Navy Blue Backpack

Navy Blue Backpack



There he was again, standing alone in the middle of the crowd. His brown hair stood out prominently among all the red heads and blondes who were sitting down on every available table. This somehow had become his routine ever since he enrolled in this university. He eyed every single table, looking for a certain someone who had been in his mind for every single minutes. The bell rang, class had started. People were beginning to walk over in pair or threes or in groups, but not him. He didn't find the person he had been looking for, then he decided to go to class. 

It was now lunch break, the brunette was sitting down in a round table with a group of boys, a tall and charismatic blonde haired boy called Yongguk, a raven haired boy whose looks could pass on as a model, Himchan, a chubby boy with dark brown hair who had angelic voice, Youngjae, and a tall and the youngest boy who had silver hair with splashes of red, Junhong.

"Hyung! Jongup hyung! Stop spacing out." Junhong waved his hand frantically in front of the brunette. 

"Oh sorry... sorry. What were you guys talking about?" Jongup lowered his gaze. 

"Yongguk hyung is going to host a party this upcoming Friday, you're gonna be there right?" Junhong asked. 

"I don't know, party isn't really my thing." Jongup murmured. 

"Oh come on hyung, you never go out, this is your chance. We're not gonna take no for an answer." Junhong crossed his arms. 

Before Jongup could answer, a certain blonde boy passed through, a navy blue backpack significantly perched on his back. Jongup eyes trailed the boy until he disappeared out from the canteen. 

"I'm sorry, Junhong-ah, I can't. I'll see you later." Jongup stood, grabbing his backpack before vanishing into the direction the previous boy went. 

Jongup didn't know where he was going, his feet only followed the direction the boy went, but he was glad that he was out from that conversation. It's not that he hated going to a party, it's just that he didn't know what to do in a party. One would probably drink and dance throughout the night, but drinking and dancing alone was just sad. His best friend Junhong would dance with his boyfriend, Yongguk, while his other best friend Youngjae would make out all night long with Himchan. Jongup would then be left alone. 

Jongup was too preoccupied with his daydreaming that he didn't realize that there was someone in front of him until they both collided with each other, making both of them landed on their bottom.

"I'm sorry..." Jongup muttered. 

"It's okay, I wasn't looking either." The other boy chuckled. 

Jongup felt his breathing had stopped. It was the guy who he had been looking for. The blonde boy with navy blue backpack. He sat there, mouth agape. 

"Hey, you're from TS High School? No way, I'm from there too." He noticed Jongup's keychain. "How come I have never seen you before?" 

"W-well, TS is such a big school. It's no surprise that we haven't seen each other before." Jongup lied, the truth is he had seen the boy before, not often, but only a couple of times. When he heard that both of them were attending the same university, he couldn't contain his excitement, mostly because he could see his crush more often now. 

"You're right. I'm Daehyun, Jung Daehyun." the boy offered his hand.

"My name is Moon Jongup." He smiled. 

The two of them then walked together down the hallway. 


The following day, Junhong cornered Jongup in one of the male toilet. 

"Yah Moon Jongup! Now it's time for you to spill the beans!" He trapped the older boy using his arm. 

"What are you talking about?" 

"Are you seeing someone right now? Because I'm your best friend and I'm supposed to know everything!" 

"No. I'm not seeing anyone right now." 

Junhong narrowed his eyes, sending death glare to Jongup, "If I know you are lying, you're gonna get it, hyung." 

Jongup, being able to escape Junhong today, walked casually towards the canteen. Jongup always hated Tuesdays, it's the day when he would have lunch alone because the rest of his friends were having lectures. He stopped at the food counter, thinking of what to have when a certain boy with navy blue backpack strolled in and hold Jongup by the waist. 

"Hey, are you having lunch now?" 

Surprised by Daehyun's action, Jongup replied sheepishly, "Y-yeah." 

Daehyun grabbed the the younger boy's hand and led him towards an empty table, before settling their bags together, "Let's go get food." he grinned. 


"Jongup-ah, lend me your phone." Daehyun flashed him his biggest smile. 

"What for, hyung?" He handed the older boy his phone. 

Daehyun furiously typed on Jongup's phone and returned him the phone. Jongup saw Daehyun's phone vibrated briefly. "It's my number, and now I got yours. Let's see what should I save your number as? How about Jonguppie?" Jongup blushed at the nickname he had gotten. 

"Jongup-ah, there's this party going on this Friday, are you gonna be there?" 

"Is it the hosted by Yongguk hyung?" 


