Do I like the Dragon?



Pretend. It was all pretend. They pretended that night didn’t happen. Seunghyun dared not pull at the tiger. Even though at one point that tiger looked like a cute scaredy cat. When not in a cramped space, nothing like that would happen. After they got out TOP barely remembered how he entered the car, galaxies still swimming in front of his eyes. GD’s still presses against his chest. It didn’t last long. What a fiery breath that Dragon had. Choi was sure he’d get scars from the strangulation that underwent as they were going back. God bless the person who invented metal cuffs.

Choi wasn’t sure if he was embarrassed, freaked out or delighted. Replaying his actions over and over again, placing different pieces together, working out alternatives and future progress, all was done in a distracted, muddled way. Little dragon was messing with his head…bad. Partially guild ridden, partially excited, TOP opened the door for GD’s room, expecting and immediate flurry of breakable items. Instead he found a sleeping Jiyong, comfortably sprawled and sniffing the air from time to time, like an animal. Seunghyun could laugh at how ridiculous the blonde looked in this position. Leaning over the slender body, the brunette thought how different this Jiyong is from the awoken version. Such a sleeping face could pass as innocent. TOP was sure that he’d heard purring as well. It was so unobtrusive, this situation. For the first time no nervousness or stress shadowed his mind. Something in Jiyong soothed it. Seunghyun sighed. Troublesome. Maybe he went a bit too far.

“I’ll just try again later. No point right now”

Choi’s hand hovered over G-dragon’s face, feeling his steady relaxed breaths. With an involuntary movement, he caressed the blonde’s lips, at which he received a sniff and Seunghyun snapped out of the day dream. What was he doing? This was wrong. TOP jumped away and cursed continuously under his nose, stepping backwards he almost slipped on Jiyong’s jacket that was lying on the floor and made enough noise to make the sleeping blonde shift. Eyes fluttered open. Pressing the door handle sharply, the brunette spun around, avoiding a plate that smashed on the wall and the angry hisses from the bed. When the door shut behind him, the ability to breathe returned and he slid on the wall.

“Come back in”-Choi massaged his ears in disbelief as this sweet plea echoed through the door-“We need to talk TOP. I am so confused. Last night…you turned my world upside down. You insolent . Just…let’s talk”

It didn’t seem true. Really?

The shyness in GD’s voice, the mellow mumbles and little scratching on the other side. Irresistible temptation. TOP imagined the shy expression and gave in. It was too precious. Jiyong was supposed to back up to the bed. He didn’t. Choi re-entered only to find, it wasn’t actually what he expected.

“I’ll teach you a lesson, you asswipe ert”-G-dragon, hiding behind the door, pounced on Choi’s back, forcing the taller man to bend. Jiyong was not holding back, that was for sure. One of the punches landed on Seunghyun’s jaw and his eyes teared up as the skin inside his mouth was engraved by the canines. He was pretty sure he was bleeding.

“Who’s the better man now? Where’s your personal entourage? Wah!”

GD couldn’t avoid the lamp and directly smashed into it, lost his grip on Choi’s neck and was going to land on his back if Seunghyun’s reflexes hadn’t kicked in. Grabbing on Jiyong’s waist and stepping closer to the bed, the brunette swung the dazed GD around and landed on the bed. TOP turned around, chest pressing against the other, heartbeat storming into oblivion and a pulsating pain in his muscles. Wrapped around his body still, the other man whispered “Thank you”, hands running down Choi’s back. Their eyes met for a moment and Choi’s heart froze. Even though Jiyong’s hair was all over the place, his lids were half closed and a scent of spice wafted from his mouth, the younger man still seemed so sensual and warm.

TOP felt a kick in the stomach and was sent back into the middle of the room.

“Get out now. I still don’t feel like negotiating”

~  ~  ~

Chapter is a bit short this week because I've been super busy. All those dissertations and investigations are destroying me :C

Anyway, spunky GD is back. Tabi doesn't even know what to do anymore. They deffinetly act like kids. But will they start having feeling for each other? Will Choi snap and break Blondie?

We'll see~

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MarieJane #1
Chapter 5: Tbh I can't help imagining Seungri falling for Daesung or sth.
MarieJane #2
Chapter 2: AMAZIIIING. GD is the sassiest. No wonder Choi is fascinated, I mean, who wouldn't be? I know I am.
Keep the sass up GD. FIGHTING.
Dragon63 #3
Chapter 14: THAT WAS AMAZING!!!!!! i especially loved that seung captured jiyong :P i love these kind of fanfics... :D
the ending was also amazing has well :D i loved every single part of it!!!
thanks so much for writing this!! :D :D
KikiGTOP #4
Chapter 14: Long time did not thrill me so much with a story. I started reading it and could not stop. Thank you very much for sharing.
wildrose88 #5
cool as ever :)
Chapter 14: This was qt as hell. I havent read any good gtop in ages. Great story and great ending :)
Chapter 14: Oh that was a surprise! !! I love this kind of surprise! !! ㅋㅋㅋ insatiable Dragon Oh god /blushing/
Chapter 13: goddamnit!! Thank you for this story author-niim~ i love youuuu~ <33333
ForeverRainGTop #9
Chapter 14: Well, that was a perfect extra, thankyou!!!!
Chapter 14: Did i ever tell you how much i love you? Cause if i didn't, i'll tell you now. I LOVE YOU SO FUCRING MUCH!!!! <3
This is the best fic i've read so far, i wish i could upvote more than once.
Thank you, anyways. O\
I'm looking forward for your next GTOP fic. ;)