
Blame It On The Alcohol

Sunggyu looked around the club and watched his friends danced and drinking along with the pretty girls and sighed to himself. He doesn’t really like clubbing that much as because his friends had managed to convince him to go with them and here he is sitting at a table and drinking a shot of soju.

“Come on, hyung. Loosen up a bit, we are celebrating your graduation,” Seongyeol loudly spoke up since the music at the club was blasting off the speakers very loudly.

“I am.. But unlike you guys, I’m not good with girls,” the foxy-eyed teenager said to his friend when he saw someone that caught his eye.

Hyesu felt like someone was watching when she had arrived at the club that she co-owns with her sister-in-law with her friends. She looked around and smiled to see so many people enjoying themselves at the club and waved off the bouncer that was assigned to her at the club to watch over her. Slowly she made her way to the VIP section where she has her own tables with her friends. Dongwoo who was dancing with some girl noticed the group entering and grinned as he waved to one of the members of that group.

“You know them, Woo??,” Sunggyu asked as when Dongwoo came over and grabbed his drink.

“Yea.. We all know her. Gyu.. Our college’s resident ice queen, Choi Hyesu and her friends. You do know that she owns the club,” Dongwoo said and smirked when he noticed his friend was staring at the said girl.

“That’s Hyesu?? She looks so different,” Sunggyu spoke up when he heard it.

“Come on.. Let’s go and join her,” Woohyun shouted and dragged the rest of the boys while Sunggyu and Dongwoo  followed at a calmer pace.

At the VIP section.

“Err.. Miss Choi.. There’s a group of boys saying that they are your friends from college and want to join you here. Shall I let them in,” one of the bouncers had came and told her while she was drinking her shot of vodka lime.

“Its Dongwoo and his friends, girl. Let them join us, Su,” her friend told her and give the ice queen of college a puppy eyed look.

The girl looked at the group of boys and nodded at the bouncer before waving him off and poured another shot of vodka for herself. She was surprised and startled a bit when one of the boys had practically jumped and hugged her. She smiled in amusement and petted the younger guy on his head as she recognized him as her neighbor and also the youngest member of the group.

“Sungjong!! Ani..,” all of the boys shouted at the pretty looking guy who glomped at the girl.

“Noona.. I didn’t know that you are going to show up tonight,” Sungjong said as his friends gaped at him.

“Well, I’m here, baby. Just don’t drink too much,” the pale skinned girl said and ruffled his hair.

Sunggyu began to feel envious at his youngest friend as he didn’t know that his friend knew the college’s ice queen and that they both had grew up together in the same neighborhood. He glared at the youngest and began to drinking again as soon as the waitress came with more bottles of alcohol, soft drinks and ice cubes. Soon, he began to join his friends and danced with his college mates while keeping an eye on the girl who had caught his eye who is just sitting there drinking away and chatting with one of the guys that came with her and laughing.

“Like what you see, Sunggyu oppa,” one of the girls teased when she sees who he is looking at.

“Yea.. Err.. I mean..,” he said and stuttered when he realized what he had just said.

“Just go there and talk to her. She maybe an ice queen, but she doesn’t bite,” the girl said and grinned.

Maybe I should.. She is very pretty, even if she ignores me, at least I get to know her a bit better,” he thought as he made a way towards the girl.

Hyesu noticed the tall foxy-eyed guy who is the college’s favorite and popular student walking towards her table and began to pour some Jack Daniel’s mixed with coke into several glasses as she is the co-owner of the club and will play the nice hostess. She smiled and handed him a glass before she too drank the alcoholic drink. Sunggyu gulped down the drink and groaned as he felt the burning of the drink going down his throat and stared at the girl who was laughing at him.

“You’re not supposed to gulp it down in one shot. It will burn and sting. Drink and swirl it,” she said and handed him another glass.

He followed her instructions and drank it that way which he finds quite good. Soon, both were talking and drinking together like they were good friends which were a bit of a surprised to their friends but except for a certain pretty looking guy who was smirking at them.

“Why are you smirking, Sungjong,” Myungsoo or L as he is known asked.

