
Kiss the Baby Sky

            Six months passed and Min Hee grew dramatically. Jaejoong lost some weight, gained some, and lost it again. He held on for Min Hee, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to support them soon. His boss was growing impatient with his constant showing up to work late, and he wouldn’t listen to reason any time Jaejoong tried explaining why it always happened.

            The two of them were on their way to Junsu’s house for the day, and instead of it being an unexpected babysitting job, it was Yoochun’s birthday party, and they even had a surprise for Jaejoong. He could hardly contain his excitement as he pulled in to the parking lot with a blubbering Min Hee in the back. He got out of the car, giggling. “You’re as talkative as your father,” he commented, pulling her out of the car seat, grabbing the diaper bag in a flash. Dashing to the door, he knocked, a smile plastered on his face.

            “Hyung!” Junsu screeched as soon as he opened the door, pulling Jaejoong and the baby inside.

            “Muh!” Min Hee cried, the sound forming from humming and pulling her lips apart.

            At the sound of the baby, Yoochun came running downstairs, grinning from ear-to-ear as he saw his ‘niece.’ Without asking, he stole Min Hee from Jaejoong and dashed away with her to show her the presents he had gotten her since the last time they had seen each other. The action made both the feminine men laugh.

            “So, have you heard from you-know-who lately?” Junsu asked as he chopped up some vegetables.

            Jaejoong shook his head in disappointment. “No. He hasn’t been around since my 7 months. I’m starting to wonder if he’ll ever be back…”

            Without Jaejoong noticing, Junsu smiled over his shoulder, staring at something in the distance. “Don’t worry, hyung. I’m sure we’ll see him soon.”

           “But how do you know?” he retorted, hopping up and sitting on the counter. “I mean, the mafia is after him; what’s the chance of him getting out of it and still living?”

            “I don’t know, but you just have to have faith.” In both him and Yoochun, Junsu thought, smiling a little brighter.

            The younger’s behavior finally became noticed by Jaejoong. “Yah,” he called, staring suspiciously. “What’s so funny?”

            “Huh?” the cute man asked, looking up with wide eyes and a slice of a fresh orange between his lips.

            The sight made Jaejoong giggle softly. “Never mind. Just… hurry up and finish with dinner.”

            “You know,” Junsu said, chewing the tomato slice. “You could help me and speed up the process.”

            “Mmm… No, thanks. I’m too lazy.”

            Junsu smiled widely, his squeaky laugh resonating throughout the apartment. “And I wonder how you can take care of a baby.”

            “That’s for me to know and you to find out.” Jaejoong leaned down and pecked Junsu’s cheek before hopping off the counter and going around, turning the corner into the hall. “I’ll be right back; I have to use the restroom.”

            Before Junsu could protest, Jaejoong had already disappeared.

            The YooSu house was simple, yet complicated. For Jaejoong to reach the bathroom, he had to turn two corners, go through a few doors, and go up some stairs. When he reached the stairs, though, his heart nearly stopped. Right at the top of the steps was his daughter, about to roll down from trying to crawl. He tried to call out to her and do his best to run up to stop her, but a hand reached out and grabbed her before he could, pulling back to behind the corner.

           Jaejoong sighed and placed his hand over his heart, the muscle throbbing loudly from adrenaline. “Yoochun, what would I do without you?” he praised as he walked up the stairs slowly, his head a little dizzy. When he reached the top, a smile was plastered on his face. He turned, expecting to see Yoochun, but came face-to-face with the person of his dreams.

            Almond eyes. Bright smile. A mole on his upper lip.

            The next moment, everything went black for Jaejoong.


“I think he’s waking up!”

            “Be quiet, Yoochun, you’ll scare him!”

            “Both of you, calm down. He’ll be fine.”


            The mother groaned quietly, his eyebrows knitting together as he tried to open his eyes. His head throbbed painfully, and he wanted the headache to go away. Where was he, anyway? Had he fainted at work while performing, or did he fall and hit his head?


            That’s Yoochun, Jaejoong thought, the voice bringing him to open his eyes slowly. All he could see at first was a bright light, but his vision soon cleared. Two figures blocked his view.

            “Junsu,” he spoke, his voice hoarse.

            Junsu jumped at the opportunity to help Jaejoong. “Yes, hyung?”

            “Why am I here?”

            That was a question a third voice popped in to answer. “For Yoochun’s party.”

            Jaejoong’s eyes clearly showed confusion. That couldn’t have been… Yunho… The beautiful man turned his head to the side and, even with a pain shooting through his body, he managed to spot the voice’s owner. Sure enough, right there in front of Jaejoong, was his true love and the father of his baby.

            Jung Yunho.

            In Yunho’s arms, Min Hee stared at Jaejoong with widened eyes, and she looked content in her father’s arms. Without realizing it, tears fell freely down Jaejoong’s face. He tried to move and get to Yunho, but Yoochun and Junsu held him back.

            “Hyung,” Junsu piped up, “you’re hurt, you shouldn’t—”

            Jaejoong didn’t let him finish as he hopped off of the couch and crawled over to Yunho, his whole body shaking with fear as he raised a wobbly hand to Yunho’s cheek. If he touched him, would he disappear and leave him again? Would he say he had found somebody better while he was on the run? Would he say he had to leave again after the party, or that he was being thrown into a secret debtor’s prison because of the large amount of money he still had to pay?

            Instead of saying anything, Yunho took Jaejoong’s hand in his and held it at his cheek for him, smiling warmly. The simple gesture made Jaejoong break into even more tears, wrapping his arms around his missed lover’s neck tightly, careful not to hurt Min Hee in the process. Junsu noticed and took the initiative, grabbing Min Hee and taking her, allowing Yunho to wrap both of his arms around his petite boyfriend. As he kissed Jaejoong’s neck softly, he whispered, “I missed you so much, BooJae.”

            “I-I missed you, too, Y-Yunnie. Don’t leave me again,” Jaejoong sobbed into Yunho’s shoulder, finally able to let all of his frustrations go.

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yo_yunjae #1
Chapter 3: I'm happy yunjae endup together... but why Yunho running from mafia?
Chapter 3: Finally Yunho is back to his family......I love the story....thank you author nim
Chapter 3: awwww. so lovely <3
Chapter 2: Good that Yunho back with family
Chapter 1: Ohh poor Jae ... and where is Yunho???
That they have to save??
Chapter 3: i love ur story!!
lol..i love those pics at the end!!
doyce228 #7
Chapter 3: aww I love little Minhee :')
and smexy Onew too XD
Chapter 3: haha
mar1adyve5sa #9
Chapter 3: this so sweet and beautiful..I like it^^
Chapter 3: -TTwTT- that was absolutely beautiful~ hehe~