


When Kyuhyun entered his apartment, he smiled as he caught on his handsome boy sitting on the kitchen counter, and soon he was hugging him from behind. His hands wrapped securely around his waist, while his nose started nuzzling the younger’s cheek, up to his ear before he whispered “Hey, y!”

“Hey” The boy bitterly replied. His eyes were focusing on his entwined hands that were resting on the counter, noticeably trembling and sweating from nervousness. Kyuhyun sensed the cold tone, but still kept on pressing light feather kisses on the younger’s face.

“What’s the matter?” He asked between his kisses, while letting his hands travel upward, caressing the boy’s clothed chest.

“I’ve been waiting for you” His tone didn’t change, but sill he involuntary closed his eyes when Kyuhyun’s mouth traveled to his neck, planting wet kisses here and there.

“Really?” He huskily said, lips on the younger’s earlobe, biting on it before he moved back to abusing the boy’s neck “mmm, I’m here now”

The latter bit on his lower lip to block his moans from coming out, because as much as he would liked to spread Kyuhyun on the floor and take him right there and then, he had to focus on what he wanted to say.

One of his hands stretched to reach for the metal thing on the counter, before abruptly standing up and moving a few steps away from Kyuhyun. The latter was startled by the sudden move, making him gaze at the boy with narrowed eyes.

“What are you doing?”

With his shaky hands, Siwon pulled out the knife he was hiding behind his back and pointed it to his stomach, leaving Kyuhyun gasping in surprise.

“I can’t do this anymore, Kyu”

He stated as he neared the object further closer to his abdomen. His orbs looked sad, yet he could only stare at Kyuhyun in tender.

“Please Siwon, don’t!” Kyuhyun froze in place even though his reflexes were normally fast. He felt something oddly beating within him, which couldn’t even be possible.

“You keep on making me wait for you but you never keep your promise!” Siwon argued, eyes b with tears but he fought hard not to shed them. He wanted to stay strong for what was about to come next.

“S-Siwon” Kyuhyun was about to take a step closer but Siwon slowly dug the tip of the knife into his stomach. Blood was already flowing and Kyuhyun could only stare at how it was falling on the kitchen floor. He could hear it loud and clear as it went… Drip, drip, drip, and with each, his eyes started to grow in size as his orbs turned dark, suddenly burning with unwanted desire.

“I’m already twenty one, Kyu. Don’t you want to spend eternity with me?”

Siwon’s cracking tone managed to snap Kyuhyun’s attention away from the bleeding and focus on the boy’s face that was starting to show signs of pain.

“Siwon, we talked about this. You’re still young and you still have time to decide”

“NO! I won’t change my mind!” Siwon retorted, pushing yet again the knife a bit further, emitting a loud wince of pain, but still he tried his best to keep his gaze on Kyuhyun. “Will you?”

Kyuhyun gulped when the drips turned into massive blood flowing out of the younger’s body. His eyes darkened even more and he clenched his jaw in resistance. However, when Siwon added the last question with the most sorrowful look the boy had ever given him before, he was suddenly lost in the memories they shared so far, and the many nights they spent talking about anything and everything together, until they drift off to sleep… one of them at least.


Siwon shouted between the dizziness that was taking over his body from the loss of blood, and it only made Kyuhyun angry. The smell of blood itself was driving him crazy and the older felt so weak because it was Siwon who was bleeding in front of him.


Siwon’s eyes sparkled for a second, and he managed to prick a smile at the man in front of him before digging the knife fully into his stomach. He then slowly whispered “It’s settled then”

“SIWON!” Kyuhyun’s eyes widen when Siwon collapsed on the floor. The boy’s clothes were already stained with fresh blood while his hand was still clenching tight on the knife stabbing him.

Kyuhyun crouched next to him, resting the younger’s head on his lap. Kyuhyun’s face expression was dejected. He was paler than his natural state and his body was confronting mixed up emotions that he didn’t even know he had. Siwon on the other hand, was still smiling at him with his beautiful glistening eyes and his shaking body.

With the last few hitched breaths he took, and the last heartbeats… a single tear escaped the corner of his eye, to which Kyuhyun wiped away with butterfly kisses landing all over the younger’s dying face.






A loud hitching breath echoed around the spacious bedroom. He could feel the gentle sunrays shining through the window, but his eyes were staring at the ceiling unfocused, while his mind was trying to recall what happened. His hand traveled to his abdomen, feeling the cut he made earlier. However, when he raised his hand to inspect it, it was clean and no blood inspected. A wide smile graced his lips and it only earned him a deep sigh from the man watching him from afar.

When Siwon turned to look for the source of that sigh, his smile broaden even more, giving way to his dimples to appear. Kyuhyun was leaning on the door frame, arms crossed over his chest with a very serious look on his face.

The older approached the bed, sitting down next to the smiling boy which seemed contagious as he smiled as well. His hands found Siwon’s and they instinctively entwined together.

“How long was I gone?”

Siwon didn’t get any answer. The smile was swallowed and Kyuhyun was just staring at him intently as if trying to read his mind. The younger uncomfortably shifted in bed, sitting himself down while leaning on the bed frame.

