In the Past

Almost done.

Filling out a seemingly endless number of forms just for a car!

Who knew it could be so tiring...

"So, how long is free insurance on this car?" I asked.

"Oh..With this deal that you're signing... About 3 years?"

Three years.

Three. Years



It's already been three years?

"Okay." I signed the contract. and left.

Three years ago, I saw her for the last time.

Three years ago, I climed up on our hill.

Three years since I broke her heart.

Three years since I broke my own heart.

Three years; a time with no other interactions besides when absolutely necessary

Three years of living and staying in my apartment, not braving and stepping outside into the world.

Three years since I ever watched the sun setting, absorbing the wonder of the perfect blend in shades and color.

Three years since I ever felt warm by a cool breeze chilling my bone.

Three years has passed, and I still haven't seen her.

My feet are heavy as I walk out the door, and head to my apartment.

I feel a familiar breeze tickling my skin. Its chilly, right down to the bone.

But its no longer warm.

Looking up I see the sunset, blending and mixing its colors and shades.

But its not as vibrant.

I trudge up the hill, slowly.

Walking over to the tree, I see our name carving.

M+S Maru, Song-Im

Slowly, I trace my finger along the deeply engraved lines.

It feels smooth and very splintered.

The splinters don't tickle anymoe; they hurt.


I haven't been thinking about that name...

Good memories, warm memories.

But they seem less comforting than when i thought about them, next to noona, with noona.

I'm not the same me I was three years ago.

Three years ago...I was still Maru.

Three years ago...My name wasn't Song Joong Ki.

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R1SH1KA-- #1
Chapter 11: You know what? I am still waiting for an update!! Please do so.....!
Nastarc #2
Chapter 11: Great story
Please update soon :)
stephanie1138 #3
Chapter 11: Please ji hyo don't murder him...authornim can you update ASAP...just asking *~*
Chapter 11: update soon authornim !(:
Chapter 10: ahh song song couple :) jihyo please don't kill joong ki T.T
Chapter 10: Do update soon. It's awesome !