"I don't know, I don't really like party." 

"Why not? You should be there, I'll be waiting for you." Daehyun winked before dashing off somewhere, leaving Jongup flustered. 

After the school had ended, Jongup dragged Junhong home into his own room, locking it in the process. 

"What's all this about hyung?" 

"Junhong-ah, I don't know how to put this, but..." 

"I knew it, you are seeing someone!!!" 

"I'm not, at least not yet."

"Well, who's he?" 

"There's this guy named Daehyun, he was from TS. I met him a couple of days ago, but the truth is I have been stalking him all this time, then he asked me whether I'll be going to Yongguk hyung's party and I said not and he said I should and that he'll be expecting me there, and I don't know what to do, and you have to help me!" 

"Wow, slow down. First thing first, do you like him?" 

"Well, yeah I guess so." 

"Does he like you?" 

"How should I know? If I know that he likes me, then we wouldn't be sitting down here having this conversation." 

"Has he dropped any hints?" 

"Well, I guess yeah. I mean he hold my waist earlier when he called me for lunch, then he gave me his number and then he said he'll see me in the party." 

"Has he done anything else?" 

"Not really." 

"Well, I don't know how to help you hyung, so I'll see you tomorrow." 

"Yah! Choi Junhong! Some help you are." 

Jongup buried his face in his pillow, thinking about it over and over again. He was sure that he had fallen for the blonde boy, but he wasn't so sure that Daehyun had fallen for him. There were so many questions that he would like to ask Daehyun, but he was too scared to listen to the answer. 





It's been 3 days since Jongup and Daehyun talked to each other, they didn't even text each other, Jongup was beginning to get worried, did something happen to him. He was about to call the older boy when he saw Daehyun chatting happily with a girl with short brown hair. Jongup couldn't help but to feel a slight tinge of jealousy. That was when he heard the news that Daehyun had been dating this girl called Hyosung for a couple of weeks. The girls was slightly older than the two of them. He also heard that she was Daehyun's date for the party tonight. 

Later that night, Jongup still came to the party nevertheless, ignoring all the rumor he had heard about the blonde boy earlier in the day. Jongup was the kind of person who would always see the best in people, he decided to give Daehyun a chance to explain to him. The party was wild and extravagant, DJ was hired and bartenders were available to serve all kind of drink, those containing alcohol and those who didn't. When he had arrived there, he was greeted warmly by Yongguk, who was quite shocked that Jongup was here, in a party. He then entered the living room, just to find Himchan and Youngjae locked their lips together. He scanned the room for a certain blonde boy, but he wasn't there. He moved towards the second floor, where all the bedrooms were located. Frankly he was a bit scared to go this part of the house, he was scared that Daehyun would be in one of the room, with a girl, doing you-know-what. He was afraid that reality would kick him in the and telling him that Jung Daehyun had never liked him in the first place. But he went up anyway, he thought that it would probably be better to be hurt now then later when he had already fallen head over heels for the boy. 

He creaked open the door one by one, to his relief the boy he had been searching for wasn't there. Then his eyes fell on the last door who was slightly ajar. Peeking in, he saw a girl leaning to a boy for a kiss. When the girl removed her face, revealing the boy's face, Jongup's heart almost stopped. He couldn't help but to let his tears fell down on his cheek. He jerked away from the door, before he had gotten a chance to see even more. He was hurting himself if he kept on seeing, so he left, he went down to the bar, asking for a shot of vodka, before silently weeping. 

I guess that's the thing with foolish, one-sided, unrequited love. One person had to be hurt so that the other would be happy, no matter how unfair it was, it was my fault for falling for him, my fault for choosing to love him. 






A/N: heeey! i've returned with another story! I know i should be updating on my other 2 stories but yeah =___= i know this is a bit crappy, i'll try to improve on this angsty fic. But i feel bad for making my Jonguppie cry :'( 

Comment if you like the story and tell me whether you guys want me to make a continuation of this story, the one where Jongup would get his happy ending with Daehyun. Or do you guys prefer Jongup to be alone and sad :( Soo... yeah comment and subscribe please :D






*ehem* am I the only person that doesn't like Jongup's hair in oneshot? :/ 



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Chapter 1: Ugghh! I like this a lot coz it's DaeJong but it pains me that Jongup is hurting coz Daehyun has a girl, and it's my gummy Hyooo!! I don't know if I should be happy coz Dae's gf is Hyo or mainly this is about DaeJong. Waaaaaaaa!! I'm torn between my best couples: DaeHyo and DaeJong >__<