Chapter 4

The Beauty of Ugliness


*I hate him so much. He's so full of himself, thinking he's the best. It's all about him. Aish* I sighed heavily. I didn't even want to go to school today but I still came so I can get my attendance, even with Kurin being gone I still came. I shouldn't have came to school, I should've known I was gonna be treated like this. I don't care anymore, I want to go home now. I trudged my way into the hall and out the school gate. I was too tired to care about school. It's not right for him to assume that I was talking about him and then giving me crap. I, Kim JooRi, is the stupidest person ever to even think I liked Kris. Kris is worse than everyone else. If you let me be, then I wouldn't have to feel like this. I stopped, closed my eyes and breathed in and out,in and out. The wind felt good, hitting my cheeks, and blowing my hair. I slowly opened my eyes and smiled. "I hope you're happy boy." I whispered.

 "Coco-chin." I called. Coco came walking in with sorrow arms. I bent down and carried her in my arms. "I know Coco. I miss him too but he's happy now so we have to be strong for him." I petted her head softly, her tail slowly raised up. "Love you Coco." I put her down and went to the closet to get her food.

"I'll be in my room all right? Just come up after you eat. Okay?" I said. Coco's ears raised while she was eating. I walked to my bed and plopped myself onto it. A couple minutes later, I felt something jump up, Coco to be exact jump up on my bed. "Good night Coco." I mumbled.

 I woke up the next morning and found Coco on my bed still sleeping. "I don't want to go to school." I groaned. I got up from my bed and looked at the clock. 12:00 PM I shot up from my bed. "It's already lunch time??" I exclaimed. Coco jumped up. "Oh.. sorry coco. Didn't mean to make you wake up," I chuckled. *How long did I sleep for?* I asked myself. I guess it's too late to go to school. I went to my closet to go change into comfortable clothing. "Let's go to the Han River Coco. We can eat there." I said. After I changed, I got Coco's leash and clipped it onto her collar.

We left the house and went to the river. "Ajhusshi, can I have one water bottle, tteokppeoki and hotteok please." I got my wallet out getting ready to pay while the ajhusshi got my food ready.

"Neh~" He ansered. "It will be 3 dollars." I paid him and waited for the food. "Here you go." He handed me a warm piece of bread he just made. "This  is for your dog." He smiled warmly. I thanked him and bowed.

"I will eat this well~' I raised the food and walked near a bench. I put the food down and carried Coco onto the bench. She was breathing heavily. *She must be tired.* I got my water bottle and opened it. I cupped my hands and poured water in, she all of the water and looked at me. I smiled.



I was walking with JiHyun, a girl I met last night from a club, near the Han RIver. I promised her that I was going to take her out the next day. She wanted to go to the river for some reason, personally I thought it was gay but this was to make her content. I looked over to the left and saw JooRi to my surprise with a dog. She looked tired from the day before, she was giving the dog the food that was on the other side of her. The dog was really cute, she was fat. WHich mad eher look cute. I couldn't stop but stare at JooRi and the dog. As JooRi was giving the food to the dog, I saw a tear drop onto the bench.

"Oppa~ My feet hurt. Can we sit down?" She whined.

"Oh. I'm sorry I didn't notice." I walked over to one of the benches. "Let oppa buy you something to eat." I said. She nodded eagerly.

"Gomawo Oppa~" She smiled. I nodded and went to the food stand. I bought tteokppeoki for her. I gave her the food and sat down. I was watching JooRi from afar wondering what she was doing. She was still giving the food to the dog and wouldn't eat any of it. I also saw moving and tears falling endlessly. 

"What happened" I murmured. She wouldn't eat any of the food. Wasn't the food for her? Why won't she eat any of it. And why is she crying?? Is it because of me? Did I really do all of this?? I got up from my seat and walked over to JooRi. "What are you doing." I asked her. She looked up and looked away. "Yah. I asked you something." She still ignored me. "Are you ever gonna answer me?" I asked angrily. I walked up to the dog and pushed it away and kicked it. The dog whimpered loudly.

"YAH!! WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!?" She demanded. She went to the dog and carried her. "Coco-chin. Are you okay? Coco?" She looked at the dog worriedly. "Be strong for me. You can't leave yet." I looked at the dog and seemed like it was in pain. I immediately felt really bad for what I did. The dog closed its eyes and breathed heavily. "Coco, i'm going to take you to the vet." She said. She carried her and walked away but I chased after her.

"What are you doing? You still didn't answer my question." I said.

"Everything is not about you okay? I have to go. I can't have her leave me too. She's all I got." She yelled at me with tears brimmed up in her eyes.



Another update for my readers~ Thank you so much for the subscriptions. I like comments haha so plz comment.

I hope this chapter was okay.

Happy Readings    

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Pandas4love #1
Chapter 17: WTH.... I wonder if Luhan rejected hyerin, and since she knew that kris had an involvement with Joori, she decided to kiss him in front of the two... Wonder what's gonna happen next..
Haruhi-Chan #2
Haruhi-Chan #3
Chapter 15: She should end up with YongGuk!! XD
Chapter 15: AAAHHHH!!!! YongGuk wats in your mind????~

Keep it up! Loven your story~^^
Chapter 15: Omonaa kris is jealous x3 i wonder who will she really ends up with xD thanks for the update, authornim ! ^^
Krisdorable #7
Chapter 10: INFINITE <3333