Initial Contact

Wolf Boy

Thank you everyone for subscribing and your comments, I appreciate it so much! So here is chapter 2~!


After the two had ate, Joonmyun suggested that Baekhyun shake out their beddings and hang them on the line to air them out before the sun sets. Baekhyun was just hanging up the last, while having a little snack when he heard something shift out by the shed. He peered over into the shadows to see if anything was there, being slightly scared as in the city the most wild animal you had to worry about was drunken men roaming the streets at night. His eyes quickly did a search again before he spotted a dark figure crouched under some wood leaned against the side of the shed. Full of wonder as to what the shadow could possibly be, his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the shadow shuffling and he heard a soft of growl.

"Hello?" Baekhyun called. He heard more shifting and as the creature came more to light he saw a orangey tint. Baekhyun looked to his hand to see the half eaten apple and decided to see if he could lure the thing out. He stuck out his hand with the apple in it and tried to get the creature out. He slowly knelt to the ground and roll the apple a few feet in front of him. "Hey, come on. Come out. It's okay"

The creature slowly stepped out into the light, and shocked the poor boy. The creature was not a creature at all but a boy that couldn't be much older than Baekhyun himself. The boy dressed in old, dirty, shabby clothing quickly rushed out and grabbed the rest of the apple shoving it into his mouth and eating it like he'd never seen food before. Once Baekhyun finally snapped out of his trance, he wondered what in the hell was going on.

"Hey Joonmyun hung? Can you come here for a moment?" Baekhyun called out. Glancing at the boy while adding, " can you bring a handful of apples as well?"

"Sure!" came Joonmyun's reply, then Baekhyun heard a slight laugh. "Trying to get friendly with the wildlife are we?"

"Hmm… yeah. Something like that…" Baekhyun called back as he carefully watched the movement of the boy. Taking a minute to finally breathe again, he fully took in the features of this strange wild boy. The boy looked tall, but it was hard to tell the way that he was hunched over. His hair was an dark orange brown color that was matted with mud, sweat and god knows what else. Baekhyun tried to get a good look at the male's face but it was hair to see with the long curls covering it. 

"So Baek, where are the deer?" Joonmyun called as Baekhyun looked to him pressing his shoes fully on his feet. Joonmyun looked towards Baekhyun and saw the boy crouching on the ground, finishing off the last of the apple. " That is no deer…"

"I never said there was a deer." Baekhyun said as he looked back at the unknown and quite mysterious boy. Both boys continued to stare at the boy, until the boy eyed the apples in Joonmyun's hands. "Hyung…I think he wants those apples. Maybe you should slowly put them on the ground."

"Hey there, it's okay" Joonmyun smiled at the boy, while slowly crouching down in advancement towards the boy. Once Joonmyun was an arms reach away from the boy, he sat on the balls on his feet and held the apple out to the boy. The boys eyes flew from Joonmyun, to Baekhyun, to the apple and back to Joonmyun before quickly reaching out and snatching the apple from Joonmyun's hands. From there the apple went straight into the boys mouth as he looked at Joonmyun before staring at Baekhyun. "Where did he come from Baek?"

"I'm not sure. I heard a rustling and there he was hiding under those beams standing against the shed." Baekhyun breathed staring back at the boy. Now that he could finally see the boys face he could take in his features. The boy had big wide eyes, a few cuts along his face and large teeth. Aside from the dirt caked onto his face, the boy's skin looked soft and his cheeks were round. "Hyung what will we do with him?"


"I don't know Baekhyun-ah. It's getting dark and I don't think we have the energy to take a run down to the police station." Joonmyun said holding out another apple to the boy. "Maybe we should get him inside and cleaned up and see if we can get him help in the morning?"

"In-invite him in with us?" Baekhyun's gaze torn from the boy to look at his hung. "We don't know him or what he's capable of hyung."

"We can't just leave him Baekhyun-ah. The nights are getting cold, come on Baek, you always said you wanted a younger brother. Think of it as a trial run?" Joonmyun smiled at Baekhyun, not just any smile, his completely heartwarming, eye-upturning crescent eye smile. How could Baekhyun refuse his hung now?

"That's unfair, you used your super eye-smile on me!" Baekhyun accused. Baekhyun pouted to himself not realizing that the boy was drawing closer to him. When he finally looked to where the boy was he realized the boy was a lot closer than he previously knew. The boy had stood up, although not fully and looked down at Baekhyun through his dirty hair. Slightly started Baekhyun's only reaction was to stare up at the boy's face and directly into his eye. Oddly enough Baekhyun wasn't shocked at how the boys eye were a more light brown and gold color compare to his own deep brown. The boy slowly raised his hand towards Baekhyun's face and slowly brushed his hair from his eyes. Though dirt, apple pieces and juice when into Baekhyun's hair he was memorized by the boy's wide unsure eyes searching his face. Baekhyun quickly lightly touched the boys wrist, "Ya, what are you doing?"

And in that moment Baekhyun could feel time stop.



Picture is how I pictured Chanyeol in this story. Not my photo, it belongs to the wonderful person who orginally posted it!! Here's the second chapter, I hope you all like it. If so I would love to read your comments.

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Siren-shi #1
Chapter 8: SeHun and JongIn! Yayyyyyyy! :) :)
And SeHun has a crush on SuHo :) SeHo! *hugs you* Stupid oblivious SuHo. Why You So Dumb? Lol. Thanks for updating.
Siren-shi #2
Chapter 7: I want it to be Sehun because I love SeHo/SuHun but barely anyone writes it. Sehun and Chanyeol are close too. Apparently Chanyeol is protective of the maknae. That'd be cute to read. Baek's probably get jealous though.
I rarely read Baekyeol fics but I'm interested in this.
Chapter 7: I personally have this on Minseok, so I vote for him! teehee. And I kinda ship XiuHo to the bone (though I have XiuHan's ship sculptured in my heart lol) and it doesn't matter for him to be lover or enemy to Joonmyun as long they interacts (said love is the closest word to hate and vice-versa hoho)
About Chanyeol lol I'd love to keep a puppy as big as Chanyeol and around, not letting him follow me or come to my room. Baekhyun should learn to accept him soon, though I'd love to see more love-hate moments between those two.
Anyway, thanks for updating! Goodluck for the upcoming chapters, I'll be anticipating ♡
Chapter 7: It depends whether the new character is a friend or a lover.... I think it should be Chen. Chen is cool hehe or Lay. Lay is cool too.

Welcome back!!! (>~<)!!
Chapter 6: I didn't see Kris coming there ^^ That sounds good, like Bad-Guy-Kris and Jealous-Chanyeol haha
Your adaptation is so good :)
Chapter 6: ooh, I didn't expect Kris to be the bad guy here but he does have the feels. hoho. anyway, good thing Joonmyun and Chanyeol went home fast. is Kris okay? lol.
I'm getting curious on what will happen next! looking forward to the next chapter. thanks for updating ♡
Chapter 5: ^^ and here i am again!! c:
i saw you online and in my head i was thinking...." hmmm.... another chapter about to be put up??"
my thoughts were correct :D
Do you need a poster? cuz i know a REALLY good poster shop to get one~
I have finish to watch Werewolf Boy TT you were right, I also cried TT so much!
It really make me want to read your story~♥
Chapter 4: this fic deserves more views, subs AND comments....
hmm.. i guess i'll spread the word about this fic ^^
So cute :D
I didn't watch Wolf Boy but I want so much to watch it.. And now you make me want to watch it even more haha (':