Sungjong shook his head and walked away much to the shock of the taller teenager who just shrugged and joined his other college mates to dance.

“Come on.. Let’s dance,” Sunggyu spoke with a slur which made Hyesu giggle as it was amusing to see the role model of college who is going to graduate in a few days getting drunk.

Hyesu waved away the bouncer who had began to walk towards her when he sees the slightly tipsy teenager dragging their owner to the dance floor to dance. She just let Sunggyu lead her to the dance floor and danced with him. Several people were gaping at them as they knew that she rarely dance on the dance floor despite being the co-owner of the club. She was enjoying herself dancing with Sunggyu when he pulled her closer to him when a random guy had come closer towards them and danced.

“Relax, Gyu. Just enjoy it,” she said to calm the guy who is glaring at the stranger.

“Come on.. Let’s go back to your table,” Sunggyu said and gently tugged her away.

How sweet. He maybe tipsy but he’s still a reliable guy, Hyesu thought as she watched the senior pour himself another drink when they reached the table.

Soon, it was the closing time for the club and the patrons of the club slowly began to disperse to go home and sleep off the alcohol while the ice queen and role model student was sitting at the table cuddling much to the amusement of the workers.

“Noona.. Let’s go home.. I’ll help my hyung,” Sungjong said as he tried to pick up his elder friend.

“Shiiirrrooo.. ,” was heard grumbling from the foxy-eyed teenager as he held onto the steel blue eyed girl.

“It’s okay, baby.. Just help me carry him up to the condo. You guys can crash at my condo upstairs,” Hyesu told the youngest and his friends.

At the condo a few minutes later.

“Well, welcome to my condo.. Make yourselves at home, the food and drinks are in the kitchen but don’t even think of drinking again. The foldable mattresses and blankets are in that room. Bathrooms are at the third door and the other rooms that is shared,” Hyesu said as the others gaped at the large condo and her dragging Sunggyu with the help of Sungjong into one of the guest rooms.

“Wow.. Your condo is 2 levels and the club is downstairs,” Seongyeol spoke up when she came out from the guest room.

She smiled and began to make some drinks to help them sober up a bit and brought out some pills so it would help them with the hangover tomorrow morning especially to a certain foxy-eyed teenager who is in her bedroom. After every one of her friends and the boys have settled in and is sleeping soundly, she trudge back into her room to find Sunggyu still awake and was stumbling around to go to the bathroom.

“Woah.. Here.. Let me help you,” she said and helped him into the bathroom.

“Ugh.. Where..,” he slurred and began to throw up as they reached the sink.

“There.. There.. Here,” Hyesu as she passed him a glass of water.

A few minutes later, after getting him into the bed and changing into some night clothes, the girl got onto the bed to sleep when she felt a pair of arms wrapped around her and a hot breath at her neck. She waited until his breathing was steady which signaled him to be asleep before she shifted a bit to make herself comfortable and sleeps.

A few weeks later.

Sunggyu was happily holding hands with Hyesu as they went to meet up with their friends at the mall to watch a movie together. He smiled and nuzzled her in the neck as he pulled her into a hug when they had reached the mall and met up with their friends and their girls. The morning after that incident, he was shocked at his behavior and almost thought that he had done something but was glad that he didn’t when the girl woke up and got up from the bed to help him fully clothed. But he still felt somewhat responsible and ended up being friends with her and later confessed to her on his feelings for her a few days ago. Today he is on a somewhat a group date with her and their friends at the mall.

“You know, Sunggyu hyung. Who would had ever thought that the college’s role model student would have melted the heart of the ice queen,” Woohyun exclaimed as he watched the couple lovingly holding hands and kissed.

“I blame it on the alcohol for it. Hehehehe,” Sunggyu said and smiled as he hugged her again.

They laughed and smiled at the comment as they knew what the foxy-eyed teenager meant by it.

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Love the story! <3 ^_^
namwustar #2
omg I read this bcos of the title (and yes that eps of glee sea.2 is my fave one)<br />
aw sunggyunim.. such a charming and caring boy <3<br />
so sweet and yes blame it on the alcohol LOL good quote there ^~^<br />
<br />
keep up the good work ^~^