he has changed

he has changed



February 11, 2010.  The date which still lingers on Seohyun’s heart and mind. This was when she decided to take a step on her life. The night of this February 11 was the night that brought changes within her. This was when she met a guy without the company of her unnies, without her manager, but herself only.


This was also when she had interacted to an opposite aside from her TVXQ oppas and Super Junior oppas. This was the night she went to a building aside from SM building. This was when she had entered a Music room, instead of the usual practice room where she learned different dance steps.


This was when she had held a guitar, and had learned the G chord for the first time. This was the time in her life in which a guy had sung for her while strumming the guitar. A night, in which out of the blue, she suddenly asked someone if he likes goguma.


The time in which, because of nervousness, had mispronounced someone’s name. This was also the very first time, someone had called her as “hyun” instead of her usual names ‘seohyun’ or ‘Joohyun’.


This was also her first time in which she walked in the streets sharing an umbrella with a guy in the middle of the night. This is when she won’t forget the moments she ate ddukboki at past 1 in the morning, was given a ring by a guy, not to mention that it was a couple ring. And for the first time, was brought home by a guy aside from her manager oppa.


On February 11, 2010, she met her husband. This was when she met JUNG YONG HWA.

For more than a year, she took a step on her lovelife as she became a married woman. The times she spent with him were the precious moments she would forever treasure.


During the days he was her husband, she tried to be the best wife a man could have although she knew that she lacked in some aspects. She didn’t know how to cook but she still wanted to make the food her husband requested.


She happily ate burnt rice as long as she was with him. And she even tried to make a kimchi and gave a share to her brother in laws, although the end product was not as delicious as others and instead of a simple kimchi, it became a “kimchi soaked in a salt”.


Although, Jung Yong Hwa was only her virtual husband she still fulfilled the role of being a wife. Helping him decorated their new house, doing morning exercises together, taking a driver’s license exam together, watching the sunrise together although the weather didn’t jive with them, and she even had a date with him in another country.


As a wife, she never forgets to give him gifts especially when she was out of the country to fulfill her role as an idol. She even sacrificed her rest time just to give him something which she personally made and that is a scarf with the letters YS embroidered on it.


Being his wife, she had to formally meet his mother. Because of her good values, it didn’t take long for her mother-in-law to approve of her as Yonghwa’s wife. She even promised to take care of Yonghwa’s health that’s why she had made him a papaya tea due to yonghwa’s vocal nodules, and had insisted of going to the hospital for him to be properly examined as he was always having a stomach upset.


Together with Jung Yong hwa, she had tried different things for the first time namely: playing the guitar, making a ‘salt-soaked kimchi’, donating a blood ( although, it was only her who can donate), opening a joint bank account, meeting their idol ‘Ueno Juri’, visiting the GOGUMA village in Japan, planting goguma, composing a couple song, feeding seagulls, being able to ride a ski board and had learned the forward and the backward moving and even tried to make a turn, and most importantly, because of Jung Yong Hwa, she had received her first kiss and had also kissed a guy for the first time.


For more than a year, she had experienced many things and she always wanted to have a remembrance of their love story, so she made a book that’s all about them, starting from the night they met until the time they needed to be apart and officially had to be divorced.


Because of Jung Yong hwa, she learned the difference of liking someone and loving someone, and that’s why she always feels thankful to him. Because she was sure that what she felt for him was beyond liking someone.


It’s been 3 years since Jung Yong Hwa was her husband but the memories she had with him are still fresh and clear in her mind. She wants to forget about him being her husband and wants to just treat him as a friend, but she failed to do so..


She always wants to move on from being his wife but she just can’t. Every time, she tries to make a move in forgetting about him, lots of things keep on appearing on her that makes her think of him.


How can she move on, if there are still people out there who still wanted them to be together?! It’s not that she doesn’t want other people to support them, in fact she feels happy knowing that there are still those who want her to be the girl of Yonghwa’s life, it’s just that because of them, a hope of her and yonghwa being together would somewhat pop in her heart, although she knew that it’s wrong to hope for them because Yonghwa has moved on.


During her leisure time, she always surf the net wanted to be updated and be in touch with her fans, but everytime she tried to type her name on the search engine, Jung Yonghwa’s name always appears on the suggestion box and even on the related searches his name is always on the list.


“aigoo... up until now.. Yonghwa oppa still comes together with my name..” seohyun smiled.


