♕Calling ThatOneOtherWriter♕

♕ Byuntae Paradise ♕ ||REVIEW SHOP|| HAITUS


"A r e   Y o u   R e a d y?" 


              H o h o e m i  || ThatOneOtherWriter || Byuntaepotato ⇦                                             Set, 


T i t l e ❧  3/5 

Honestly, I had to search up the definition of Hohoemi. *hides in corner* The definition that i came across was "a soft smiling face". Please tell me if this is incorrect. I am unsure as to how the title fits your story so far, but seeing as how you only have 1 chapter, it is hard to gauge whether or not it is appropriate. Using my own imagination, i can see a few possibilities and they all seem to go quite well. 

P o s t e r & B a c k g r o u n d ❧ 5.5 /10 b u l g e s

I do not completely dislike your poster; however there are some things that I think needs to be improved upon. Your poster is the first thing that your reader sees; hinting as to the theme of your story. This you have done well. The dark colours inform the reader that your story is either going to be mysterious or angsty. I do not like the way the characters are placed and faded. Some faces I found difficult to see or packed too tightly against another. 

P l o t & o r i g i n a l i t y ❧ 9/10  t h i g h s

From what I have read, this story seems to be quiet unique. I must say that I love where you obtained your inspiration from. Dir en Grey are an amazing band and I actually kind of love you for writing a story after listening to their song ^.^

I couldn't give you a 5 though, because lately I am sure that people are beginning to, or have already, created war stories where idols have been shipped off. I am sure that through the progression of your story, there will be many defining features that will differentiate it from others and make it a notable story to read.  

G r a m m a r & s p e l l i n g ❧  9.5/10 b u t t s

You had no spelling mistakes that I could notice. Are you a human dictionary, hmmm?

There were a couple of wording errors that I spotted and in some sections your sentences lasted too long. This didn’t happen to long and is not really anything to worry about. I didn’t include them here are they are only minor, however if you would like to know what they are just PM me. 

W r i t i n g  s t y l e & s t o r y  f l o w ❧ 10/10  a b s

This is impeccable and I actually really love the way you set out your story. The way that you laid it out fit perfectly and, in my opinion, brought your story to a whole new level. I feel kind of stupid saying this because all you really did was inform the reader of the date and place but I just love it. Even though I do it in my own story, I am kind of sick of seeing POV written above every chapter or section. Pick up an actual printed novel these days and you hardly come into contact with this, yet authors on AFF have seemed to embrace it and use it everywhere.

I want to congratulate you for having the skill to successfully place clues into the story to tell us who's perspective we are reading, without it plainly being written.

You deserve a trophy or some kind of recognition. I could very well construct a throne for you right now. English just has to be your first language! Every word you wrote just fit so well, almost as if you are a writing god. You aren't are you? I sincerely hope that one day I can create a piece of literature that measures up to yours. Reading it was so refreshing and i couldn't wipe the smile off my face, despite the saddened mood. 


C h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n ❧ 10/10  n e c k  v e i n s 

You did this really well and seemed to do it effortlessly. You made sure to describe your characters and their feelings in detail, not leaving anything out. I felt like i connected with your story almost immediately, because I was able to gauge just how the characters were coping with their new found situation. I can't find anything here that you need to change or make better. All i can do is start a slow clap, by myself, at my computer...


O v e r a l l  e n j o y m e n t ❧ 96/100  

I loved your story due to its perfectness; however I don’t really read many war stories. I think you may have converted me though. I, on my own account, subscribed as I can barely contain my anticipation for the upcoming updates. 

              ▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃▴▹▾◃ have some nachos

A/N : none

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beybattler1 #1
review my story hub.com plis
beybattler1 #2
review my story hub.com plis
BananaNutt #3
Chapter 7: Thank you so much (: <3
- Username; clumsyblue

- Profile link; http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/317453

- Co-author if any; N/A

-Story title; The Scrapbook

-Story link; http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/412885

-Fanfic Genre/theme; romance, slightly fluff

-Is your story completed/ongoing/one-shot?; one-shot

-Which reviewer do you wish for?; anyone available

-Chapters to review 1-3 chapters(sorry we can't review a whole a story, unless it's a one-shot);

-Brief Summary; I don't need the presents. I don't need the pictures. I don't need the memories. I just need you, by my side again...

-Any additional comments; -

Thank you, :)
BananaNutt #5
- Username; BananaNutt

- Profile link; http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/7940

- Co-author if any; N/A.

-Story title; Right Side Up: happiness on earth

-Story link; http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/359535/right-side-up-happinessonearth-angst-fluff-key-kimhyunjoong-minho-romance-taemin

-Fanfic Genre/theme; romantic comedy. drama.

-Is your story completed/ongoing/one-shot?; Ongoing.

-Which reviewer do you wish for?; who ever is available and nice ^^'

-Chapters to review 1-3 chapters(sorry we can't review a whole a story, unless it's a one-shot); Chapters 1,2,10

-Brief Summary; Michaela and her best friend Kylie move to Seoul for school. They had no intentions of finding love. Until Michaela ran into Taemin who she later finds out is a famous celebrity she had admired when she was little. Meeting the rest of the members, Michaela is entangled in endless love triangles. With drama stacking on her shoulders, Michaela continues to search for happiness.

-Any additional comments; Uhm, im not that great of a writer, but its a remake, so its better than the past one >.< i hope its okay.
Chapter 5: Yay~! Hahaha I love you Brook <3 Thank you for this. I'll be waiting for the rest.
Hunny_chan210 #7
Chapter 6: Ahhhh I see == now I feel like i don't want to continue the story but thanks for the review

- Username; AshesAngel

- Profile link; http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/299137

- Co-author if any; N/A.

-Story title; ... Only For You ...

-Story link; http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/403977/only-for-you-eunhae-kyumin-minkey-shinee-superjunior-kangteuk-zhougeng

-Fanfic Genre/theme; School Life, Romance, Hurt/Comfort.

-Is your story completed/ongoing/one-shot?; Ongoing.

-Which reviewer do you wish for?; I don't mind, ^^

-Chapters to review 1-3 chapters(sorry we can't review a whole a story, unless it's a one-shot); Chapters 1-3 (it's all I have so far ^^;)

-Brief Summary; Lee Donghae is 15 and in his first year at SM Academy. He dreams of becoming an SM Trainee, and will go to any lengths to accomplish his dream. When a blast from the past enters his present, Donghae's world is turned upside down.

-Any additional comments; Most of the characters are either OOC, or modified in some way, whether it be age, family relations, etc.
Chapter 4: You call that harsh? You're the sweetest thing ever!
I liked it from top to bottom ;)
Yes, I'm too lazy to request a graphic or make one myself : |
Fakeness:my creation B)
About the originality, I thought so too! I mean like I don't see a lot of stories with this plot here, there was a reviewer that told me this wasn't original and stuff :c
And no my other stories are cliche and terrible cause i wrote em when i was 13 -_-'
Im happy you enjoyed this!
- Username; hansollover

- Profile link; http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/77178

- Co-author if any; no

-Story title; My Fear Is Betrayal

-Story link; http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/415570

-Fanfic Genre/theme; Dark/Angst, Drabble

-Is your story completed/ongoing/one-shot?; Completed drabble.

-Which reviewer do you wish for?; byuntaepotato

-Chapters to review 1-3 chapters(sorry we can't review a whole a story, unless it's a one-shot); –

-Brief Summary; I used to be someone who people's souls with my fakeness because of a stupid reason. I used to win in this game, but I lost. I lost to betrayal, my worst fear.

-Any additional comments; –