SHINee Nekos~!


This is my first real-ish fanfiction so I'm WAY nervous. I know I'm not that great so I'm open to criticisim but please don't be too harsh.

Neko isn't the proper term but it's the closest so please excuse my terrible term use...?


"Hyung, you like Jaehwa?"

"Neh... But she likes Donghae hyung and I can't do anything about that!"

"You can become her type."

"What is her type anyway?"

"Well it's um... it's...we can have Taemin help us and have him ask her questions about her type and then shape you to it!"

"But I want her to like me for me Minho-ah."

"And then once you got her we'll slowly turn you back into yourself! Until we find out her real type I heard that girls like bad boys. Let's make you a bad boy hyung."

"If this plan doesn't work I'm scratching your eyeballs out."

"Well ME-OW to you too kitty boy."



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darrocesther #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^