“A-Are you mad?”

He tried to ask again but he didn’t get a reply. However, Kyuhyun leaned forward, pressing their foreheads tightly together, before whispering against his lips.

“Don’t ever do that again”

The older’s tone sounded serious yet full of concern. Siwon cupped Kyuhyun’s cheek with his free hand, caressing the soft skin before pressing a chaste kiss on his favorite plump lips.

“You didn’t leave me another choice. You always say you will do it but you never do”

Kyuhyun’s eyebrows furrowed, pulling his body away and staring once again into the younger’s orbs. He scooted closer to the boy and cupped his face.

“What if I was too late in giving you my blood, ha? You could’ve really died, Siwon”

Kyuhyun frowned once again, wondering if he said anything funny since Siwon was yet again smiling at him.

“I know. Besides, my system is full of your blood anyway”

“But-“ He was cut off by another chaste kiss.

“I know how much you love it when I drink from you while having ”

Siwon stated matter-of-factly while suggestively winking at Kyuhyun. One of the latter’s eyebrows rose up, recalling about the last few days they spent together, and when he remembered how Siwon was being needy recently, everything started to click in his head.

“That’s why you’ve been picking on me a LOT lately?”

Siwon sheepishly rubbed the back of his-not-so-itchy head, and if he was still human, he would’ve been blushing heavily by now.

“Well… I wouldn’t put it that way, but yeah pretty much”

“So you basically tricked me” Kyuhyun noted, his arms were back to being crossed over his chest, while a deep pout decorated his face.

“Not like you didn’t enjoy it!” Siwon defended, earning him a punch on the chest to which he, unusually, didn’t feel the slightest pain.

“You’re not even a day older and now you’re mocking me?” Kyuhyun pouted again, leaving Siwon cooing at how cute he looked. Although Kyuhyun was older than Siwon in both ages, nevertheless, he still liked it when he was pampered and spoiled by Siwon.

“A day… sounds nice” Even if his body felt different, his senses were stronger, his heart was… un-beating, still the love he had for the man in front of him didn’t change.

“And you’re like what? Three Fifty?”

“Three fifty and ONE, thank you very much” Kyuhyun proudly –adorably- declared and Siwon couldn’t stop himself from pulling him by the nape and pressing their lips together.

It started slow and gentle, but Siwon’s new self was much different as his feelings were more heightened. His tongue sensually Kyuhyun’s bottom lip asking for entrance, which the latter fully granted as he parted his lips and gladly welcomed the hot muscle inside his cavern.

When they were both satisfied by the kiss, they pulled away and stared at each other for a while not saying anything, just letting their orbs speak it all.




“I love you... I’m sorry you had to go through this”

“I love you too, Kyu. As long as I get to spend eternity with you, I wouldn’t mind all the pain in the world”

Siwon romantically exclaimed, but soon narrowed his eyes in confusion when Kyuhyun looked at him with eyes widening and jaw hanged open.


“What?” Siwon curiously asked, but he didn’t get a reply right away as Kyuhyun hopped on the bed and straddled his lap.

“I thought being a vampire will lessen your cheesiness!”

Kyuhyun burst out laughing, especially when Siwon’s face twisted and was his turn to pout. However, Siwon suddenly pushed him down onto the bed and pinned his hands over his head. He slowly leaned down to whisper something in his ear, purposely brushing his lips slowly over Kyuhyun’s neck, and victoriously smiling when a moan echoed around the room.

“Wonder what it will be like doing it as a vampire”

They held each other’s gazes for a moment, both happily grinning, before lust took over them and they immediately dove in into action.


Where did this come from ... o_O

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Chapter 1: I thought this was for another one sided love and remembrance sequel (I read those first then this) because of older-younger thing.... guess I was wrong tho. Btw it did confuse me at first (I know that's the main point of this fic, to confuse readers haha jk!( ื▿ ืʃƪ) ) but as I read until the ending it's another great fic from youu! Hurr I love your writings so much much much(●̮̮ _ ●̮̮) Thank you for this^^
I love wonkyu vampires ❤
sjmunchkin #3
Chapter 1: I'm lost at first part of this story but luckily you mention it so now i know why kyuhyun being the older one...
Chapter 1: I dunno to you but you killed this big time. ;)
Chapter 1: I just read t6his one and oh my god .. I love you SiwonnieFan.. this is amazing as always ..
Kyuhyun is older than Siwon .. I think you like that so much.. don't you ? :p
Chapter 1: Nice vamp fic....not really like you, but it's still awsome....
Chapter 1: love that a lot , it's not like you but still awesome .
choi_wiya #8
Chapter 1: omg its vamp fict...great story,make another vamp story please
For once, i was thinking are you gonna kill of one of them and let the other think 'back' as a story plot. But then i saw your name...kekee... forever happie i knew i was safe.

Vamp's... you thinking of starting something a bit dark?! i can dig it... i will dig it... kekeke... write write write >_<

Question: Why do you always write Kyuhyun older than Siwon? @_@
(not complaining just wondering.....)