God must be sent you


Time passed along the semesters too. There’s a lot of things happened like I found my true friends yoona and suuny we get along so close and we go out together, hang out in the mall, in their houses, go somewhere that we think it’s interesting, go shopping, eat together in the cafeteria even its totally tiring to eat their food again and again. Make our assignment together, cheat together, meet the boyfriend of sunny and hang out with them , looking forward to see siwon everyday ahaha its included ^^  meet new classmate in every subjects, make projects together.

If your asking about my siwon, sometimes I talk with him but not always, seldom I think, ask for young saeng hmm I don’t now I just know him, sometimes we talk iif there important to ask then sometimes we get along with them.

For me do I change? hmm! No I think, I’m just an old kim so eun, well i think I’m learning to talk much because of my friends yoona and sunny they are the reason why I change  just a little bit at least. ^^

Mmmh! In the house well even my step father has a work , he’s just like an old extremely drunken man and my mother, well an old lady that severing hardship of his husband and me in house well I’m severing too the hellness of my step father attitude but still are strength keeps us holding, thanks god.

This year is our second year in college yipey well, well, well, we concur the one year pf college good job to us and thanks god.

As we started enrolling together we saw siwon’s group I think they getting many and they go toward us

“Hey let’s take our aubject together” siwon said

“Yah its really greet coz we will cheat together right hyung joon?” young said

“Yah its much better”kim hyung joon replied

“Oh by the way this is kim hyung joon, kim hyun joong”young  saeng introduce them to us

“Hi nice to meet you” we said

After our conversation with them, we go to the mall coz its time for fun, we go shopping and meet again sungmin the boyfriend of sunny but I think they’re having a problem with their relationship so sungmin did not stay longer he quickly go but before that I saw sunny slap sungmin in the face so I’m shock coz I didn’t imagine they will go in that kind of situation because I feel that their relationship is perfect.

Sunny told us what happened it goes like this

“sungmin oppa is breaking up with me” sunny said while crying we try to comfort him.

“Why he’s breaking up with you” yoona asked

“Yah why?”I said

“he need space he said to me, after all we’ve been through after I gave all of me to him, this is what he wants me to do” sunny said while is bursting in tears

“Oh my gosh you gave what?!”I said

“Of course that! innocent liar “yoona said with a smile

“Ok so there something already happened to the both of you” I said seriously

“Yes and its not once, not twice always”sunny said

“What the f***k” yoona reaction is really shocked

“oh my gosh” I sigh” why you gave up that easily” as I continue

“Coz I love him”sunny said

“pabo!(fool) ”yoona said

“Ok don’t be prostrated its going to be fine sooner or later”I said to her and give her a warm hug

“So what’s the feeling when first try that” yoona said curiously

“Why you’re asking you want to try too” I said to yoona

Of course not I’m just curious” yoona said and laugh

“at first its really painful ”sunny said but I interrupt what her saying “ ok that’s it let go shopping ”I said ”you know sungmin has a good body” sunny continue

“I bet that” yoona agree and smile at me

“and you now his really good at”sunny said but I really really interrupt it coz I know what her trying to say” ok! Yah we know he’s really good at cooking so shall we go” I said and yoona laugh “ ok lets go shopping and don’t think sungmin lets have fun today” yoona said and smile to sunny

“Yah lets go shopping” I said energetically.

Before I go home, I decided to go in the church, as reach therei take a sit and pray that

”god thank you for giving a lot of strength to concur all my problems and I wish sunny can concur all the problem right now that her facing and guide us all amen”

After I pray I sit a little moment and think how they can give their self to other people if god gives us the freedom to enjoy our live by being a single person.

There was a phrase I read” singleness is a gift from god “

The one that I read says” love others as I love you” but “love one another like brother and sister” as a young adult we can love all of them but not in a intimate relationship.

For short

As a young person there is so much to do, to enjoy are singleness, we can have a relationship with a boy or girl but not as a lover we can treat them as a friend.

For short again we’re too young for a serious relationship with opposite coz we all know sooner or later we will be separated its like sometimes we found “a right person in a wrong time” as we said always, but I found it wrong “its jus not now and it’s not a right person” coz god has a plan for us he will give a right person at a right time”

But I guess temptation is everywhere so I must just say god guide me always and send me away from the temptation.

coz nobody is perfect.


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plstop #1
i really love your story uhmmm just a few modifications in the grammar :) do consider it!! hehehe :P any love the story :)
Chapter 17: your story is writing beautifully
houseki #3
Chapter 17: please update ! i really love this~~~~
Is this a Christian fic? If so I'm more than happy to read it since there aren't many fanfics with this theme ^_^
glaizacued #5
sundan mo na to... now na :P
Youngsaeng<3 Update soon~! :D
louella_lerios #7
nice!!! :))) update soon! :))