Chapter 4

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“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.” ― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh



“Hey, Soo, what are you doing here?” Kris blurted out upon seeing Sooyoung sitting on his bed. Sooyoung looked flustered, “Um… I-I… I was just…” Sooyoung stuttered and her face reddened. She immediately pulled her hand away from his face.

Kris got up from his bed, looking very much amused, “What’s with your face? You have a fever or something?”

Sooyoung covered her, now blushing, cheeks with her palms, “There’s nothing wrong with my face!”

Kris chuckled and put his hand on Sooyoung’s forehead, “Your temperature seems normal… The room is not hot either… What’s wrong with my Sooyoungie?” He raised his eyebrows.

Sooyoung slapped his hand from her forehead, “Nothing’s wrong with me , now come on, my mum told me that dinner is ready.”

“Or maybe there’s something wrong with my face?” Kris face showed a questioning look.

“And what makes you think so?” Sooyoung gritted her teeth.

“Because…” Kris grinned mischievously, “You were about to touch my face earlier, right, Sooyoungie? Do I really look that handsome?”

Sooyoung’s cheeks were as red as the color of a sweetpea flower, and Kris could easily tell that she was embarrassed.

“In your dream, butthead, now hurry!” Sooyoung retorted as she stomped her feet and walked to the door, “I’ll be waiting for you downstairs!” And she flew out of the room.

Kris let out another chuckle upon remembering her attitude. He was quite shocked, to be honest, when he saw her sitting on his bed. Yes, he did fall asleep earlier after he took a bath, because he was so freakingly tired, so… Yeah.

Kris recalled her blushing face when he caught her staring at his sleeping profile. He smiled, since when Sooyoung has become so pretty? He felt something unexplainable stirred inside him, something that made him wanted to smile, and laugh, and… it happened every time he saw her. What’s wrong with me? Kris thought while changing his clothes. Could it be... a smile made its way to his face, but then… No. Kris thought while shaking his head. He would never sacrifice his friendship with Sooyoung for anything. She was too precious for him; their friendship was too… precious. He would never ever let something got into their friendship. Not even his love for her.



Sooyoung waited for Kris in his living room. She observed his house, so… quiet. He must be very lonely, Sooyoung thought. Thinking about him made Sooyoung’s mind wandered back to the earlier incident. I almost touched his face! What’s wrong with me?! Sooyoung mentally asked herself while shaking her head vigorously. But… Kris is handsome, like Yoona said… She thought. And then she blushed, since when he has become so handsome?

Sooyoung felt something stirred inside her, something that made her wanted to smile, and laugh, and jump, and squeal, and giggle, and… it happened every time she saw him. Could it be… Sooyoung felt her cheeks heated and a small smile was formed on her lips. But we are friends, and friends are not supposed to… you know, like each other… Sooyoung heard a small voice inside her head, she frowned. Well, maybe best friends aren’t that bad… right? She thought and another smile made its way to her face, but this time, it was a sad one.

“Hey,” Sooyoung felt someone tugging her shirt and when she turned, she saw Kris. He was… fully clothed, thank God! Sooyoung thought. “Come on.”

Kris leaded their way to the door and walked to her house, which was just right beside his. Sooyoung was walking behind him, didn’t even say a word to him. That bothered him the most, when she didn’t talk to him.



“Is this seat taken?”

Sooyoung lifted her head and spotted Luhan, standing in front of her with his tray of food on his hand. “Huh?” Sooyoung blinked.

“Is this seat taken?” He repeated and his face was wearing a small smile.

Sooyoung quickly regained her consciousness and smiled back at him, “Um… No.”

“Is it okay if I sit here?”

“Oh, of course.”

With that, Luhan put his tray of food on the table and sat beside Sooyoung. When he started to eat his food, Sooyoung was too busy thinking, why would this guy sit here? And she left her food untouched. Luhan realized it and laughed a little, “Aren’t you going to eat that?”

Sooyoung gasped, “Um… I-I…”

“Oh, sorry Sooyoung… Do I bother you?”

“Oh, no, it’s okay,” Sooyoung quickly responded. Luhan was her classmate after all. She started to eat her food.

“Where is Kris?” Luhan tried to start a conversation. Sooyoung, who wasn’t ready to talk to him, didn’t quite catch what he was saying earlier.

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Chapter 10: I want moooorreee. And their kiidddssss! :D
Chapter 10: Wow... Great story... Love it.. Sookris jjang...
mingmingnakub #3
Chapter 10: Happ ending. Thanks you for this fic. :)
mingmingnakub #4
Chapter 9: What happens to Kris? Will Kris propose to Sooyoung? OMG
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Chapter 8: So sweet and . Please more. lol
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Chapter 7: When Kris will come back to Sooyoung?
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mingmingnakub #8
Chapter 5: So sweet (dancing) but so sad because he goes back to Vancouver. T^T
mingmingnakub #9
Chapter 4: Yoona!!!! Sooyoung blushed because Kris (Not Luhan) :(
mingmingnakub #10
Chapter 3: Poor Kris and his mother. T^T