

I sit at my desk and watch the newton balls swing back and forth, hitting eachother ever so slightly to send the other a long distance before returning to repeat the process.

I sighed and leaned back in the oversized office chair and looked at the white ceiling. *There's nothing to do* I sat back up and grabbed my phone from the desk and clicked the only button on it. The screen lit up and nothing was there, as usual.

Everyone in the capital city are living in their homes, working, doing school work, or are simply abiding by the laws. Nothign ere is great as everyone thinks it is, our rules are much more strict. Simply because the capital does not like unorganized public gatherings, that includes just taking a walk outside your house. The rules are simple, we must not be aloud outside of our homes until it is past noon, we must be inside before the treets light up, and if we are caught outside after curfew the capital has the option to activate our timers.

So one can imagine how often anyone breaks those rules.

I sighed once more and looked over at the clock, 11:58. My lips pursed and I reached for my phone, but the screen was already lit. I clicked the button and opened the message:

From: Kai

2 mins dude. Let's meet at the usual spot? 

To: Kai


I clicked the button and walked over to the closet. I put my hand to the scanner and felt a small poke in my palm, the door opened and I walked in. I didn't choose anything fantastic, I was just going for a walk, so I simply choose clothes I didn't mind getting dirty. 

I turned my head when I heard a hard smack on my window, I walked over to open it and saw Kai on the ground with a handful  of rocks. Not pebbles, but big rocks. *Aish~This kid is going to break my house*

"Yah! Rocks are for throwing at people, or birds! Not my window!" I said as I jumped from my window to the tree that was right across. Kai laughed when I got to the ground and threw the rocks back where they were. 

"Stop being like that dude. Learn that nothing bad is going to happen if I throw a few rocks."

"Other then breaking my window? Yea, cause rocks can't do anymore harm then that." I said in an annoyed tone.

"Aish, I can't wait until you find your match. You're a total brat." Kai laughed as he sped up his pace down the snowy street. I looked around and put my hands into my hoodie as I walked. Even though it was snowing, it wasn't cold, the capital made sure everything was perfect, no matter what the weather was like. I missed it though, I missed the cold, I missed the unbearable heat, the rain, everything. 

Kai's footprints in the snow revealed the clear street hiding under the snow. Everything was like that, clear, no color. Mainly because a lot of people were scarred that the earth was still radioactive but that covering the pretty grass would only make it die. The earth is the only color we have, and that is the one thing that everybody misses. 

Once we got to town I lagged behind as Kai flirted with the girls in the market and checked their numbers. It was so unlikely he would meet anyone with the same number as him, everyone is so spread apart that unless the capital brings you too together it is almost impossible to find your match. 

I sighed to myself as I walked by an outdoor market. I examined a necklace that was hanging from a carved branch, it was gold with a silver feather at the end. It was covered in all the colors you could buy or have in your house. I can't imagine how expensive and how long it took to make this beautiful peice of jewlery.

"Do you like it?" I turned over and saw an old woman wearing a brown hood, she was smiling.

"It's very beautiful." I said just before I started to walk away. She grabbed my hand and pulled me back to face her. She opened my hand and put the necklace inside.

"Have it my boy. It will come in handy, trust this old bird." She smiled  once more before letting my hand go and walking away. I opened my hand and saw the necklace's colors reflecting off the white colors around it. I smiled to myself and put the small item into my pocket.


Kai and I started back for my house when Kai spotted something.

"Woah look at that!" I looked up and saw Kai running over towards the woods, I paniced, we weren't allowed over in that direction. I looked around before following quickly after him. 

"What is it?" I asked, out of breath. Kai didn't respond, he continued to stare in the same direction he was running towards, but he stayed still and silent. "Kai?" I peered around him and saw something lying on the ground. 

"What is that?" Kai asked, I shrugged and started to make my way over to the object. As I got closer and closer I could start to make out the details. "I-I think it's a person Kai, come over here and help me." I ran over to the body and wiped off some of the snow. It was a girl, and she looked like she had been in the woods for quite a while. Kai ran over to my side and helped me pick her up and onto my back.

"She doesn't look too good, she needs some medical help." Kai said as we started to make our way back to the town, the something caught my eye. 

"No. We'll bring her back to my place. People can't know she's here, not like this." I said as I started to walk a bit faster.

"Why?" Kai asked as he struggled to keep up. 

* that's my number....*

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Chapter 3: Awww... They finally met! XD
Chapter 2: Update soon c: this is interesting!
Chapter 2: Interesting! I'm looking forward to reading this c:
Chapter 1: Was the first comment.. might as well be the 2nd too XD Lmao.. so far so good~ funnily enough it sorta reminds me of a Hunger Games-esque theme story. Apart from a couple of grammatical mistakes (I think >< ) it was great! :'D
*subscribes* XD sounds amazing! Can't wait for your first update! Trust me to be a steady reader~ keke nice to read a new plot Author--nim.