Staying Still


Lee Donghae was never any good at sitting still.
However, despite what people may think, Donghae could actually be still for more than five seconds. In fact he could be still for half an hour, but only during special occasions such as awards night or official ceremony. OR when Kibum asked him to. 
Take now for instance. Today was one of the rare days in which Super Junior were given a day off to do whatever they want. AND....against all was a day off also for Kim Kibum from his drama shooting. So, Donghae decided to spend the day with his boyfriend (Kibum), at his boyfriend's apartment.
He arived at 8.00 am at the apartment, and after having breakfast, they decided to watch a movie together.
After 4 hours of watching movies (Finding Nemo and Puss in Boots), with donghae non stop blabbering, gushing and giggling over the cute characters, they were now cuddling while just enjoying each other's presence.
Donghae had been quiet and laying still for almost 35 minutes. He was lying against Kibum's chest while the quiet, calm and unsocialize actor rested. Kibum said nothing and his eyes were closed. He merely laid there with Donghae on his chest rubbing lazy circles into the brunette's back.
However, Donghae will always be Donghae.
Donghae was getting a bit restless and he wanted to get up and do something. It seemed that all of his restless energy was catching up on him and it made him squirm. Donghae squirmed and fidgeted and wriggled against Kibum as his need to get up and do something, or anything grew. 
Kibum however was less than amused by this, though he hid it well. The only evidence that he was annoyed was a slight twitch of his eyebrow, and a small tug of his lips downward.
"Stop moving" he commands softly, eyes still closed. And Donghae does stop moving for all of one second.
"Ne Kibummie...can we go get ice-cream?" Donghae asked to for the sake of breaking the deafening silence that has consumed the room, which is not exactly comforting.
"Later" Kibum says, and his hand is no longer rubbing lazy circles in Donghae's back, instead it is now clamped down tight around Donghae's waist, in an attempt to get him to stop moving.
Apparently, Donghae is brightened at the almost promise for ice-cream. AND this happens to make him even more restless as he begins prattling on about the different flavors of ice-creams that his going to have. 
"Can I get chocolate? or should I get strawberry? Or maybe I shoud get both vanilla and chocolate instead? Maybe I'm not gonna have strawberry, cause chocolate tasted better than straw-" Donghae wasnt able to finish his explanation of why he prefers chocolate ice-cream more than strawberry, because there is a finger pressed against his lips.
"Shhhh" Kibum commands a little harsher than before and even had one of his eyes open now. Donghae sighs against the finger that is pressed to his lips but doesn't say anything. Instead he just stares at Kibum's reclosed eyes, and tried to get over his needs to move around.
That is until Donghae feels that if he doesn't do something soon, his head might literally explode. 
So, Donghae does what he always does in these kinds of situations. The first thing that comes to his mind.
He takes Kibum's finger into his mouth, and chews lightly on it. Kibum opens one eye and gives Donghae a slightly annoyed and slightly bemused look. 
"You're so childish" he says and Donghae pouts like a petulant five year old at the predictable statement 
"But you're worth it" Kibum adds after a long moment, and proceed to pull and hug Donghae closer around his waist into his chest. Donghae himself snuggled closer to Kibum's chest while smiling, finding comfort in Kibum's warm arms while waiting to get ice-cream later.
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Chapter 1: aww this is so cute!