In the Past

*Joong Ki*

Three days; three days since I got that car, and its aleady having problems?

3 problems at that; the screeches when I brake, the windows that won't roll up/down, and the back doors; theyre stuck as well!

Reluctantly calling the car company, I tell them about my problems...


I was doing such a good job of keeping my identity hidden and safe and apart...

Until I bought this car.


*Ji Hyo*

Waiting in the room, I give a little, startled jump when the phone starts to ring.

Upon one look at the caller ID, he smirks, then picks up the phone.

"Yes, President Song here"

His gravelly voice fills my guts with hatred, and the blood inside me boils all over my body.

That idiot.

That monster

To do this to my happy life...

Making my heaven a hell

"Ji hyo, aren't you going to take it"

The sound of his monstrosity filled voice calling my name bring me back into focus.

I find him, it, holding up his filth-covered phone to me.

I take it.


The voice on the other side is so familiar.

"Hi, this is Song Joong Ki. I made a purchase of a car three days ago, and it has a couple problems already. I'm insured for another 3 years, so is it possible for you to come over to my residence and check my car?"

I can't hear anything he's saying...


No, its not possible...


he calls out

"yes, yes.. sure. i will make sure I do that. See you in a little bit."

I hang up and shiver while handing the phone back, careful not to make contact with his fingers in anyway.

An obvious look of victory and joy is plastered on the cruel monster's face, and it gives me chills as I start to walk away.


*Joong Ki*

Hanging up, all the energy drains out of my body as I weakly place the phone back on the stand.

That voice...it was so familiar.

It was the same voice that kept on ringing in my head.

The same voice that comforted me when I most needed comfort.

The same voice that was by my side, even when my own family wasn't.

The same voice that gave me warmth; knowing that she was there with me.

The same voice that laughed in the most beautiful way.

The same voice belonged to her.

Her, that kept me hanging here like this for the past 3 years...


Chun Sung Im...




"Wait, Ji hyo..."

I ignore him and continue to walk toward the door.

"Chun Sung Im!"

I freeze, flinching at how loud he said my name.

Dont say my name...Dont use it with that filthy tongue of yours...Dont dirty it.

I heart him walk up to me, and shiver as he places his cold hands on my shoulder, handing me a piece of scrap paper with scribbles.

"You don't even know his address. Stupid girl. Foolish girl. So cold-hearted, you won't even accept your fathers help anymore?"

Snatching the paper from him, I hit his hand and leave, taking long strides to leave this miserable palce in an instant.

"Sung Im-ah, I think I know why you flinched when you heard his name."

Once again, I stop, furious that I allowed myself to be stopped by him.

"Was it because it sounded like him? What was his name? Maru? Isn't that the same thing as a ground. Ha, suits him. That low, good for nothing jerk that should made my daughter so disobedient...And he was going to be the King? The King of their little Joseon-game, the current-Joseon, in the 21st century? Joseon Dynasty was over hundreds of year ago. Their tradition are now only learnt, not  carried out.

"I pity those who are there to serve the Royal family. I heard they can't get married, and they're there for their whole life...Funny, isn't it? How they would want to give up such a nice life just to serve arrogant the wives and their more arrogant sons and husbands. I wonder how they did it...The things that power gives you. The authority. The wealth of power.

My blood was boiling. Stop..dont go on. If only you knew...You wouldn't be talking.

I should run out that instant...But my feet were stuck to the ground; I couldnt move them.

Hot, new tears were replacing the ones that had cooled down and dried down from the shock hearing Maru's voice...

"Did they pay you to love Kang Maru? Is that why? How much did they give you; Ill give you double the amount. or triple, or qua-"

"STOP!!!" I yelled.

He seemed startled by my sudden act or rebellion.

Arrogant? Maru? No, he was arrogant. So arrogant that he was surprised I yelled at him.

"Do you know Maru? Do you know his family? Do you know what happened to him and to me? If Maru's the ground, then youre the hell that lies underneath it! No...you're worse than just hell. Youre the mastermind behind the devil that runs it. You think he made me disobedient? Have you ever considered the remorseful things that youve dont to me? Maybe, just maybe, it was yourself?

"And Joseon... What's so bad about Joseon? Its better than the 21st century, when there are crazy bastards like you making people kill innocent, pure-minded citizens for the joy of doing so. It's better than over flowing arrogance and hipocritical statements that only leave scars in someones heart. Its better than the 21st century, where everyone has a heart, colder that those of the computers and robots that we revolve around!

"Money? Power? Wealth? Arrogant?!?!?! They're not that wealthy! You don't know anything! They took all their money and helped the unwealthy. Not caring whether or not they got it back! And so as a returned favor, they work. And me? They didn't pay me anything! not a penny, or a half of one.T-they...they gave me the one thing that no one else had ever given me..."

my voice dropped to a weak whisper, as I started to choke and stammer on my words...

"They gave me love. The thing that you didn't give me ever since birth. The thing that you never gave to anyone!

love... And so I returned it to them... And, you sit there and dare say they bribed me into loving a good for nothing ground? No. If anyones bribing anyone, its you! you're bribing me to live in this hell, and you're bribing me to kill people that have done nothing, nothing, wrong!

"I HATE YOU! You...Y-youre a...you're a MONSTER, and the biggest one there ever was, is and will be!

Tears streaming down my face, I ran out the door.



Joseon; a Korean state founded by Taejo Yi Seong-gye that lasted for approximately five centuries, from July 1392 to October 1897. It was founded following the aftermath of the overthrow of the Goryeo Dynasty in what is today the city of Kaesong. Early on, Korea was retitled and the capital was relocated to modern-day Seoul. The kingdom's northernmost borders were expanded to the natural boundaries at the Amnok and Duman rivers through the subjugation of the Jurchens. Joseon was the last dynasty of Korean history and the longest-ruling Confucian dynasty.

for more information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseon

And as a side note:

if you don't know where I got these names, I will explain:

Chun Sung Im- Song Ji hyo's real name (given name)

Song ji hyo- her "stage name" type thing

Song Joong Ki- real name

Kang Maru- the name of the character he played in the drama "Nice Guy" or "The most innocent man in the world"



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R1SH1KA-- #1
Chapter 11: You know what? I am still waiting for an update!! Please do so.....!
Nastarc #2
Chapter 11: Great story
Please update soon :)
stephanie1138 #3
Chapter 11: Please ji hyo don't murder him...authornim can you update ASAP...just asking *~*
Chapter 11: update soon authornim !(:
Chapter 10: ahh song song couple :) jihyo please don't kill joong ki T.T
Chapter 10: Do update soon. It's awesome !