The Secret Mrs. Cho Kyuhyun


Yup, you've guessed it. I'm secretly married to the maknae of Super Junior, Cho Kyuhyun. Only, we can't tell the anyone other than the members and our family because they're afraid of what their fans will do..


"Uri neun, super juni-oryo!" The famous boyband, Super Junior, shouted as they introduced themselves, giving their trademark handsign and smiling charmingly at the camera. The fan girls who had gathered to watch their idols recording the show shrieked loudly, waving their banners and posters frantically.

"Welcome Super Junior!" The tall and slim talk show host bowed towards them as the cameras started rolling. "It’s been so long since I last saw you! Firstly, congratulations on your big win at the recent Korean Music Awards! 5 big awards! You guys were the biggest winners that night! How do you feel about your success?" She exclaimed, smiling brightly.

"We really have to thank ELFs, without their never ending support, we would never be able to accomplish all these. We're really thankful to all of them." Eeteuk, the leader replied sincerely while the 10 members bowed towards the camera.

"So, with your successes up till date, there must be a lot of temptations, we’re all very curious to find out how do all of you keep yourselves grounded?"

"By wearing shoes." Eunhyuk retorted quickly as the entire studio erupted in laughter.  

"We constantly remind ourselves that we wouldn't have accomplised anything at all without the support of ELF, the staff at our SM family as well as our family and friends. We are also forever grateful to our Heavenly Father for watching over us constantly, we wouldn’t be able to achieve anything without his guidance and help." Siwon smiled with his hands clasped tightly together. Heechul gave a knowing smirk at . It was too typical of Siwon to include his religion in everything.

"Ah, moving on to the next topic. There are rumours flying around that Kibum-shi will be participating in 5thjib. Is that true?"

"Thank you all for your concerns, our Kibummie is currently filming his drama, so that leaves to be said. That said, of course we'll be more than happy to welcome him home if his schedule and the company permits him."

"And the last question, which I'm very sure every ELF fan girl is dying to know. Are any of the members seeing other people currently?" The host asked.

The members laughed heartily. "Well, Shindong is already nearly married to his beloved Nari-shi," Eeteuk said, patting Shindong's knee while looking at him fondly. The group's umma had a proud look on his face as he looked upon his group member. "While the rest of us are looking on enviously and hoping to catch up with him soon. I want to have a family of my own too!" Donghae chipped in, whining slightly. It was a well known fact that he wanted to have kids the most. 

"Please feel free to contact our company to arrange dates with us on our vacation days." Kyuhyun joked, giving a smirk to the camera which sent all their fan's hearts fluttering. Heechul winked at the camera, drawing a scream from the fangirls. They certainly knew how to capture hearts with their boyish charm and smirks.    

The host hid a bashful smile behind her hands as she laughed at their antics. "That's all we have for this short segment with Super Junior. Of course, we wish them all the best of luck with their careers and hope to see their 5th album in stores soon! It has been a pleasure hosting the 10 of you today! Tune in for more of the latest updates with the hottest kpop idols!" She concluded the short interview with a sweet smile and a slight bow. "Up till now, it has been Park Jiyoung with Super Junior!" She said as the cameras flashed to the boy band and they bowed deeply, waving goodbye.

"Cut! Good take! It’s a wrap!" The PD shouted to the entire studio. The staff and artistes clapped as they bowed and thanked each other for the hard work. Kyuhyun went forward to shake the hand of the host, thanking her for doing such a wonderful job. The fans who had been quiet for the better half of the recording erupted in screams as they gathered around the 10 members, ing gifts and notebooks into their hands.

"Oppa! Saranghae!"

"Kyuhyun oppa! You're so handsome!"

"Araso." Kyuhyun smirked as he signed a couple of notebooks, even though he didn’t bother to look up at the fans.

"Aish, this magnae." Sungmin, who was standing next to him, patted his head.

