A date?






“I can’t believe I’m doing this”

“I can’t believe I AM doing this. It’s the second time…”

“You were the one who made the suggestion”

“If only I knew I’d have to do it with you…”

Seunghyun turned sour and clawed at Jiyong’s smaller hand. Once again in cuffs. Once again they got themselves into a huge joke, because of the big boss’ increasing (?) affections.


For some reason Choi was bothered by the idea of keeping GD locked in a room and though Blondie was going to go crazy and smother the life out of the gang leader. That of course was not the case, as Jiyong was playing around and enjoying the sight of his capturer on edge. There was still a bump on the place where he hit his head 3 days ago. It was going to stay there for a while. G-dragon forgave and negotiated though, about Seungri, freedom and a shower, cause gosh, he reeked like a stable. A permission for a shower was given (guards waiting outside of course), and it was decided he’d go out for a walk around the block, even though GD was hoping for a more permanent release, or at least for a zoo visit. But everything else that was brought up ended in a tangle and with the two speakers barking like stray dogs. Taeyang had to intervene so the two of them don’t enter a fistfight.

“Hey, hey, Seunghyunnie, what are you even doing”-after the two left the room and had to leave for a trade nearby Taeyang had to question his friend’s sanity-“Don’t you ing remember he is your damn prisoner. Why are you negotiating with him? Just beat him up once and he’ll cry like every other we’ve ever taken in.”

It was frustrating to see Choi becoming a 3rd grade kid, brawling over a toy with a classmate once again. They’ve been friends since forever and now he digresses back to a bratty child.

“What makes him special, huh? We are wasting time and resources on this whole thing. I know your pride is hurt and everything, but if you not gonna his brother up, then just let it go.”

“NO! I have to do this. They’ll both pay.”


“Just…leave me be”


And so nothing was done for the prevention of today’s situation.


Walking down Itaewon, holding hands, kicking each other from time to time and growling, the two seemed like a typical Korean middle aged couple. As they were passing though, a few curious gazes followed since people thought they were a bit too close for just male comrades. An elderly adjumma covered when she saw them and stepped away to her daughter’s other side whispering quickly. The other woman covered her child’s eyes and pushed him to go faster. GD grimaced.

“These people disgust me”

“No, we disgust them…”

“Hey, this is ed, okay. First of all we are not together, second of all even if we were, who are they to friggin judge. The only one who could judge me is my own mother and well she lost that right when she left me and my brother on our own. PLUS, SCREW YOUR RULES AHJUMMA. YOU HAD BUTT, YOU KNOW IT’S GOOD.”

“Hey, shut up, you idiot. What the hell is wrong with you?”

People were now parting like the red sea around them, looking cautiously at the wound up blonde guy with the loud voice.

“I bet your one of them too, TOP, a shallow, superficial homophobe with personality issues. You sure feel like one.”

Seunghyun sighed heavily and sped up his step. At least they were closing up on the subway station.

“It’s not right. People shouldn’t hate on each other for things like this. Jeez, it’s the 21st century. My dog could get married if it wanted to. Love is limitless…”

And then he quieted down. Choi was expecting a very long debate about the rights of gay people in Korea and how everyone should just do whatever they want but nothing of that sort occurred and instead Blondie just followed obediently like a puppy and stared at the ground.

Wait…why were they going to the subway station again?

“, , , what sort of sorcery is this?”-Choi’s inner thoughts were in turmoil-“We were just going to take a stroll in the neighborhood but…I ended up taking this prick to the subway station, now he’ll think…”

“Are you…taking me to the zoo?”

“Are you gay?”

“What sort of a rebuttal was that?”

GD fumed and kicked angrily at the other man’s side. The unamused expression showed the return of the shameless dragon and therefore all was good. Every time Jiyong went into bashful mode, Seunghyun felt like his stomach plunged to his feet and the whole world crumbled. It was weird and uncalled for and the faster he took care of it, the better.

“Mongrel, what’s with your questions, seriously?”

“You’re the one alwasys asking questions. Obey this one time; I’m taking you where you wanna go so make sure you behave”

“What am I, your pet?”

