


I woke to find the spot beside me empty. It had been over a week since Daehyun left, with another week left till his return.
It was never the same without him here. I felt almost empty, to not see his face every morning or to feel his arms around me. But of course, I needed to get used to this. Daehyun had an important job now. When he got the phone call, he had to be at the place in a matter of hours. 
I liked that Dae had a job and he was important in the working industry, but it left me almost sleepless, barely making it through a day. Dae said I had major withdrawal issues and that maybe I should get it checked out. It's not his fault either; that I'm madly in love with him, and it isn't his fault he has a job like he does.
"Dear Jonguppie,
I have once again left for the States but guess what? I'm only gone for 2 weeks instead of the usual 6. I know you're going to miss me like crazy, but phone calls are going to be nearly impossible. What I do want you to do is, text or email me whenever you want. 
I love you, so much Jongup. I'll be home as soon as I can, I promise the two weeks will be gone quicker then you think. 
Be good, my handsome puppy.
Love, Dae."
Re-reading his letter, still brought a smile to my face. I kept it beside my bed, it reminded me to text him and occasionally I would call just to leave a short voicemail.
It was now nearly the end of the week, only 4 more days until Daehyun would be home. Over the last two weeks, I had barely managed to get 6 hours sleep; per night. My friends had started to notice that something was up.
"Jongup, are you feeling okay? You look terrible.. No offence."
Junhong whispered, his small hand wrapped around my wrist. 
I shook my head once, rubbing my face with my free hand.
"Dae's been gone for nearly 2 weeks.. I can barely sleep without him.. Is this serious, Junhong? Do I have some sort of.. Problem?"
The younger's nervous blinking was back, and his lip was again being abused by his teeth.
"I-I don't know hyung.. It could be. I mean, it might just be you have withdrawal issues. You know, you've become so dependent on him, that it's hard to be away..."
His sentence drifted off, eyes laid on my face.
I knew I looked terrible. The dark circles under my eyes were no joke. It almost looks like I've been in a brutal punch on. But Junhong was right, I did have withdrawal issues.
"Once Daehyun gets home, I'll get to a doctor or something."
I promised Junhong, giving him a faint smile.
A phone, a phone was ringing and man it was loud. Slowly sitting up, I reached for my phone and gasped. Daehyun was calling me!
"Hello? Daehyun? I've missed you so much! Are you coming home early? Are you hurt? Have you been eating properly? Oh I can't wait to see you, Dae. I've missed your voice so much. I-"
I was cut off with a loud laugh.
"Oh Jongup. If only you were this excited all the time. I've missed you too, baby, a lot. I'm coming home in just 3 more days, possibly even 2 if I'm lucky. Why would I be hurt, hm? I'm never clumsy. Yes I have been eating properly, My manager doesn't allow me to go to sleep on an empty stomach. Now, the purpose of my call. I just wanted to see how you're doing... Is everything okay?"
I was so glad to hear everything was okay. Just hearing his voice gave me butterflies; like a high school crush does.
"Good, I'm glad. Ah.. I haven't been sleeping much, Dae. I just can't.. But I promised Junhong that I would see a doctor once you get home. Will you come with me?"
There was a slight pause. I had a feeling Dae wouldn't be too happy to hear of my lack of sleep. But at least I was planning to get some help, right?
"Oh Jongup... Of course I'll come with you. Maybe I'll try and convince work to stop moving around so much... And don't you go and try and talk me out of it, because you need me. I can't have my baby not sleeping, can I? Ah, baby I have to go. I'll see you in 3 days, I love you so, so much."
Another sleepless night, without him by my side.
"He'll be home in just a few more days, Jongup..." 
I would tell myself each night he was gone, holding his pillow close to me.
Soon enough, he was only a few hours away from reaching the doorstep. 
I had a feeling tonight, I would sleep like a baby. I would be re-united with the love of my life. I'll be able to snuggle up to his warm, strong body and listen to his heartbeat, have it send me to sleep.
It was the evening of Daehyun's return and I was in the kitchen, cooking up a storm. I made his favourite meal and desert in just under 2 hours. I had also done as Dae had told, and managed to get at least 10 hours sleep over the past 4 nights. I couldn't wait to see his handsome face, to touch his baby soft hair, nuzzles my cheek against his, step into his warm embrace and to have his lips against mine. He made me so happy, no one could ever deny that.
I found myself standing in front of the mirror, smoothing the crinkles from my white dress shirt and skinny jeans, messing with my hair a bit.
"He's in for a big surprise!"
I exclaimed to my reflection, a bright smile lit up my small face.
Striding out to the kitchen, I picked up my wine glass and checked the time. He should be here any minute.
Taking a small sip of the wine, I shivered with excitement when I heard a car engine pulling up in front of our house. I quickly placed the glass down and scrambled for the lights, dimming them slightly, quickly admiring the meal I had set out for my handsome partner.
With my hand on the door handle, I heard keys slide into the lock from the other slide, and a small yelp as I opened the door with such force. Reunited in those arms of his, I nuzzles my face against his neck, my ankles locking around his waist as he held me close to his body.
"Well hello there~"
Daehyun whispered against my hair, slowly and carefully making his way into the house.
"I missed you, so much.."
I whispered back before pressing my lips against his, hands sliding up into his hair.
Sitting side by side, I watched as Dae almost devoured the meal I had cooked for him, earning many hums of content and multiple "This is so good.. Wow, you must make this again!" I was glad he had enjoyed my cooking, but even more so that he was finally home. When the both of us had finished our food, I poured the both of us another glass of wine before shuffling off to get the cheesecake from the fridge. Cheesecake was Dae's favourite, he said he would have married it if he could. Pabo..
As I came back into the dining room, Daehyun was slowly sipping his wine, starting to look exhausted. I placed the two plates of cheesecake down and smiled.
"I made this for you, Dae. I hope it tastes good.."
He gave me a reassuring smile, digging in straight away. I watched as his face lit up; he loved it! We both finished off our desert and Dae helped me clean up the dishes and beaten the table. Once that was all complete, it was time for bed. I could tell that the past two weeks had worn Daehyun out dramatically and he needed a fair bit of rest.
"Thank you so much Jongup.. For the dinner, the desert, my favourite wine.. It was a perfect way to come home. I had missed you like crazy, and I missed this especially.."
Dae gestured to the way we were laying; my head on his chest, his arms around my torso and shoulder and our legs tangled together.
I let out a soft giggle, tipping my head back to admire the face that kept me weak at the knees.
"Mm.. Your heartbeat.. It's almost like a lullaby.."
I mumbled, closing my eyes as I started to get drowsy, my whole body relaxing as I listened to Dae's steady heartbeat. With a small yawn, Dae's eyes shut as well; his breathing beginning to slow down.
"Good night, Jongup. I love you, so much.."
Dae whispered, his hand finding mine.
"And I love you... Sleep well..."
With that, we both feel into a deep and heavy slumber, with all our worries pushed aside for another day. Tonight, I know I'll be sleeping like a baby for my partner is home and I'm going to make sure, he doesn't leave for a long time.
I'm sorry for such a late update... I hadn't finished and suddenly school and family life was my one priority. I'm also sorry for this being short but I hope you like it ; w ; 

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rocksolidpanda #1
Chapter 1: Aw so sweet! And I feel you on the schoolwork taking over your life. -_-