
To Get To You


You screamed at the top of your very lungs, clinging onto your shirt. No way would you let it be removed- even if the idols from your favourite group suggested that you did so.

Soohyun tried to calm you down, as Kiseop ran towards the shore to get Kevin to help in the situation as you continued to scream and kick as Hoon stood in silence, feeling ashamed.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Kevin knelt down by your side, the sound of his voice silencing your outburst.

You didnt reply though. Kevin then looked to Kiseop who explained the situation whilst making gestures at the same time. After finding out what had happened, Kevin rubbed your back as if you were a little kid and tried his best to comfort you.

"_______" He said your name softly, just like an angel, "Hoon got lost in translation"

You lifted your head up and faced Kevin as he took your hand this time and patted it,

"You have a singlet underneath your work shirt, right?" Kevin asked so innocently that you couldnt even take it the wrong way,

You nodded, knowing that you did infact have one on underneath, a white one to be precise.

"Ohhh, see, Hoon meant that" He explained, "You can take off your shirt, your work shirt, if its too hot in this weather"

It made sense to you; especially since Kevin had explained. So you got up from the sand and approached Hoon, not knowing whether to shake his hand or hug him in apology of your sudden rage. As if Hoon understand everything that Kevin had said in english, he approached you first and took you in for a quick hug.

As he let go, you tried to hide the blush that had formed on your face. You had turned such a dark shade of pink that Soohyun had noticed.

"Would you like to go swimming?" He asked sweetly, letting his hand out.

The thought of jumping into the cool, crystal blue water enticed you, so you accepted his offer, taking his hand and following him into the tide. Kiseop, Hoon and Kevin had already made their way into the water as they splashed one another.

You continued to follow Soohyun, his muscled arm tensing as he held your hand. The water began to reach half way up your thighs. It was quite chilly at first but it was cool and soothing soon after.

Soohyun turned around and smiled at your admiration of the ocean. You loved the beach, and even more so now with UKISS.

His gaze dropped to the end of your work shirt that was beginning to get wet. Not knowing what to say, Soohyun pointed, suggesting that you go back and strip down to your singlet.

You simply nodded back,

"I'm going to change my top" You said in basic words, knowing that he'd understand.

You quickly waded to the shore, ready to take of your shirt. It didnt seem awkward to do so as you crossed your arms over your upper body, ready to pull at the ends. Your face began to burn up as you loosened your grip of your shirt. You werent just going to strip in the middle of the beach infront of half of UKISS. It wasnt that you were ashamed of yourself but just because in reality, they were still strangers to you.

Your eyes scanned the area opposite to the sea, to the trees and bushes behind the sandy area. You spotted a bush, perfect place to change behind.

You paced quickly and took a few breaths as you caught your breath once again. You peered over the bush and saw the boys still playing the water. It made you giggle before you sighed and got ready to take off your work shirt once more. You crossed your arms once again and tugged at the bottom of your shirt, quickly lifting it and removing it from your head.

A rush of relief flooded over you as you neatly folded your shirt and got ready to head back into the water.

"Kai Bai Bo!" Kiseop shouted excitedly as the five of you stood in the shallow water, resting from playing in the deep end.

You agreed to playing scissors paper rocks since the hand gestures were the same as in Western Culture. The five of you all put your hand out and began to play.

You drew rock, equalling everyone elses. As if on coincidence, every continued to draw equal gestures, making it hard to determine a loser. It had reached the 7th round as everyone drew, leaving Kiseop, the one who had suggested the game, as the loser.

"What's his punishment going to be?" Kevin smirked as Soohyun and Hoon began to think of some good ideas.

"Aigooo!" Kiseop pouted, slapping the water below,

"Carry ______ to the shore!" Soohyun ordered, pointing to the sand.

Kevin and Hoon clapped as Kiseop bent down into the water waiting for you to get onto his back. You tried to hide the fact that you were hyperventilating as you waded towards him and eventually got on.

"Hold onto him tight!" Hoon called out as you lightly wrapped your arms around him.

Suprisingly, Kiseop didnt stumble at all, clearly all his muscles were working. The rest of the boys followed behind, the afternoon sun setting before them.

Bending down, onto the sand, Kiseop let you down as you bowed in return for the ride back to shore. A big smile formed on your face as you watched the guys fall back onto the sand to lie down and rest. You had a good time with them, not because they were famous but because they were normal people too.

"There you guys are!"

You redirected your attention to a figure heading in your direction. He looked familiar, all too familiar.

Kevin flipped his body around to face behind, spotting Eli's entrance to the beach.

"You've missed out on all the fun" He said, as Eli finally approached the group.

Eli shrugged it off, and faced you as he lifted up his sun glasses.

"Hey.... you" He lifted an eyebrow as his gaze lowered to your soaked singlet, "Probably not the best choice to wear a white top at the beach"

You tilted your head in confusion till you looked down to your top to see that the water had made it slightly transparent, revealing the outline of your bra.

You immediately began to breath heavily, almost about to scream in horror as you quickly picked up your shirt from the sand and began to run towards the direction of the resort. You could hear the boys calling after you but you couldnt bring yourself up to face them again.

You never felt so embarassed, maybe this time, them bring celebrities actually meant something. You continued to pace quickly, passing more and more people as you came closer to the resort building. All you wanted to do was lock yourself in your room and stay there for as long as UKISS were at the resort too.


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ok ok ok. lets just say you miraculously know korean & they miraculously know english....


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Donghooo <3 <3 <3 Ahhhh!!!!! Please update this :/ It's really good and I'm excited about Dongho <3 <3 Please Update
NicLuvGuiLun #2
R_Squared_Pi #3
Up... Didnt you say there was supposed to be a language
Barrier between you and Dongho?
R_Squared_Pi #4
Chapter 8: So good!!!!! Except I'm blanking out and don't understand what's going on, so I need to go back and reread the story. I don't mind though, I probably just forgot some silly detail.
icephoenix13 #5
Chapter 7: so...... when's the next chappie commin'?
Chapter 7: This is so cuttteee and funny lol update soon \(^o^)/
R_Squared_Pi #7
Chapter 6: So cute! Update soon!?!?!
g3turcray0n #8
Chapter 6: omg this is soooo good!>.<