
Various Heavens




   DO NOT believe everything you read or hear because, my dear readers, not all of them are true. I, for one, was a victim to one of the biggest fibs mankind ever made. “The white light” they called it. I was told that when you die, you will see a warm bright light which will lead you to asylum. But that’s not how things work around here. You don’t get a friggin trial which will lead to an eternity of heaven or hell. There’s no such thing as heaven or hell, at least, not the kind that they teach us at school. What ACTUALLY happens is… you get a choice.  

   Either you live in the world of the dead, or you lose all the memories from your past lives and reincarnate. I chose the former one. I’ve lived in the afterlife for years and have yet managed to find my Juliet. I thought that when I died for her I would find my princess waiting in the glow of the tunnel for me, smiling, happy that we were finally able to be together. But I have searched through the darkest and brightest part of the afterlife without finding even the slightest bit of clue that might lead me to where she is.

   “She chose to reincarnate, bub” Galileo patted my back and tossed me a can of beer. Yes, they have beer in the afterlife. Actually, they have everything here as they do in the world of the living even as it evolves, except, you just can’t die.

   “Let it go man, she just… went on without you,”







Author's note:

Really short intro here. i'll post the first chapter up real soon. hope you like it so far xD comment and subscribe~

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