` ✼ -KimNara — story layout

` ✼ exotic grounds — layout shop 2 (batch 3 closed!)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam nibh. Nunc varius facilisis eros. Sed erat. In in velit quis arcu ornare laoreet. Curabitur adipiscing luctus massa. Integer ut purus ac augue commodo commodo. Nunc nec mi eu justo tempor consectetuer. Etiam vitae nisl. In dignissim lacus ut ante. Cras elit lectus, bibendum a, adipiscing vitae, commodo et, dui. Ut tincidunt tortor. Donec nonummy, enim in lacinia pulvinar, velit tellus scelerisque augue, ac posuere libero urna eget neque. Cras ipsum. Vestibulum pretium, lectus nec venenatis volutpat, purus lectus ultrices risus, a condimentum risus mi et quam. Pellentesque auctor fringilla neque. Duis eu massa ut lorem iaculis vestibulum. Maecenas facilisis elit sed justo. Quisque volutpat malesuada velit.
Nunc at velit quis lectus nonummy eleifend. Curabitur eros. Aenean ligula dolor, gravida auctor, auctor et, suscipit in, erat. Sed malesuada, enim ut congue pharetra, massa elit convallis pede, ornare scelerisque libero neque ut neque. In at libero. Curabitur molestie. Sed vel neque. Proin et dolor ac ipsum elementum malesuada. Praesent id orci. Donec hendrerit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean sit amet arcu a turpis posuere pretium.
Nulla mauris odio, vehicula in, condimentum sit amet, tempus id, metus. Donec at nisi sit amet felis blandit posuere. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras lobortis orci in quam porttitor cursus. Aenean dignissim. Curabitur facilisis sem at nisi laoreet placerat. Duis sed ipsum ac nibh mattis feugiat. Proin sed purus. Vivamus lectus ipsum, rhoncus sed, scelerisque sit amet, ultrices in, dolor. Aliquam vel magna non nunc ornare bibendum. Sed libero. Maecenas at est. Vivamus ornare, felis et luctus dapibus, lacus leo convallis diam, eget dapibus augue arcu eget arcu.

a/n }   put anything here. :)

----------------by thederpchanyeol---------------
here's your story layout! hope you like it. :) hello venus' pic is 200 x 210 px
while the note's pic is 150 x 103 px.
Like this story? Give it an Upvote!
Thank you!
e.g. ► okay. after finishing batch 4, i won't be taking any requests. i'll just post randomly made layouts.


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Chapter 12: i will be using this layout! thank you :)
Chapter 12: I hope you don't mind me using this. Thanks again!
Chapter 3: I'm using this one and tweaking a bit thanks :)
ssmftn #4
Chapter 7: im using this layout! thNK YOU :)
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Im Using This, Its Just So Pretty~ Thank You!
Username: Taemint202
Type of layout: Profile
Features: Taemin of SHINee, bows and dancing.
Colours: http://www.colourlovers.com/palette/629637/(%E2%97%95%E3%80%9D%E2%97%95)
I would like to use the 1st, 2nd,3rd and 4th colors.
Pictures: No pictures
Additional: If It's possible, the text in cursive please if not nothing else
Chapter 7: I'll be using this. Thank you ( :
Username: Kpopgirl4eva
Type of layout: Roleplay
Features: Grease (the movie) styled , 1950's theme
Colors: http://www.colourlovers.com/palette/1722286/400_unique_artists_%E2%99%A5
name of the palette is 400 unique artists and i would like to use the the first, second, third and fifth colors.
pictures: i dont have any in mind but anything with grease is okay
additional: i would like to use the quote " Tell me about it, stud" and " You know how it is, Rockin' an' Rollin' An' whatnot"
Thank you
Chapter 8: Using this one! Thanks! It's lovely :)