Meet the super juniors :D part 1

the big DORM!!!

Chappy 7 ^^

~the next day~

taemin: jessy wake up its morning already!

taemin sad while shaking jessy

jessy: mmmmm...don't wana!!

jessy turned away from taemin

taemin:I didn't want to do this but

taemin then tickeld jessy

jessy:hahahaha!!...stop!...hahaha..stop ok ok..I'm awake!!

taemin:good now go taek a bath and meet us in the living room

taemin pushed jessy to the bathroom

jessy: ok ok I'm going to take a bath now go outside and close the foor T.T

taemin went outside of her room

jessy: aaarggh sooo early in the morning I still want to sleep more T.T oh well I need to go take a shower

jessy took a nice warm shower, brushed her teeth and changed she then went out and into the living room

taemin: ok ready?

key: wait your not going to put make up on?

jessy: nope T.T why should I

key: nevermind

taemin: ready??

jessy: wait taemin I need to talk to you

taemin: can't it wait

jessy: no after this day I don't want to be your assistant anymore

taemin: huh why?

jessy: because I don't want to be bossed around T.T

taemin: ok fine let's goooo

they all went in the van and of to sme after 20 mins they finally arrived

~at sme~
manager hyung: ok guys your schedule with suju starts in an hour so get ready

shinee: ok

jessy: you guys are going to have an interview with suju?

jonghyun: yah we are do you know them?

jessy: yah I do I love their song but I really don't know them

jonghyun: you know them but you don't know us

jessy: didn't I tell you I don't know them

jonghyun: well you know their song and you loved it but don't know our you have hurt your appa :(

jessy: sorry appa don't worry your my best and favorite band of all :D

jonghyun: really?

jessy: yup

jonghyun: ok but I'm still sad about it :(

taemin: that's what I felt yesterday T.T

jessy: really?

taemin: yup

jessy: sorry

key: ok guys stop the chit chat we have to get ready

taemin and jong hyun: ok

the shinee members went to their room and got ready after 1 hour they got out and started memorising some lines and stuff for the interview with suju

after they memorised suju finally came jessy was happy that she could meet the band of the song "no other" suju got ready and memorised thier lines after they memorised it they all sat down and started taping the show.

~after 3 hours~

taemin and jonghyun went to jessy

jessy: you guys were so cool out there xD

jonghyun: aaaw jessy ur so cute just like your father xD

taemin: stop praising yourself hyung T.T

jonghyun: fine T.T... jessy want to meet the suju hyungs?\

jessy: ok xD

jonghyun took jessy to suju and greeted them

jonghyun: hyungs I want you to meet my daughter jessy xD

jessy: anyonghaseyoI'm jessy nice to meet you :D and I'm not he's daughter I'm their lang owner :D

eunhyuk: hey your the girl from yesterday

jessy: and your eun..eun..eun..eunsomething

eunhyuk: its eunhyuk!

jessy: yah eunhyuk yay I finally got it right xD...I told you I now shinee

eunhyuk: so your their land lady?

jessy: yup :D

suddenly another guy from suju spoke

donghae: how old are you?

jessy: 15 years old :D

donghae: wow your so young what grade are you?

jessy: first year college

donghae: aren't you a little bit young to be in college?

jessy: I know but my parents wanted me 2

donghae: oh ok

siwon: wait aren't you a little bit young to be their land lady?

jessy: I'm not :D

donghae: soo jessy have you ever heard of our song?

jessy: is it "no other"?

siwon: yup that one

jessy: yah I love that song

heechul: if you know that song how come you don't know us?

jessy: It kinda ummmm slip my mind xD

eunhyuk: what?

jessy:hehehehe xD

dong hae: ok jessy I need to ask you something very important

jessy: what is it?

donghae: who do you like best "shinee or "super juniors?

jessy: shinee :D but I still like you guys I just like shinee cause I knew them for a long time

siwon: what if you knew us first?

jessy: then I would pick both

heechul: one only :D

jessy: I won't answer that then :P

heechul: fine

taemin: ok ok enough questions your spending too much time with suju hyungs now you must spend more time to your shinee hyung at home now so we better get going

jessy: wow its this late already?? hey wait its only 8:00pm T.T

taemin: even though its scary outside when you go home at midnight

jessy: ok then

donghae: oh well see yah jessy will you be coming next saturday?

jessy: yeah su-

taemin interupted

taemin: no jessy isn't going she's busy with something

siwon: aaw too bad...see yeah then see you next time

jessy: bye suju hyungs xD

taemin:well suju hyungs it was fun practicing with you bye bye

taemin bowed and took jessy outside

jessy: can't we wait inside its cold out here

taemin: no!

jessy: umm oh yeah why did you tell them that I was busy in saturday I don't have plans that day

taemin: you said you won't come to sme anymore so there!

jessy: ok ok no need to get mad

finally the van arrived the shinee members and jessy finally went home


to be continued part 2

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great fic, thank you!
kissme-minseok #2
i remember this!
great job!
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 32: Awwww ruined the moment lol
New reader here! I really love this fanfic :DDD
JoJomontano #6
aww so nice :))
icemochi18 #7
awww; they were back together <3
gosh i thought it was really the end TT TT i was so scared
brainyjs #9
awwww.....<br />
they are finally back together!! XD!!<br />
sad that this is the last chapter...<br />
it IS the last chapter right?? >.<<br />
yeah... should be... lawl... i answered my own question...<br />
aigoo... jonghyun, key and onew TOTALLY ruined the moment!! aish...