
The Joker

The smell of egg fried rice filled my nose as I lay on my bed with the covers kicked off me during the night. I happened to toss and turn a lot in my sleep when I was anxious. Rolling out of bed, I found myself walking towards the kitchen, my legs had a mind of their own. Changmin pushed a bowl of egg fried rice across the table he was sitting at to me, pointing at it with his chopsticks for me to eat it. I began to wolf it down.

"You excited for today?" he asked as I had my face buried in the bowl.

"Excited? Try dreading.." I replied unenthusiastically.

His smile disappeared and he continued eating. I felt guilty so I tried to spark conversation with him again.

"When are we leaving?"

"12" He replied coldly. 

"Oh.. How long will it take to get there?"

"About 15 minutes. It's not too far from here"

I noticed I was getting nothing out of him so I finished my bowl and dropped it into the sink.

"Gamsamnida" I said as I tried looking for a reaction but he kept his head down. (LOL XD Ironic huh?)





I threw everything I owned into one big suitcase. All my albums, clothes, stuffed teddies, photographs, everything. I closed the zip and sat on the suitcase on the floor and stared around the room. I'm gonna miss this. Spending time with my big brother, i'm not gonna have him anymore. I'm really gonna miss him. My thoughts were interrupted by Changmin shouting at me to hurry up.

"Hurry up ____! Junhyung has a really heavy schedule today and we need to meet him before he leaves the apartement!"

Blinking a few times to bring myself back I stood up and dragged my suitcase out into the sitting room. Changmin was standing there waiting for me with his suitcases. The sitting room was completely empty.

"Where's all our stuff?!" I said in shock.

"It's on it's way to my dorm now, haha" He replied rubbing the back of his neck. "Come on we need to go!"

And we left for the apartement.




We pulled into a side road in which it was lined with pristine looking apartements. Sports cars and jeeps lined the street and each door had it's own silver number polished to perfection. I'm not gonna lie, I felt sick to my stomach. My knees were weak and my hands were shaking. I was terrified. Changmin parked the car outside 'no 7'. So this is my new home I thought to myself. I reluctantly opened the car door and stepped out into the cold. It was a cool morning but it felt fresh. I could see my breath in the air. Changmin pulled my bags and suitcase out of the boot. They hit the ground with a thud. 

"OMO What the hell is in here?" He asked but wasn't looking for an answer.

I stood beside the car, too nervous to ring the bell myself. Changmin rolled his eyes and rang the doorbell standing tall. My stomach dropped when I saw the door swing open to reveal a covert looking man. He wore gray tracksuit bottoms, one leg pulled up to his knee and the other trailed the ground. His red adidas t-shirt hugged his musclular-like figure and his hair was backcombed to an extent. He looked like he was searching for something and his eyes were mezmerizing. His natural pout was broken by a huge smile that plastered across his face and he hugged Changmin smacking his back not to lose the brotherly feel to it. He spoke to him for a little bit then looked over at me to which I then froze as he stared into my soul. I felt slightly violated. Changmin turned around to me and smiled warmly motioning for me to come over and say hello. I walked over to him, standing behind him keeping my gaze focused on the ground. Changmin pushed me out from behind him and towards Junhyung. I looked up at him. He looked down on me and smiled briefly before looking like he lost interest in me already. He opened the door widely and motioned us both inside while patting Changmin's back. I trailed behind him dragging my bags. 




you've no idea as to how sorry i am for not updating :'( i'm updating again tomorrow because i'm even

waiting to see what happens next! ^^ i have so much stuff planned! believe me it's all saved on my phone XD

comments are appreciated <3

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omo omo its so good /le creys/
oh my god just finished re-reading this story lol
SaranghaeyoKHJ #4
This story was absolutely amazing Niamh and it was super super super cute ^^ aigoo you've got such a good writing skill. Keep writing more and don't forget about me and Hyun Joong ;) add a little bit of a love triangle with Yoseob hehe saranghaeeeeeee <3
Sorry for the late comment unnie!!!<br />
I can't go online for a few days~<br />
really love your ending!! Tell me if you made other FF ok?
Iamspeechless #6
I love the ending!!
awwwww such a cute story ;D <3
ohshytsitzmarina #9
awwwww. what a cute story. in the end true love prevails.. teehee. though Jay is one of my bias.. Junhyung is too. anyways great story!
Cadenzasus #10
D: Aw.. It's over...