"Yah hyung! My hair!" Kyuhyun scowled, grabbing Sungmin's hand that was on his head and bringing it down but not letting go. The fangirls screamed even louder at the 'Kyumin' fanservice that was displayed before their eyes. “Besides, I’m good looking, so you like me, right?” He grinned cockily at Sungmin.

"Kyumin is real!" One fangirl screamed, jumping on the spot at the sight of her OTP. She clutched her friend's arm in excitement. The other members chuckled to themselves as they shook their heads. Such an insignificant expression could draw such a huge response from their fans. Their height of their popularity was still surprising to them at times.

Meanwhile, at the back of the studio..

"Jiyoung-shi! Well done, as always!" The 40-year-old and slightly balding PD patted Jiyoung's arm as she walked past, heading towards the changing room. She winced at the contact of his skin against hers. She was wearing a sleeveless dress which left her arms exposed.

"Kamsahamnida, Kang PD-nim." She thanked him politely.

"Aigoo, look at you. I've told you there's no need to use formal language with me." He smirked at her discomfort, his fingers lingering a little longer than necessary on her arms. She bowed slightly, moving away from his touch. He was always making moves on her, but she could not reject him outright because he was one of the most well known PDs in Seoul. His shows always had high ratings and if she wanted to get more hosting acts, she had to be respectful to him.

"Aish. Those Super Junior boys. Are they gay or something? Always touching each other so frequently." He raised an eyebrow, frowning upon the Kyumin fanservice. "I wouldn't put it past them, though. Living around 10 other boys of their age with no female companions. They're bound to get lonely, I suppose." He said, shrugging to himself.

"Anniyo! Of course they're not!" Jiyoung exclaimed, shaking her head vigorously. The PD was shocked from her sudden outburst. She seemed overly defensive about them. "Heh, mianhamnida, I know them personally so I know that none of them are what you think." She laughed awkwardly as she bowed once more and left in the direction of the changing room.

The PD scratched his head in frustration. 'Jiyoung-shi! Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?' He called at her retreating back. Kyuhyun's head snapped up as soon as he heard the PD's invitation. He frowned. Didn't Kang PD-nim know that Jiyoung was attached?

'Uh, no thanks, PD-nim. I appreciate the offer but I already have an appointment tonight.' Jiyoung bowed and exited the studio. Kang PD scowled as he watched her leave. She had told him many times that she was already attached but he had refused to back down. He wanted the tall and slim talk show host and he would do whatever it took to make her his.


‘Shi Eun-shi!’

‘Eh?’ The girl called Shi Eun turned around at the mention of her name. She had a small, petite frame with long black hair and side swept bangs that framed chubby cheeks.

‘A-are you free after school t-tonight?’ Her best friend, Baek Hyun Jung, panted. He had ran from the other end of the hallway to catch her.

‘I need to go buy some art supplies, accompany me?’ He scratched the back of his head. Shi Eun nodded, smiling widely. Hyun Jung heaved a sigh in relief and returned the smile. Asking her out, even though it was just a simple thing like buying art supplies, was always difficult. Shi Eun didn’t know, but Hyun Jung had had a crush on her ever since they were desk partners in seventh grade. The puppy love had not fade away but had grown into a full blown crush by the time they entered high school. They were currently in the last year of their high school and Hyun Jung had made a promise to himself, that if Shi Eun hadn’t gotten herself a boyfriend by prom, he would confess to her.

Shi Eun glanced at her watch and gasped. ‘I gotta run, I’m late for History class! Meet you at the gate after school!’ She said, already running in the direction of the classrooms.

‘See you later..’ Hyun Jung said to himself as he turned in the opposite direction towards the cafeteria.


The dismissal bell rang as the students immediately began packing their bags. Shi Eun closed her pencil case and packed it into her bag as she stood up.

‘Are you going anywhere after school?’ Her classmate, Hye Mi asked.

‘Hyun Jung needs to buy some art supplies, so I’m accompanying him.’

‘Ah.. is it a date then?’ Hye Mi teased, poking her friend in the ribs.

‘Anni!’ Shi Eun laughed, squirming. ‘He’s my best friend!’

