
Caught Red-Handed

Crud! Marshall Law thought as he ran, desperately trying to escape from the two men running after him. Why didn't those laxatives work?!

He had been positive that putting laxatives in their pizza would stall them, but he must have not put in enough. Steve and Paul had recovered quickly, figured out what had happened, and started chasing after Law. Fortunately for Law, he had gotten a head start — a small one, might he add — but still a head start nonetheless.
Law turned a corner and, much to his dismay, found out that it had led straight to a dead end. He spun around, facing his pursuers, trying to come up with an escape plan.
Paul seemed to have read Law's mind. "There isn't a way to escape," he drawled as he cracked his knuckles menacingly, pausing only to fix his skyscraper hair.
Steve held up his hands as a sign to say Wait a minute. "We don't want to fight. Just hand over our share of the money; if you do, we'll leave peacefully." He shrugged as he added, "If not..."
"Never!" yelled Law. With that, Steve and Paul got into their attack stances.
With a devious smile, Law pulled out a small black disk. It had an even smaller red button on it. "If I can't have all the money, no one can!"
He pressed the red button. Nothing happened for a moment. But then —
Forest Law, who was watching from a distance, watched as the wagon containing the money blew up. He watched as the three other men skyrocketed upward. As said men burnt to crisps in the Earth's atmosphere...
He couldn't help but smile as he thought, That's my dad!


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Chapter 1: IS IT BAD THAT I LAUGHED. xD This was good! D; Don't be so mean to yourself ~ ;P