Let's Stay Like This For A While Longer~

Blissful Love

A smile was plastered onto my face, as we lay on his bed, our hands intertwined. I was lying on his chest, gazing at his bedroom wall. His window was open, letting the summer breeze in. I sighed happily as we lay there.
"You alright Lyn?" He asked in a soft voice.
"Perfect, thanks for asking" I replied, still smiling.
Some people found our relationship slightly odd. See, I have only been living in Korea for two months, and we've been going out for one. On my first day of school, he was the first one to talk to me. He was always so kind, and helped me when I couldn't understand something. Our relationship only blossomed from there on in. Before we both knew it, we were going on our first date, sharing our first kiss, and spending days like the way we are now. Just laying there, together, in peace and harmony.
"I'm glad" he added, shifting on the bed slightly.
However, I would be lying if I said everything was perfect. We had a just got through a rocky patch in our relationship. His friends thought it was funny he was dating a foreign girl, which annoyed him, to the point, where he did something hurtful to me. I got over it, but it still lingered at the back of my head.
"Dongho?" I said, sitting up, looking at him.
He sat up as well, looking a bit worried. "Yeah?"
I sighed lightly before speaking again. "Are you embarrassed to be going out with me?"
Dongho rolled his eyes and poked my nose. "No, forget what I did in the pass, please!"
"I'm trying, sorry oppa" I looked away from him.
Dongho moved to beside me, slinging his arm over my shoulder, pulling me close into a hug.
"Lyn, I was stupid. I don't care what others think. So what if I'm dating an Irish girl. That's a part of your charm!"
I snuggled into his chest, breathing in his scent. "Thank you oppa" I whispered.
He lifted my face up, and stared deep into my eyes. He leaned in and planted a soft kiss on my lips. I kissed him back softly, before we lay back down, our hands intertwined again.
"I love you oppa".
"I love you Lyn".

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_aislinn #1
So Much Love for you now Oppa ^^<br />