Chapter 5

The Beauty of Ugliness


I followed JooRi to the vet, leaving JiHyun at the bench. JooRi didn't know I was following her because she was so concentrated on the dog. JooRi carried, the dog, Coco all the way to the vet in less than 30 minutes. She opened the door, the receptionist looked up worriedly. "What happened? Is the dog okay?" The lady asked kindly.

"Just please take care of her. She's 15 years old and 10 months. Please take care of her. She's all I got. She means everything to me now. Please!" She bowed hoping she would take Coco in.

"Yes ma'am. I understand. I'll take her in and come back for more information." The receptionist took Coco from JooRi's arms gently and carried her to the back.

"Thank you!" JooRi bowed. She looked at the door where Coco was carried, hoping everything was going to be okay. The receptionist came back walking towards JooRi. I was standing in front of the door watching their conversation.

"Excuse me, what happened to her?" JooRI looked up and bit her lips.

"Well.. I was at the Han River, we were both eating and she fell from the bench. She's really old and fragile too. She fell and now she's here." She answered. WHy didn't she say anything about me? What is wrong with me? The receptionist wrote down what JooRi had just said.

"We will come back with your dog in a bit. In the mean time, please sit down and wait for your name to get called." She said while bowing. JooRi bowed in respomse and went to one of the chairs. She sat down and started to cry. I felt bad for my actions. I didn't know what to do but I walked towards her. She looked up with her tears rolling down.

"What." She sniffled. "Just leave. DOn't follow me. Don't talk to me. Just leave me alone." I gripped onto her wrists.

"Don't. say. that." I whispered. She stood up, shocked to hear what I had just said.

"This is all because of you. If you didn't kick her, then she wouldn't be right here, in the vet. If you didn't play with me then I wouldn't have to worry about what you just said, and only worry about Kurin. I don't have anyone left, they're all I have. Just leave. Now." I felt bad, really bad.

"You're not the only one who's alone.." I whispered. Memories of my parents, my sister, my family were coming back.


I was 12 years old, my sister 15. My family and I, we were going home from a baseball game. We did this once in a while, going to baseball games with the family. We were on the highway, I was playing with my new hat my parents just bought me and  my sister was listening to her music. All of a sudden, we heard a car honk, it was our car. When I looked up, there was a car coming towards us. My eyes widened. I heard my parents screaming, telling us to be careful. Thats when I felt it, The whole car was being thrashed. The impact was big, my sister was unconsious, there was also blood rolling down. I looked at my parents, there eyes were closed with blood rolling down on their face.

"Umma! Appa!" I screamed. I felt my blood rolling down also but I wasn't paying attention to any of that. " JieJie! (Older sister) What are we gonna do?? Look at mom and dad." I cried. I shook my parents. "Wake up. What the are you guys doing. Wake up." I was so scared of everything. I tried opening the car door. It took me a few tries to open it but I managed. I ran to the passenger side of the door and opened the door, pulling my mom out. I laid her down on the road. I ran to the other side openeing my father's door. I took him out along with my sister. The ambulance finally came, running towards our car.

"Please go in thre truck, we'll take care of your family." THe man soothed. I nodded.

"Please do. I don't know.. my parents. my sister." I trailed off.  Once we were at the hospital, the doctors told me, my parents did'nt make it. My sister was in a coma and I had no one." 


"Shut up." She grumbled. "You don't know how I feel." The receptionist called JooRi over. She stood up and followed the lady to a room. I sat down, deciding to wait for JooRI.


"Your dog, Coco... She is okay but.. her heart is getting bigger. She is an old dog so she already has arthritis. Coco is  having trouble breathing." She said. I nodded understandingly.

"What should I do to help her?" I asked.

"Well first, we can't fix the heart but we can give her medicine to help her breathing and calm her heart down. The medicine is already in my hands so for now please give her these. The directions are on the bottle. I will bring Coco back shortly." She came back with Coco in her arms, Coco was still sleeing. "IF you carry her home and just let her rest, she will be better." I bowed.

"Gahamsahamnida." I said. "I will comeback to pay the bill." She nodded. I opened the door and walked out with Coco. I saw Kris sitting down, I tried walking past him but he stood up in front of me.

"I-I-I'm sorry." He bowed. I ignored him and moved him out of my way. "JooRi, I didn't mean to kick Coco. I just don't know. My- I-" HE stuttered. I glared at him in response and kept on walking. "JooRi!" I turned around. "I just.. want you to know I'm sorry. I really am." He said. I didn't expect him to apologize but I wasn't oging to take it.

"Don't expect anything Kris Wu. Just leave me alone. I hate you. AIsh! This is your fault. Just get out of my life!" I screamed. When I was about to look straight and walk, I tripped on something and fell. I dropped Coco but someone caugt her. When I looked up, the guy was holding Coco in his arms, he was handsome. 

"Here.. umm your dog.." His voice was deep and low. He handed me Coco. "I'm YongGuk. Do... you need help?" He asked. I guess my eyes were red from earlier.

"Oh.. thank you. I apologize for bumping into you. Thank you...for Coco." I said. I didn't want to bother him anymore with my face or my attitude. People never liked me and I didn't want to bother this guy. I carried her and walked away but he soon caught up with me.

"Do you want my help?" He asked.

"BUt... I don't think you would want to. I mean... it's 'cuz I'm not really pretty and people just tend to not like me-" I said. 

"She doesn't need your help." Someone said, interrupting  what I was just saying. I looked behind me and saw Kris. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"I wasn't asking you." YongGuk said calmly. "I was asking this girl." He pointed at me.

"Kris. Leave. I told you already, just don't ruin anything else." I said curtly.

"I don't want you to be alone actually. Can I walk you home?" YongGuk asked. I looked at him and nodded. "Let me carry your dog." He offered. Kris was watching both of us converse back and orth.

"But..she's heavy.. 10.4 pounds. Thats 4.7 kilograms." I said. He chuckled.

"That's nothing. I'll carry her for you." He smiled, he showed all of his gums, which I thought was cute. Kris scoffed.

"I'll walk you home JooRi." He said. I didn't know what was wrong with him but he was annoying me. I don't want him to come in my life again. I had enough of him. I don't evem know why he comes up to me.

"No. Leave please." I said. YongGUk stepped up.

"I don't think she wants you here, so I suggest you leave." Kris sighed and eventually gave up. I walked ahead and YongGuk followed. I looked back and saw Kris watching me.

"I'm sorry..." I apologized.

"For what?" He asked.

"For... the guy. I don't know whats up with him. He said he liked me and then said I was ugly and then he just did things that I didn't like and now he's saying he wants to walk me home. He's a confusing motherer." I said. He chuckled.

"it's okay. And.. he's wrong. You're not ugly. It doesn't matter about looks, its about the inside. I mean.. look at me." He smiled widely. Showing me his gummy smile.


Another update. Hope you guys liked it. Thank you all for the comments I was surprised to see these  new comments and subscriptions!!

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Pandas4love #1
Chapter 17: WTH.... I wonder if Luhan rejected hyerin, and since she knew that kris had an involvement with Joori, she decided to kiss him in front of the two... Wonder what's gonna happen next..
Haruhi-Chan #2
Haruhi-Chan #3
Chapter 15: She should end up with YongGuk!! XD
Chapter 15: AAAHHHH!!!! YongGuk wats in your mind????~

Keep it up! Loven your story~^^
Chapter 15: Omonaa kris is jealous x3 i wonder who will she really ends up with xD thanks for the update, authornim ! ^^
Krisdorable #7
Chapter 10: INFINITE <3333