

Hello. My name is Park Chan Yeol. I just turn into seventeen years old, about two weeks ago. I live in Seoul, South Korea. I go to Seoul High School. I go to school everyday even though I don't find the point of going there. I have friends. Yeah, I'm kinda like a social butterfly. Almost everyone in high school knows me. Try asking one of them, they will immediately respond. Anyway, I enjoy performing. I love playing my guitar. I like singing. I like to rap. Oh and I play drums as well. But most of all, I like to write lyrics. Well more of composing. Yeah I find music fascinating. Because they heal me. Somehow they just do. They help me. With every note, with every beat, with every melody, I'll find myself yearning for more, needing, hoping, praying, fighting, well something like that.

Let's just put it this way, I love music. I'm a music kinda guy. 

Anyway, let me repeat, my name is Park Chan Yeol. 

And this is my story.


Hi! I just started a new fic, starring Chanyeol himself. I'm still not sure how this story goes though. But I guess it's more of a chanyeol-centric. Ha. Well, till then! xx


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Chapter 4: update soon :)
yeollieka #2
Chapter 3: What makes him think that he's the reason why his parents chose to get divorced?
Yeol's such a good actor, acting all though and fine.. Hope he'd find his happiness soon..
yeollieka #3
Chapter 2: Whoaaaa, I like this fic, so much!!
And I almost cried reading the 2nd chapter.. His parents would get divorced.. Poor him..