“It’s been 3 years since we were married but is YONGSEO still trending?” she curiously asked


So to answer this, she typed  “yongseo” on the search engine, and it surprised her that there are still different articles about them, there are still different fan sites about them, and then it hit her, that during SNSD concerts or SM Concert, or in any events she was in, there are still people who held banners with ‘yongseo’ in it.


“thank you for still being there” she smiled and thanking no one in particular.


Then because of these things, she has decided to be just like the YongSeo Fans, if they themselves still believe about them being together, why can’t she?


So, instead of forgetting about him, she always reminisces the moments she had with him. She always searches for the latest updates about them made by the fans. She always have a big smile plastered on her face everytime she could watch different videos made by their Loyal Goguma fans although, there were still people who post bad comment about her being not suitable for Yonghwa, she still holds on, because, she hopes that in time, they would be together, and they would be real, just like how their fans wanted them to be..


But one night, when she was in her room and was busy surfing the net, one of the latest articles about him caught her attention, which made her hurt.


“he has changed.. he really changed”


It was the article about Yonghwa’s ideal type and she was sure enough, That It’s NOT HER, because the name “KIM YUNA” was mentioned. She knows she doesn’t have the right to be hurt because Yonghwa has never actually said her name as his ideal type.


“I told you not to hope.. but still you did.. now don’t you cry seo joo hyun!” seohyun scolded herself. She’s trying her best not to cry, but her tears were out of her control that they just rolled down on her cheeks.


Now, she somewhat blames those loyal fans of them for still believing that Jung Yong Hwa likes her.  She became like them, that everytime Yonghwa would describe his ideal type; she still feels that it’s her.


Blame that video of Yonghwa back then during their WGM days, saying that her eyes were very clear, that she is honest,   that he had never met someone as pure and innocent as her.. and that’s what he liked about her.


She feels happy every time she watched videos of Yonghwa talking about his ideal type. She know it’s wrong to assume things but what can she do, when yonghwa would exactly say the same things just like before and adding about how he likes her long hair, and those comments were not helping too, as all of them were stating Seohyun’s name.


Now she came to a point of self-reflecting. “ I should have just continue to forget about him! Instead of continuing to like him,!”


Since that night, seohyun was again trying to erase the feelings she has with him, because no matter what, YongSeo won’t happen again. But unlike before, she is having much hard time in forgetting him. Before, the reason of her difficulties was because of the strong faith of the fans but now,  Kim Yuna contributed in her difficulties.


She doesn’t have any grudges toward Kim Yuna. Actually, if she’s also a man, kim yuna would probably also her ideal type. Not just that, she’s beautiful, but she’s also talented.

She can skate really really well, that why’s she’s the representative of her country.


“they’re the same.. they are all good in riding skates”  she can’t help but to compare herself to her. she can skate but she still falls endless times, unlike Yuna who can eve do different gestures and can perform exhibitions in the middle of ice rink.


While she was alone sitting on the floor in the practice room, she promised not to look for any updates about him, but her hands moved on their own and typed his name.


Now, not just articles were there, but also VIDEOS of Yonghwa saying Yuna’s name out loud. She suddenly remembered the video of Yonghwa in Strong Heart when he shouted “seohyun saranghanda” although, she doesn’t know if what he said was true or not.


“Seohyun-ah..” someone called


Seohyun raised her head to see who was calling her, and she was surprised to see her kyuhyun oppa approaching her and sat beside her.

She was too surprised that instead of closing the videos and articles of Yonghwa and Kim Yuna she had just closed her laptop while those pages were still loading.


“what are you looking at?” kyuhyun nudged her


 “ah.. nothing oppa.. just random videos..” she reasoned out as she placed her laptop on her side

“oh.. really?!.. arrasso” kyuhyun said.


Kyuhyun pretended to stand up and when seohyun looked at him, he suddenly reached the laptop  from seohyun’s side and opened it.


“ah... oppa! give it to me!” seohyun’s tried to grab her laptop but Kyuhyun prevented her in doing so.

 Kyuhyun knew seohyun very well, and she’s not really good in lying. He knew that something was up.


“ kim yuna is yonghwa’s ideal type” Kyuhyun read the title of the first article.

He looked at seohyun whose face was red as tomato and he smiled. Seohyun stopped struggling because she knows she can’t win over him so she just covered her face with both of her hands.


Kyuhyun read the whole article and from time to time, he would look at seohyun. He looked the other web pages and all of them were about Yonghwa and KimYuna.


Once he was done he closed the laptop and put it aside. He stretched his arms as if he was too tired. “ well.. I didn’t know you are a loyal fan of Yonghwa-ah” he said but seohyun just remained silent.