‘Eh? I’m sure that boy has a crush on you! I’ll bet he’s already waiting outside the classroom for you.’ Hye Mi snorted as the pair of them exited the classroom.

True enough, Hyun Jung was already was leaning against the adjacent wall, waiting for Shi Eun.

‘Told you so~’ Hye Mi sang into her ear. She ducked as Shi Eun tried to smack her arm. ‘I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone then, see you tomorrow!’ Hye Mi waved goodbye, giggling at her friends.

‘Annyeong, Hye Mi-shi.’ Hyun Jung bowed slightly, blushing while trying to contain his smile. ‘Let’s go, Shi Eun-ah.’


The pair of them walked into the small art supplies shop located near their school.

‘Shi Eun-ah, what is your favourite colour?’ Hyun Jung brought up the topic as he looked through the different paint colours.

‘White and black, I guess.’ She shrugged. ‘Simple but nice and classic. Wae?’

‘Ah, the theme of the final year project is ‘People I love’, so I was thinking of adding you in.’ He said absentmindedly.

‘As a best friend, I mean! You know, like how all best friends would..’ He stopped in his tracks and hurriedly explained. He grimaced inwardly, chiding himself for letting his plan slip out.

‘Oh. People you love? Of course, you have to add me in, I’m your best friend!’ She laughed, passing the awkward moment off with a joke.

Hyun Jung laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. ‘Yeah, that’s what best friends are for, right?’ He heaved a sigh of relief.

Ona, keu nuga nuga mworaedo naneun sangwan obdago’ The chorus of ‘Neorago’ by Super Junior rang out from Shi Eun’s phone indicating that she had received a text. She fished out her phone from her pocket and flipped it open.

From: Jagiya~
Where are you?

She glanced at her watch and gasped as she realised she was late for the second time of the day.

‘Omo!’ She exclaimed.

To: Jagiya~
Omo! I went to buy art supplies with Hyun Jung and forgot about the time! Mianhe Jagiya~ <3

‘Hyun Jung-ah, I have to go home now! Mianhe, my.. friend is looking for me!’

‘Wait, I’ll send you home.’ Hyun Jung grabbed her arm.

‘It’s alright! I’ll just take the bus, see you tomorrow!’ She shook her head, running out of the shop.

He frowned in confusion, ever since they had returned from spring break, Shi Eun hardly allowed him to send her home anymore and she always had somewhere to go after school. Today was actually one of the rare days where she agreed to accompany him.

‘I’ll ask her about it tomorrow.’ He sighed as he paid for the items and trudged out of the shop.



Okay, 2 female characters have appeared! Guess who is Kyuhyun's secret wife! Heh please support and give my story a lot of love~! Thank you~ ^^


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^ ^
everytime i see this picture, i wonder if kyuhyun really is single
New reader and I'm Subbing to this awesome fic now!
awwwie! i miss geng :(( so the reporter is siwonnie oppa's wife! hahah i thought she was leeteuk's wifey :))<br />
update soon
chubbybunny2 #5
kimsarang: haha unexpected twist! ^^ thank you for commenting! :)<br />
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miake_saranghe: hehe yes nobody guessed it was Siwon's wife hehe ^^ thank you for commenting~
kimsarang #6
i never thought that the other girl was siwon's wife haha grrreat!!
oh my even siwon has a wife...<br />
aigooo hangeng is having a hard time accepting that he did not know about the 2 couple.~~<br />
pls update soon ^_^thanks
chubbybunny2 #8
miakie_saranghe: yes gomawo~ ^^<br />
<br />
gAarA_yEyE05: Thank you for subscribing! ^^<br />
<br />
kimsarang: I envy her too~~ hehehe<br />
<br />
ofhumming: heh, that leaves to be said! Thank you! ^^
ofhumming #9
wait hold on... there are if shieun is the wife then who is the other girl "attached" to?! :O<br />
very interesting so far n___n
kimsarang #10
whoooaaaa~ he and his wife living together in suju dorm?<br />
kyaaaaaa i envy her >,<