“As if you’d ever be that easy to control”

“Heh. Finally figured it out”

Jiyong’s grinned and blew into Seunghyun’s ear. And his ual frustration was building, just like last time. This could end badly.

~   ~   ~  ~

“Wow, most awkward subway ride ever. Even with this many people around us you still hate even looking at me. I though we would start getting close by now. Wah-“

TOP pulled at the cuffs, making the other one wince with pain but he didn’t explode. He pulled out a small key, met eyes Blondie and lightly tilted his head. GD’s eyes widened as Choi gently interlocked fingers with his and let the metal fall from the wrist and to his other hand. The brunette circled the red mark left by the cuffs and furrowed brows in annoyance.

“Aish, I didn’t want it to leave a mark. Why didn’t you tell I was pulling too strongly? You punk…”

“But I...”-GD stared with disbelief at his and Seunghyun’s hands, still in a tight clasp, and then at the boss himself-“What are you doing?”

“I trust you enough to leave the cuffs aside, but”-an uncomfortable cough acted as a pause-“not enough to just let you frolic around.”

“Is this a date?”

“WHAT? No, you , how did you even come up with that?”

“Sure looks like one”

A group of high school girls passed them, giggled and pointed, one of them even took out her phone and snapped a photo.

“Let’s just go before I change my mind”

TOP grunted and felt even more embarrassed than before. Going around with another guy like this, to places where he wouldn’t even bring his girlfriends, and on top of that the guy being the brother of a rival gang boss…How ed up was that? For the first time in his life, Choi Seunghyun questioned his actions and common sense. As if a spell had overtaken his brain and was pushing him to make all the wrong decisions.

~   ~  ~ 

“Oooh, look at the monkeys, dude. The ones with the colourful asses are the best. Let’s throw some peanuts at them. They kinda remind me of you”-GD mischievously gigled

“When did you even buy those?”

“When you weren’t looking”

“I swear…”

“The tigers are next, c’mon slowpoke”

One of the big cats was lazing around in the sun, rolling in the dust and delightfully mewling. G-dragon excitedly leaned over the bars and imitated a roar. The tiger turned curiously towards the two, stared for several seconds and yawned. GD laughed.

“I take my words about the monkeys back; you definitely resemble this fellow here more”


“Just as unamused as him, you see, even your eyes are the same”-the blonde turned around and in silence weighted his next words-“The same passionate flame burns in your eyes, that carnal strength that we carried from our ancestors. It makes you very appealing to women, I bet”

“Wait, what?”

“Look over there, they have impalas. Awesome”


~  ~   ~

“Wow, I’m so tired, how many hours did it take us to see everything?”

“We came at 12, and it’s 5pm right now. And I have more work when I go back…”

“Stop being such a party pooper. Admit you enjoyed yourself, especially when that fat kid fell into the penguin pool and pissed its pants. Pretty hilarious.”

“I guess.”

“They have a café right next to the exit. Let’s grab something to drink.”

GD pulled TOP along the paved path and started humming. The atmosphere had changed after they burst out laughing together at the penguin pool. Blondie was making jokes constantly and the wide smile remained, causing one to appear on Seunghyun’s face as well. Now, they definitely looked like a couple, pouncing around in the midst of a blooming affair. Choi needed some time to recuperate. Everything was all going to end soon and the boss wouldn’t have to deal with this weirdo any more, or with feelings.

“I’ll go buy two ice coffees. Putting the cuffs till I come back.”

“You should really trust me more”

“Implying you wouldn’t run away as soon as I turn my back...”

“Actually I would”

GD snickered and comfortably leaned back in his chair.

“Take your time, baby.”

“Shut up.”

As Seunghyun turned around and lined in the queue, Jiyoung let out a tired sigh, eyes locked on his “date”. Fun, it was so much fun, it pained him to admit it, but it was. He couldn’t remember the last time he did stuff like that, enjoyed himself to the fullest. Maybe when you don’t have your freedom you learn to appreciate it more. Closing his eyes, GD let his head rest on the cold metal of the seat. Perhaps a short nap could refresh him a bit.

“Jiyong, Kwon Jiyong, wake up. Now’s not the time for sweet dreams.”

“The hell?”