“yah... seohyun-ah.. look at me” he demanded as he tried to remove seohyun’s hands from her face but seohyun just covered her face more.


Kyuhyun gave up from trying so and he knows what could make her look at him. “ Yuna-shii is beautiful.. I’ve watched her competitions, and she’s really good, right seohyun-ah?”


Seohyun turned her head to kyuhyun with her hands still on her face.


“gotcha!” kyuhyun thought

Kyuhyun continued to say thing about Kim Yuna, and all of them were true though. Everytime he speaks seohyun would peek between her fingers.


“well.. they look good together” kyuhyun said that made seohyun dropped her hands on her lap.


even kyuhyun oppa is vote for them”


“ah..uhm.. you think so?” seohyun asked which caused kyuhyun to burst in to laughters.


Seohyun confusedly look at him. What’s wrong with him? She was seriously asking if they really look good together, and this one guy here just laugh?!


“ah.. oppa.. waeyo? What’s with you?!” seohyun asked


“aigoo.. seohyun-ah.. that’s why  he likes you.. you’re still as innocent as before..”


“I know what you want to hear.. seohyun-ah... don’t worry.. He still likes you


Okay?! so this is more confusing. Kyuhyun suddenly blurted random things which are out of the blue...


“oppa.. seriously, what are you saying?!”


“you know what seohyun... I know that you like him.. or more likely love him, right?” kyuhyun asked


“aniyo!” she denied


“fine! Go and be denial seohyun-ah.. even If you keep on saying no.. you’re action is showing that you do love him,right?”


“right, seohyun-ah?”


“right?! Hey answer me?!”


“you do love him, don’t you?”


“de” seohyun whispered


“what.. I didn’t hear it”


“I do” she whispered again but louder than before


Kyuhyun genuinely smiled and patted her head “ aigoo..uri seo joo hyun has been stalking Jung yonghwa” he teased


“aniyo! What are you saying oppa...” she hit his arm

For a moment they were just laughing until seohyun asked. “ oppa.. do they really look good together?”

And kyuhyun innocently nodded which caused her to pout.


“but not as good as the two of you together” he clarified




“yes..” kyuhyun answered


“but oppa.. yonghwa oppa doesn’t like me.. maybe he never did” she admitted


“he did like you seohyun-ah..and I know he still likes you.. He loves you just like the way you love him”


“how did you know oppa?”seohyun asked


Kyuhyun told her how much Yonghwa likes her, although he is not that close to him, Jonghyun brought them to be somewhat friends in a way. kyuhyun had seen how much opened seohyun has become in terms of love since WGM days. And as a guy, he knows what the meaning of Yonghwa’s action towards seohyun is.


Although, they were married only for the show, he knew that yonghwa has something for seohyun even their marriage life ended. When kyuhyun attended the latest concert of CNBLUE he knows that yonghwa was happy to see seohyun on the audience.


He even told seohyun how Yonghwa became awkward towards him, right after Kyuhyun had said that out of SNSD, seohyun had been the closest to his ideal type.


“aigoo..i have to leave now.. I have my schedule” kyuhyun stood up as he fixed his clothes


“oppa.. why is he awkward to you?” seohyun asked again but kyuhyun wouldn’t answer her


“seohyun-ah.. you should know that yourself.. and don’t worry.. He loves you! Just wait and you’ll know what I’m talking about..”


“oppa” seohyun called


 Kyuhyun turned to her before leaving “and by the way.. YongSeo fighting!”


After the conversation she had with kyuhyun, seohyun became more confused than ever. Why is yonghwa awkward to Kyuhyun? How come yonghwa treated kyuhyun differently right after kyuhyun had said that seohyun is his ideal type?


One Saturday, SNSD had to do a fan signing event  in Busan, and she can’t help but to rewind the memories she had with him when they visited his hometown. Right after the fan signing, the members were allowed to roam around the place as they don’t have a packed schedule that time.


Instead of going with her unnies, she wanted to be alone. She wore disguise so people won’t recognize her and freely walked to the sea to try to feed the seagulls just like before.

When she was near to the sea, she saw a familiar guy who was surrounded by seagulls and was expertly feeding each one of them.


“jung yong hwa oppa”


 When she was walking closer to him, suddenly seagulls tried to surround her because she had opened the shrimp crackers awhile ago, and it seemed that the seagulls had smelled it that’s why they started to flock around her.


Seohyun was shocked and it’s been a long time since she had feed a seagull so out of surprise, she screamed.




