Chapter 2

The Silent Protectors

Chapter 2: Thief

8 years later...

The two girls were wandering around the marketplace, walking through the busy crowds of Exotics. They passed a cheap jewels seller and an old women selling what mostly were fake spell books. They were searching for one stall and they found it in the less crowded side of the market. It was a simple flower shop that smelled heavenly, overpowering the strong aroma of food that basically came from everywhere.

The woman selling the flowers was no older than 30 and she had a warm smile on her face as she looked at the twins.

"Your eyes, they're beautiful," she complimented their brown/gold eyes and was met with a pleasant blush from the girls.

"Thank you, ma'am," the two girls politely replied with a small smile.

"So what flowers are you looking for?" the woman asked curiously, the smile never leaving her face.

"Roses. We would like two yellow roses," the blond girl answered.

"Who for, may I ask?"

"Our mother," the black haired twin simply said. They soon paid for the yellow roses and gently placed them in the black bag that they were carrying. This bag had their money and their I.D's, certifying that they were citizens of EXO. As they started to leave the vendor, they felt their bag being snatched out of their hands. They immediately started to chase the culprit.

"Get back here!" The two young girls ran stealthily through the busy marketplace that adorned the streets of EXO. The man that they wre chasing was someone clad in a tattered brown cloak. His face was covered by the hood. He ran quickly, not bothering to apologize anyone who he bumped into. Though he was extremely fast, the girls were faster. They were starting to slowly catch up to him and they ran out of the market place and an open field that was still technically part of the land of EXO but had no inhabitants. It was just a barren field, perhaps waiting for construction in the near future.

The man was shocked that the two girls were still pursuing him and at such a speed without tiring or relenting even in the slightest bit. He wasn't tired at all and was confident that he would outrun them sooner or later. For a man of lean stature, he was very athletic and agile. He looked behind him once and started to panic slightly. They were starting to gain on him.

"Angel, he's within range! Just do it already! I got the petals with me so just do it!" the dark haired girl yelled to the other, still pursuing the man and not breaking a sweat.

"No!" Angel had refused to do what her younger twin, Dev, told her to do. She didn't want to risk exposure and wanted to catch him the good old fashioned way.

"Tch, goody two shoes." Dev spoke under her breath. They were now only several feet behind him, about 3 or so meters, with Angel in front of Dev. Angel started to push herself harder and with a burst of energy, leaped forward and tackled the cloaked stranger. Dev reached them in seconds as he was momentarily stunned by the tackle. As Dev reached to grab the black bag, a sudden gust of wind knocked her over. She looked around in surprise for there was not even a breeze. Angel flew off of the stranger as another gust of wind blew her a few feet away. She groaned, not in pain but in annoyance, at the situation.

The man jumped up and grabbed the bag, attempting to run off again. He heard a feminine growl behind him and he fell face forward as he started to turn back to see where the noise came from. He looked up in astonishment only to find a white whip wrapped around his calf. He struggled to peel it off but to no avail. In a bried moment of panic, he started to create a small but powerful tornado. He never even saw the girl come up from behind him. Dev pressed a pressure point in the back of his neck, effectively knocking him out. With him unconscious, the tornado started to dissipate.

Dev got up and dusted herself off. Angel had retracted her whip. She received a look from her younger twin and she slightly huffed, knowing what was about to come.

"Told you to use the whip. Would have made it a lot quicker..." Dev said in a matter-of-factly way. Her reply was just a roll of the eyes.

Dev reached into her back pocket and pulled out a small dark blue bag, similar to indigo. She opened the bag and grabbed one of the blue petals that was inside. These flowers were Forget Me Nots. She planned to use only one to make him forget about their encounter. Using one petal would make him forget one day and she didn't want to stuff the whole flower in his mouth. He would forget this past week, maybe more.

As she opened his mouth the place the petal on his tongue, she heard a yell. Both Angel and Dev looked behind them in surprise, seeing another oddly cloaked stranger run at them.

"What are you doing to my brother?!"

Still haven't explained what happened to her mother yet... Ahehe but I think you already know.


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PerplexingDamsel #1
Update Soon!
PerplexingDamsel #2
Chapter 3: Oh damnn, for Exo cause Dev and Angel just like wooped the demons so easily while they got hurt. xD Lol.
PerplexingDamsel #3
Chapter 2: Oh, that's cool. So basically the petals make the people do whatever the flowers like power thingy is??
Chapter 1: Please dont let her have turbiculosous D:
Love this! Update soon:D!
PerplexingDamsel #5
Chapter 1: Woah, woah woah...what happened to the mom?? Why's the dad being such a biatch!?...update soon!
PerplexingDamsel #6
OMG...Yay~! Please update soon! Good Luck!