Some sort of flower merchant had stopped at the table and was shaking GD violently.

“If you follow what I say, I’ll help you escape.”


“Working for your brother. Try and get on Choi’s better side so he doesn’t bind you to himself again. I’ll follow you as you leave. Ask him to pay a last visit to the mountain goats. There’s a shed near there where I can bring him after I knock him out. Then we can leave.”

“Wouldn’t that just heat up the situation though?”

“We can deal with that later. He’s coming back. Stick to the plan, okay?”


“What do you want, flower boy?”

“Would you like a rose for your date, sir?”

“He’s not my date.”

“Maybe a lily?”

“He’s not…”

“I’ll take a sunflower”-GD pulled at TOP’s sleeve and despite the protest, ended with the flower in his lap-“Will you let me free now?”

“Ye, Sorry”

Seunghyun was avoiding Blondie’s gaze. Around them it was full of loving couples and happy families, laughter and high pitched giggles. Almost a picture out of a drama. And then there was the two of them. Choi slurped his coffee, silently and tapped with fingers on the glass table. It would all be over soon.

“Why do you hate me so much?”

Almost choking on his beverage, Seunghyun waved and shook his head.

“There’s no such thing. Not hatred, no feeling, just business.”

“Just business?”


Jiyong first looked disappointed, then sad, then agitated. His plastic cup was beginning to crack where pressure was applied.

“If we had met at different circumstances we could have been friend, Seunghyun.”


“Why is it like this?”

“What is?”

“All of this. Both you and my brother, so stubborn and stupid. Makes me frustrated and sad. I just want to cry. There can be no peace and love when there’s a man’s pride involved.”


“DON’T WHAT?”-GD yelled, his face was red-“I…can’t. I can’t lie to myself. We’ll drink these in the car, let’s go.”
“Jiyong”-Choi was flustered. Grabbing the smaller man’s hand, he pulled him closer, until their faces were almost touching, the air charged, breathing seized. Promises whispered and sealed with a soft whimper.

“Thank you”

“I never break my promises”

“Hopefully. I want this as much as you do”

Seunghyun said he wouldn’t allow anyone to get hurt and would end this quickly. He should have been the better man. Jiyong, a street punk had to point out his wrongs, in order for him to see it. Blondie brought out the better in him and at the same time blew his mind. They had to go back now, Jiyong back into his “cell” and TOP to try and solve the problems. GD was ready, stretching his arm for the cuffs to go back. He decided not to run away. The two were already bound together, for better or worse.

“I like you”


~  ~  ~

I apologize for the late update. I was very busy these two weeks. It's a longer chapter than usual though, so hope you enjoyed.

Also,  can you guess who made the confession?

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MarieJane #1
Chapter 5: Tbh I can't help imagining Seungri falling for Daesung or sth.
MarieJane #2
Chapter 2: AMAZIIIING. GD is the sassiest. No wonder Choi is fascinated, I mean, who wouldn't be? I know I am.
Keep the sass up GD. FIGHTING.
Dragon63 #3
Chapter 14: THAT WAS AMAZING!!!!!! i especially loved that seung captured jiyong :P i love these kind of fanfics... :D
the ending was also amazing has well :D i loved every single part of it!!!
thanks so much for writing this!! :D :D
KikiGTOP #4
Chapter 14: Long time did not thrill me so much with a story. I started reading it and could not stop. Thank you very much for sharing.
wildrose88 #5
cool as ever :)
Chapter 14: This was qt as hell. I havent read any good gtop in ages. Great story and great ending :)
Chapter 14: Oh that was a surprise! !! I love this kind of surprise! !! ㅋㅋㅋ insatiable Dragon Oh god /blushing/
Chapter 13: goddamnit!! Thank you for this story author-niim~ i love youuuu~ <33333
ForeverRainGTop #9
Chapter 14: Well, that was a perfect extra, thankyou!!!!
Chapter 14: Did i ever tell you how much i love you? Cause if i didn't, i'll tell you now. I LOVE YOU SO FUCRING MUCH!!!! <3
This is the best fic i've read so far, i wish i could upvote more than once.
Thank you, anyways. O\
I'm looking forward for your next GTOP fic. ;)