~~ OUR LULLABY ~~ (Kaizy)


...A Lullaby came and swept me away...She saved me...And for that I'm eternally grateful...


My name is Suzy...and I know I can do it...

  • Ignore the mean comments
  • Ignore the y girls
  • Ignore the stupid boys
  • Ignore the horrible pranks
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...But...how do I ignore him?


My name is Kai...

  • Why does she ignore me all the time?
  • I should stop being so awful to her...
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • How do I get her to notice me?



When true love comes knocking...


there is nowhere to hide...

nowhere to run...




So face it with courage...


face it with dignity...


...and the rest will fall into place...



xx love, your story teller...

Thank you for clicking on my story.

All ideas and thoughts are purely my imagination! And I try to update as often as I can.

What can I say about me? I just love writing. I love creating stories and I love my kpop :)

If you want to stay up to date with me as I write, then please subscribe!! 

If you would like to let me know what you think then also drop me a comment!

I'd be sure to try and reply to everyone individually!

Keep safe guys!



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Chapter 21: I'm still in love with your story!!! I really hope you will update soon^^
thank you so much and good luck;:))
Chapter 21: I love your story^^ I hope you will update soon;)))
thank you very much and good luck!!
Chapter 21: Huwaa.. Kai leaing country?? Just do LDR, don't part them, or take suzy with you.. It's the best choice afterall and u can pack suzy with hef father too, just add 1 more person doesn't take much right.. Hehe..
Chapter 10: Huwaa.. So krystal not going to be the antagoniat here.. So relieve about that.. And kai so pitiful, suzy hope u can make his day bright..
Chapter 9: No, no, no.. Why you said that suzy don't want you kai, she just confuse with ur sudden confession, aigoo.. Now u turn me into a talkative reader author nim..
Chapter 8: I'm totally loke it when the two buddy bickering about the girls.. It's so cute but why krystal must be here, but i hope with kryatal prensence will nake suzy realize her feeling soon to kai..
Chapter 7: Omoo.. Suzy quick figure your heart to kai soon.. kai just need a little push to make it work.. And why i'm laughing again at the dad and daughter convo?? Weird...
Chapter 6: Wow, i'm totally love this fic, beciz everybody has their own pair, and i'm glad that sehun not love suzy, bcoz i need more kaizy momments here.. Hehe.. and kai here sooo innoncent with his dirty(?) mind on suzy.. Hahha..