uniform was laying on your bed and you went to change into it

(the uniform looked like this http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v256/durendal/idol/im-soo-yeon-school-girl-01.jpg)

looking in the mirror again you said

"yes almost done" you said while looking at your hair

Grabbing a flat iron you started to wave your hair

( your hair looked like this http://i671.photobucket.com/albums/vv71/Vanilla_Smoke/dh2-tara-jiyeon-selca.jpg)

"good" you mumbled and walked out to put on your shoes

Grabbing a peice of toast and your backpack you walked out of the door


Your phone started to right

"ah yeboseyo?" you siad

" AHHH (Y/N) HOW ARE YOU LIKING SEOUL SO FAR" your brother yelled through the phone

"aish Jordan" you said rubbing your head "isnt it like 4:30pm you should be studing" said while scolding him

" ahh (Y/N) dont worry i will i wanna be like you" your little brother said

smiling at the ground you ran into someone

you dropped your phone and it hungup on your bother

"aish Mianhe" you siad looking up at the boy while he bent down to get your phone for you

"its okay im Changjo"he said exstending his hand to help you up

Hesitantly you grabbed it

"I-I know" you stuttered while standing in front of him

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ever98 #1
Chapter 1: please continue ..if you could fast haha thank you and don't your sure i'll be great
hikari_leeyanna #2
Chapter 1: please continue ..please..
Chapter 2: Lol my names short form is yn hahaa