Does He Like Me?

It's You

The next day in school during homeroom, we were paired into groups of two to make posters for the upcoming science fair. I got paired with Daehyun while Yongguk got paired with Hyobin, and Zelo was paired with Hyosung. Boy, was she more than excited to be paired with him. The whole class was filled with squeals of "Oppa! Can you help me out with this?" "Oppa! You draw so good!" Oppa, oppa, oppa. Along with her  constant girly giggling.

Good thing I was paired with Daehyun. We split earphones to block out the high pitched girly voice and got lost in music world as we worked on the poster. We'd sing to the words a little now and then, just to kill the boredom. I'd give a glance a few times at their direction to see that Zelo was clearly getting pretty annoyed by Hyosung's constant whines and squeals, but he kept patient and put on a calm face that looked like it was full of smiles from afar, but once you zoom in, those smiles are full of twitches. I laughed to myself watching the both of them and continued working on the poster with Daehyun.


As soon as we finished making the posters, we all hung it up around the school. Some were on the doors of classes, some were by the stairs, but most of them were all along the hallways. Everyone had creative ideas with their posters. There were posters that had a lot of drawings, some had a lot of color, some had less color, etc.  Daehyun and I kept it simple though, not too colorful with little drawings here and there. 

I walked over to see Zelo–and Hyosung's–poster. I saw that it had a drawing of a guy and a girl holding hands in the air while saying "Come to the science fair!" with wide grins painted across their faces. I was sure it was meant to be Hyosung and Zelo, since the boy's hair is blonde and the girl's hair is purple ans curly. 

Speaking of purple curly, here she comes now, strutting to my direction and stopped to view her own poster she made with her 'beloved Zelo'. She put on a look of satisfaction and pride while taking an eyefull of her poster like it was some kind of masterpiece.

"Nice huh?" She stated. "It's all put together perfectly with no flaws anywhere." I let out a big sigh and stared lazily at her. "It even has both of us happily holding hands." She said in satisfaction.

"It's just a poster, no big deal." I commented in an obvious tone. 

"Tch, at least it's much better than your piece of trash." She flipped her hair and eyed me. "You're just jealous cause I got paired with Zelo and he was overjoyed to be working with me." She gave me an annoying smirk. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at her words and walked away from her. 

If you actually paid attention to his face other than your compact mirror more then you would've seen that he actually couldn't wait for the whole thing to get overwith.




The first few periods went by quite quick, I sat next to Zelo and talked a bit. I couldn't help but realize that his voice sounded uneasy, like he hesitated to talk to me. And everytime we didn't talk, he had a slight look of anxiety plastered on his face. Although he didn't really show it, I could still notice it. I wanted to know what was up, so I asked him.

"Zelo?" I whispered during class, making him raise his head from his textbook and turn to face me. "Is something wrong?"

He paused before shaking his head slightly. "Why do you ask?" He questioned.

"Nothing, it's just that-"

"Miss Son and Mr Choi, do you have anything to tell the whole class?" The English teacher suddenly snapped at both of us, causing us to immediately sit straight and face forward. "Well?"

"No ma'am." I replied in a low voice, hanging my head. And with that the teacher continued explaining whatever she was teaching.

I started writing on a piece or paper saying "I asked cause you seem to look like you have a problem." I slid the piece of paper acros my desk and onto Zelo's without getting noticed successfully. I saw Zelo reading the paper, and then picked up a pen to write on the back of it before sliding it back to my table. I took the paper in my hands to see the writing said "I'm fine Chaemin-ah, really :)". I folded the paper and glanced at him. 

"Are you sure?" I mouthed, looking concerned. He replied with a nod and a reassuring smile. I left it at that. If he really meant it then I wouldn't want tomake him annoyed by continously asking what was the problem. Although I am fairly certain that he really does look anxious, witha little mix of nervousness, like he wants to ask someone a huge question. But if it's a problem he doesn't want to share or talk about then I won't push any further.


Lunch came and I decided to sit with Hyobin. I figured Zelo would be with Yongguk and their friends, but when I looked at their group, he was nowhere there. Instead, I saw him walk out the class door. So I made the conclusion that he was going to eat with Jihae. But another odd thing, he didn't bring his lunchbox. I didn't know where he's headed, and I am curious, but I decided to stay put.

While we were eating, suddenly Hyobin said something that made me literally choke on my food. 


"Are you going out with that Daehyun guy?"


My food caught on my throat and I coughed till I had to drink half a bottle of water.

"Chaemin calm doown." She said while patting my back as I drank water. "It was already noticable anyways."

That made me splurt out all the water I had in my mouth.

I covered my mouth with my hands real quick so I didn't make too big of a mess. Everyone started staring a little and I apologized in a small voice as I hung my head in shame. Everyone went back to normal afterwards. 

"Chaemin chillaax." Hyobin grabbed napkins for me to wipe my mouth, hands and a part of my table. "So are you?"

I shook my head violently. "Of course not!" I replied. "And why would you say it's noticeable?"

"Well who would say it isn't noticeable? You guys hang out all the time!" She answered my question. I was obviously shocked at her response.

Did I really spend time with him that much? Until people started thinking we were dating?

"No, we're just friends that's all." I confirmed her. She nodded in understment after hearing what I just said. 

"But he looks like he likes you, you know?" She added, making me almost choke yet again.

"Why would you think that?"

"Cause! He spends time with you 24/7, he helps you out in most anything, and I see the way he looks at you!" Hyobin replied.

I paused before saying something back. "Well..we do hang out a lot. And he does help me whenever I need him.." I trailed off. "But that doesn't necessarily mean he likes me..does it?" Hyobin just shrugged. "But if he does like me, then it would be heartbreaking for him. Since he knows who I like and I always talk about Zelo..." 