Yonghwa clearly knew who that sound belongs to, and he couldn’t be wrong. He turned around and saw Seohyun who was tightly closing her eyes because of the seagulls above her.

Yonghwa went to her and grabbed the shrimp crackers and throw it on one side to let the seagulls flew away.


Seohyun opened her eyes when she felt that someone took the crackers and she was welcomed by the smile of Yonghwa.


“seohyun” he smiled


“oh...anneyonghaseyo” she greeted and yonghwa greeted back


“why are you here?” yonghwa asked


“uhm.. to feed the seagulls?” seohyun was not sure on her answer


“ah.. yeah.. I know.. but I mean, why are you here in busan?” he asked and seohyun said that they had a fan signing awhile ago..


They decided to go in the restaurant they were when they meet her mother-in-law because not lot of young people would be there, and they could have a private room so that no one would saw them.


While they were waiting for their orders they were exchanging congratulations about each other’s groups. They were quite awkward to one another as this was the first time they had been together, but still yonghwa tried to lighten the mood.


“ah.. this reminds me when we are still married” yonghwa started to talk


“uhm.. yeah.. ah.. how’s ommoni..ah.. I mean your mother, mrs.Jung?


“she’s doing good.. she still have the sunglasses and the scarf you gave her” yonghwa informed


“oh.. well.. said my greeting to him”


While they were eating Yonghwa would still glances to seohyun.


“you never changed” yonghwa said




“I said you never changed, except your bangs, you still look the same..”


“ah. Yeah.. well you changed oppa”


“uhm.. I think I still look the same too.. except for my golden hair”


“it’s not that oppa.. you changed..you treated me differently right now” seohyun admitted


Yonghwa asked why, and seohyun directly explained it to him. when they would see each other on the music shows, seohyun would gladly smiled at him, but yonghwa would awkwardly respond. He would just bow to her, and he’s not like as before, that he would try to crack some jokes.


“why are you like that oppa?” seohyun asked but yonghwa just looked at her


“oppa..” seohyun called


“I have to” yonghwa answered and seohyun furrowed her eyebrows “waeyo?”


“for me not to fall for you” he said directly looking at her


Seohyun opened to ask but no words came. Yonghwa who sat across her transferred beside her seat, and continue to speak


“you never changed seohyun.. you’re still the girl I met that night. you’re still that pure and innocent seohyun back then. You still have that clear eyes which I liked.”

“I was not planning to tell you this, but seeing you here right now, made me burst what I feel..”





I miss YongSeo.. that's why i bring back their WGM DAYS>>>

so what can you say? it's been a long time since i write a one-shot! it's kinda long right,?

sorry for leaving you hanging:) it's up to you how would you end it..haha (bad bad me...)


anyway.. if you noticed.. it is more on seohyun's side,right? it's how she realized the changes in Yonghwa..


i'm still planning if i'll write a Yonghwa's version : You NEVER changed:)



AND ALSO FOR THOSE SILENT READERS OUT THERE.. but still hope to see your thoughts on my stories..




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Chapter 1: Thanks author * bow
You know, you success makes me almost tearsdrop my eyes. I read this story while imagine about their feel. Are they still surf them name each other ? Are they even aware about goguma fans ? But i think again and i got answer for my question after i finished read your story.
One last say thank you author~nim
Good story ^^
scotthall #2
Chapter 1: please write new chapter , :) :)
ShinHye24 1340 streak #3
Chapter 1: ohhhh...really cute , continue please!
Chapter 1: continue pls :((
HoneyPie #5
Chapter 1: This should be continued
Chapter 1: very well written~ I can clearly feel Hyunnie~s dim feelings here.
Sequel please and give them Gochun =)
Chapter 1: I forgive you with the cliff hanging since this story so beautiful.... /SOBS/
perfectly written author-ssi... well done ^^
it's like I'm recalling back all the memories during their wgm days... miss it so much ><
btw nice to see kyuhyun was there to help uri seohyunnie.. such a good oppa :)) thanks to him hahaha
it would be great if I can read from JYH's POV too... fighting! ^^
cnsdGirl #8
Chapter 1: Everytime I read a cliff hanging aff, I was like..ugh! but, It's okay. :)
But now, I like, whoa!!! Cliffy but ....huuuuuuuaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!! I'm very happy!!!! Aw~ Aum!!
deep_sea #9
Chapter 1: cliffy, but he like her too right, its been forever i think. just because the condition not allow them to be. sigh.

i love the hyun side you wrote, slowly open an admit that she like yong.
will wait for yonghwa side..