
To Get To You

"We've been working here for only a few days and you're already sick" Cherry sighed, in a motherly manner, "That's why you don't go swimming with boys during a shift"

You lay in your bed with a giant, goofy smile on your face. Last night you had spilled everything to Cherry; everything about the beach with the boys, Eli being a complete **** and the secret sharing with Dongho.

It was morning now and you had decided to take your first sick day whilst working at the resort. Cherry was getting ready for the days work ahead whilst you remained in your warm toasty bed. Coughing and fangirling at the same time.

"I'm suprised I havent fainted after being in the presence of U-KISS" You gleamed, sighing happily as you hugged a pillow,

"I'm suprised you didnt faint when AJ said you and Dongho are boyfriend and girlfriend" Cherry giggled, "I'm so jealous!"

"Don't be" You shrugged it off, "AJ took it the wrong way, thats why"

"But you said Dongho didnt deny it" Cherry insisted, placing the final pin in her hair, "Dont deny our r2 pi"

You chuckled at the 0330 reference as you sat upright now in your bed, leaning against the head board,

"Ahh, I dont know" You admitted, "I dont think Dongho has that sort of interest in me"

"Not yet!" Your best friend giggled as she pinned on her work badge, "Well, I'm off!"

All seven members of U-KISS flooded into the elevator, awake, bright and early for another day in 'paradise'. This time, they were curious of the local culture and wanted to experience it.

Kiseop, pumped and excited, fiddled with his digital camera, making sure that the settings were right.

"I want to take selcas with the local people!" He gleamed, pretending to already take one, "Imagine the cute little children"

"Kevin, You should make sure that he doesnt take any of the kids with him" Hoon joked, causing everyone to laugh.

Dongho, who was usually silent this early in the morning, actually chuckled, with Soohyun noticing the little smile that had cracked onto his face.

"Yah, Dongho" Soohyun played strict at first before making a cheesy face, "Why are you smiling so widely!"

"I'm not!" Dongho retaliated, covering his mouth with his hand,

The rest of the boys turned around to face Dongho, ready to bombard the maknae.

"Ooh, I think I know why" AJ teased, poking the maknae on the arm, "Its the girl, isnt it?"

All of the hyungs erupted in 'oooohs' and 'ahhhhs', not realising the elevator door had opened.

"Fools, the door is open!" Dongho pointed out,

Smirking, Hoon pressed on the close button, shutting the elevator doors before pressing a random numbered button to send the elevator up again.

"We're not leaving till you tell us who!" Kiseop added, snapping pictures of Dongho, trying to hide away despite it was clearly not going to happen.

"I found Dongho and the girl in our suite the other day" AJ smiled almost villainously, "She was wearing this see through top. I was surprised to see Dongho already getting to that level"

The boys mouths dropped and Kevin sparked with a sudden realisation,

"See through top?" Kevin spoke like a detective, "Omo! It's ________, the employee!"

Soohyun whistled, whilst Hoon applauded and Kiseop took a selca of his shocked impression. But Eli was oddly quiet, like something was bothering him.

"Aish" Dongho mumbled beneath his breath, "Seriously you guys"

And with that, the elevator rung, its doors widening, revealing a level of the resort that didnt seem to fit with the rest of it. It wasnt as glamorous as their level where red carpet ran throughout the carpets, it was rather plain.

"Where are we?" AJ popped his head out to examine their location, "Are we still even at the resort?"

All the members aside from Eli who remained in the elevator, flooded out onto the strange hallway of the level they had ended up on. As the six fell victim to their curiousity, Eli instantly pressed the button to shut the elevator doors, smashing the buttons, letting the elevator take him wherever it wanted to.

"Yah, Hyung!" Dongho caught Eli, jumping back into the large metal elevator, before the doors closed behind him and took off.

You continued to lay in your bed, gazing at the sun shining through the window and reflecting onto the ceiling. You were still sick but you didnt want to waste a day stuck in your room; it wasnt like you were contagious or anything.

Checking the time, you eventually got up, headed for the bathroom and got ready. Half an hour later, you were clean and dressed not in your uniform but in a flowy beach dress with matching flipflops with your hair on the side in a messy bun.

Looking at your reflection, you smiled with satisfaction. Your cold hadnt made you turn an unforgiving shade of red and your skin wasnt dry either. You were in a good mood and you were determined to not let anything change that.

Walking out to the hallway and to the elevator, you sung softly to keep yourself company.

'Stop Girl in the name of loooove'

The doors widened as the elevator as you sung that one line, before you stopped singing at the sight of the Maknae and the Rapper at either sides of the elevator, not facing one another.

You stepped in, pressing the button for the ground level. There was a strange and awkward tension in the air, and you werent sure whether to break it. You looked to Eli first who glanced at you briefly before looking the other way, facing the metal wall. Then you looked to Dongho who looked at you plainly.

"Dongho" You decided to speak to him first, "Where are you going today?"

After a minute of silence, he replied,

"We were thinking of checking out the local culture; outside the resort"

Eli scoffed as he rolled his eyes.

"Hey, its better than spending my whole vacation trying to pick up girls!" Dongho retorted, clearly annoyed with his hyung,

"Just because you picked up the first girl you layed eyes on" Eli shot back, "I know how to pick them"

It seemed as if the two had forgotten that you were in their presence as they continued to bicker like two old men.

"You're just jealous!" Dongho took a step closer to you and put his arm around your bare shoulder,

Eli followed suit, as he took a step closed to the middle of the elevator where you were but flicked off Dongho's arm instead,

"The two of you arent even together" Eli snarled, "Its so obvious"

Dongho pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arm around your waist this time.

"Ask her yourself!" He poked his tongue out to Eli, who stared at you this time,

You could feel Dongho hold onto you a little tighter as if he was telling you to go on with the story,

"I... We.." You fumbled with your words as Eli looked at you so intently, "Dongho confessed to me yesterday... when we were in the suite"

Eli rolled his eyes once again,

"Whatever you say"

It was one of your wildest dreams to date a kpop star, let alone your ultimate bias; but you didnt expect it to happen this way.



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ok ok ok. lets just say you miraculously know korean & they miraculously know english....


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Donghooo <3 <3 <3 Ahhhh!!!!! Please update this :/ It's really good and I'm excited about Dongho <3 <3 Please Update
NicLuvGuiLun #2
R_Squared_Pi #3
Up... Didnt you say there was supposed to be a language
Barrier between you and Dongho?
R_Squared_Pi #4
Chapter 8: So good!!!!! Except I'm blanking out and don't understand what's going on, so I need to go back and reread the story. I don't mind though, I probably just forgot some silly detail.
icephoenix13 #5
Chapter 7: so...... when's the next chappie commin'?
Chapter 7: This is so cuttteee and funny lol update soon \(^o^)/
R_Squared_Pi #7
Chapter 6: So cute! Update soon!?!?!
g3turcray0n #8
Chapter 6: omg this is soooo good!>.<