Hyobin paused for a couple of seconds before replying. "Well, I guess there's only one way to find out." 

I knew what she meant by that. It's by asking him. And I will ask him. Today.


-Daehyun's POV-

Today was yet another peaceful lunch spent at the roof. I never really knew why I always went up there. I've always told people that I just didn't like being in the noisy class, but there was more to that. It's a place to clear my mind. If I stay in class, I always see her and begin thinking about her again when I know I shouldn't and should just get over it. I guess this is the effective way to get away from it all.

But there was someting unusual today. I was sitting by the fence as usual when the door suddenly opened. I lifted my head and said, "Sup Chaemin?". But to my surprise, it wasn't her. Instead, it was a tall, blonde-haired guy. Also known as Zelo. 

Now, what would he be doing here?

He was standing quite nervously after he shut the door. "Hm? Zelo? What are you doing here?" I asked him. He looked anywhere but at me and fiddled with the hem of his shirt. 

"I-I came here to ask you something." He blurted out. taking a step forward.

Me? What would he want with me?

"Well, go ahead." I said after seeing he wanted a response. He finally directed his gaze to me with eyes full of anxiety and nervousness. Like he really wants to ask this question, but doesn't know how, or scared to know the answer.


"D-do you...Do you like Chaemin?"


He shut his eyes violently, waiting for my answer. I looked at him in surprise. I didn't expect this question at all.

"No, not in that way. But as friends, yeah." I answered and right at that moment it felt like all his muscles finally relaxed. He exhaled a big amount of air out. "Why do you ask?"

He suddenly got all nervous again and scratched the back of his neck. "O-oh you know, cause you guys seem to spend time a lot so I figured you two" He laughed awkwardly.

Hearing that, I seriously wanted to laugh hysterically.

"What? Of course we're not. We're just friends." I confirmed him. "Even though we do hang out and talk with each other a lot, we're really just friends."

And I know who she actually likes anyway.

"I see,,," He nodded in understandment. The amount of satisfaction he had looked as if he just succeded in passing Niagara Falls on a  tightrope. 

"Well, that's pretty much all I wanted to ask. Soo, see you in class then?" He said. 

"Sure." I replied shortly. He turned to walk towards the door, but suddenly stopped halfway and turned his head back t my direction.

"Oh and Daehyun?" He started. I slightly raised my head as a sign to let him continue. "Don't tell Chaemin I asked this, ok?" He said in a tone which sounded like a plea. 

"Of course." I answered almost immediately. "You can trust me." He nodded as an 'Ok, I'm counting on you', and left the roof. 

Now, I obviously know why he was so nervous. As well as why he asked that question and told me to keep shut about it. But there was one thing bothering my mind. And that was, why did he always spent his time with her unnie.

I kept thinking about it all the through the rest of lunch period. Then something struck me. And just like that, all the puzzle pieces fit together perfectly. I finally knew the answer to everything. But of course, I was planning on keeping it all to myself.





During the rest of the school day, I kept my mouth shut whenever Chaemin would come close to me and talk. But I noticed something odd about her everytime she pauses after saying something. The aura is same as Zelo's when he wanted to ask me the question earlier on the roof. But she quickly covered it up and threw it away everytime she starts talking about a new topic. I wonder what's on her mind?


School eventually ended and I was just crouching to unlock my bike to get home when I saw a pair of shoes right in front of my eyes. I looked up to see Chaemin standing in front of me with hands behind her back and eyes staring down at me. 

"What's up?" I said as I stood up. She too was looking as nervous as Zelo was, but she had more confidence.

"I wan't to ask you a question." She said.

Her too? What is up with people today?

"Sure, go ahead." I replied. She took a deep breath and stared into my eyes with seriousness.


"Do you like me? In a way a guy likes a girl?"


I froze. She froze. She tried hard not to stutter. She couldn't deny her cheeks that were starting to show a shade of pink. She asked the question and is now waiting for an answer. I, was also not expecting this question. I really wasn't sure why she would ask this though, I know well enough she likes Zelo. And what kind of reply is she expecting?

"No." I responded. "But I as a friend I do."

She let out a bigh sigh of satisfaction just as Zelo did. Looks like I said the right words, although I wasn't lying about it.

"Sorry if I sounded over confident." She chuckled. I shook my head.

"Not at all. Why ask though?" I questioned in curiosity.

"Y-you know, just to know what you felt about me? And stuff.." She laughed awkwardly.

I chuckled at her. "You know I know who you like Chaemin." I said. "I won't get in the way of that." 

She smiled at me and said, "Thanks Dae, you're the best." before waving and catching up with her friends.


Don't worry Chaemin, I don't have feelings for you. 

But, I do know someone who does...



And so it has finaly been revealed \(^_^)/ Sorry for the long update! And sorry for the ones who wanted Chaemin to be with Daehyun ._.v


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Jung2208 #1
Chapter 24: You should really make a sequel for this author-nim!!
Chapter 24: Kyaaa aww zelo zelo so sweet . Chaelo couple opps hehe . Hey i like your story . Goodjob
Chapter 24: Uguuuu~~ reread your story and I still love it ;///u///; Good job author-nim teehee
cheekylittlechubba #4
Chapter 24: Adorable!!

good job authornim ^^
bibir63 #5
Chapter 24: Omg so cute
Yoe_chan #6
Chapter 24: Ahh.... Finally....
Great story author-nim ^^....
Thanks for the story and your hard work...
Chapter 24: I love the ending :')
Chapter 24: oh my~ happy ending~ :') I love it :)
britneyvidal #9