Chapter 18

What My Heart Tells Me To Do
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Eunhyuk P.O.V


The days without Mi Young was difficult, heartbreaking, but i knew it was the only way to keep her safe. I was still trying to forget about her, but all her text messages dragged me right back to her. She texted me several times day, telling me about her day and what she had been doing.


At the end of the day i always sat in my room, reading her texts with a smile on my face, like i was right now.


Zelo tried to teach me to stand on a skateboard today and i managed to stay on it for 10 seconds before i fell...


How was your day? And how is everyone else? Are you all doing okay?


If my texts bothers you, i'm sorry, but tomorrow will be the last day. I won't bother you again after that.


The day i feared the most was coming. Tomorrow it was exactly one month since i last saw Mi Young and that would be the last day she texted me, the last day she thought of me. Tomorrow...


... Is the day she's going to forget about me...


Mi Young P.O.V


I was silently eating my breakfast, as B.A.P was also sitting around the table, talking about different things. I was too busy thinking about Hyukjae that i didn't know what they were talking about.


I was staring at my phone. Today is the last day. I know that tomorrow Hyukjae won't exist in my world anymore, i'll delete him from my phone and my memory. I'll move on.


But until then i'll keep texting him like i normally would do. I picked up my phone.


Good morning ^.^ Slept well? =)


"Who are you texting?" I looked up and Zelo was looking at me. I put my phone down on the table and smiled at him.

"No one".


I could feel Himchan glare at me without even looking at him, but i looked down, avoiding his gaze. Crap. He had probably figured out who i was texting. I excused myself from the table, saying i was going to study which Daehyun was more than happy with so he let me go.


I walked up to my room and sat by my desk, staring at my phone. I was hoping it would make some kind of noise, implying that i had gotten a text message. Maybe Hyukjae had moved on already? Maybe he had forgotten all about me and thought my texts was bothering him? 


Kyuhyun P.O.V


All 9 of us, including Zico were in the same room, planning our next job. Ever since the thing with Mi Young, Zico had always been around us, especially Eunhyuk. I looked over at Eunhyuk. As usual he was sitting by himself in the corner, looking down at the floor, just nodding whenever someone asked him something.


He had been like this for one month now. I knew it was because of Mi Young and one part of me felt bad for him, but the other part of me, the evil one just wanted to tell him to forget about her already.


"I've recently been informed by some news that could ruin us" Zico started. "A cop has gone undercover as a drug dealer, trying to arrest us. You know what we have to do, right?"

"Leave it to us, boss" Leeteuk said. "Right, guys?" He looked at all of us and all of us nodded in reply. "Who is he?"

"He uses a fake name, but his real name is Park Hyun-Shik. I'm sure Eunhyuk knows who he is" Eunhyuk looked up while Zico smirked at him. "He's the father of Park Mi Young".

Eunhyuk stood up right away. "You promised you wouldn't do any

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YunaJi #1
Chapter 27: what happen to zico??
Lexi14 #2
Chapter 27: Awwww I love the ending and the whole story it was so sweet and bloody lol thank you for posting it ^.^
Chapter 27: srsly eunhyuk you have the guts to do that though it's kind of childish but true. I would do that to if I were you hehe
QuesoBueno #4
Chapter 20: aigooo! himchan all the way! :D
Chapter 26: I'm glad Himchan is alive. Now he needs to get better and get her heart from Eunhyuk.
& my babyUp is dead ;-;
NO ><
Chapter 26: Uh-oh.... Noooot good!!
Chapter 25: I'm angry Himchan died ><
And Jonguppie.
Stupid Hyukjae ><
Sad the story is over though
Chapter 24: HIMCHAN NOOOOOOOOOO~~~~~~~~~~