20 Questions

20 Questions


It looks good, I have to admit.  It’s very very different, and it makes me look really different, but overall, it’s good.  And, if the reaction of the coordi noonas is anything to go by, fans are going to like it too.  But, again, if you listen to the coordi noonas, fans are going to go crazy over Seunghyun Hyung’s new look.  I still haven’t seen Hyung, so I’m not sure what his concept is, but I’m definitely curious now.

I head back to the dorm and am so excited to get into sweats and catch up on the latest news.  All the other members are still out, so I’m happy to have the kitchen table to myself with my iPad and a cup of tea.  I lose track of time when I hear the front door open and everyone but Jiyong Hyung walks in.

“Hyung, isn’t my hair really short!?!  But if anyone can carry it off, of course, it’s me!”

“Daesungie, looking good!  Now the ladies are gonna really go crazy when we show off those muscles we’ve been working on lately!”

“Daesungah, your hair looks really good, do you like it?”

“What do you think about Hyung’s hair, Daesungie?  It looks good, doesn’t it?”

I am bombarded with questions from all three, but to be honest, I have been concentrating on Hyung’s hair.  It is different.  A bright blue-green.  It is shocking to be honest, I haven’t really seen that color of hair on anyone that was real. 

“Hyung, it looks good!  I heard you were dyeing it, but I didn’t know what color.  It’s kind of like mint green right?  Hahaha, that’s funny, Hyung, you chose your hair color to match your favorite ice cream flavor.  That’s clever, Hyung!”

Youngbae Hyung and Seungri had gone into their own rooms by then, no doubt eager to shed the day like I was.  So Hyung had walked over and sat down across from me while I was talking to him.  He was smiling initially, but now looks kind of confused.

“My, my favorite ice cream?”

“Yeah, you know, mint chocolate chip, it looks just like that.  So, now, even if you can’t eat your favorite ice cream, you can look at your hair and be happy just by thinking about it!  That’s awesome, Hyung, I don’t know how you thought about that.”

“Ah, ice cream... I guess it looks like that, but that’s not how I chose the color, Daesungah.  I applied a very scientific process.”

He looks so happy, like the cat that ate the canary, so I decide to let him continue without interrupting.

“The coordi noonas told me a couple of months ago that they wanted to do something pretty drastic with my hair color – thankfully, that was it and not those awful hip-hop hairstyles from our first couple of albums.”

We both laugh as we mentally recalled those admittedly hideous hairstyles.

“They told me I could choose the color, so I started thinking about what I wanted.  Then I came up with a brilliant idea, and after applying my method, I came up with this color.  Tiffany Blue.”

“Tiffany Blue?  Wait, that’s what…”

“Yup, you know all those questions I asked you?  I was narrowing down what colors you liked and in the end, I had this shade of blue and a pinkish one.  So the last choice was Tiffany’s or Victoria’s Secret.  And I’m so glad your favorite color is blue and not pink.  I mean, I would have dyed it pink if it were, but this is so much cooler.”

I am flabbergasted.  There is no other word for it really.  Hyung had chosen his hair color because he thought it was my favorite.  He had put a lot of thought into his game and clearly wanted it to be a surprise for me.

“Wow, Hyung, I mean, wow.  I can’t believe you did all that just to figure out what my favorite color is.  Thank you.  And your hair does look awesome.  But…”

For the second time that night, Hyung’s face became instantly confused.

“Blue isn’t my favorite color.  I just picked Tiffany’s when you asked because I thought I’d look like a ert if I chose Victoria’s Secret…”

Hyung looks so sad, his eyes staring at the table and he starts fidgeting with his hands.  I feel really bad for telling him the truth.

“But Hyung, wanna know what my favorite color is?  It’s black.  So every other time, when your hair is normal, it’s my favorite color.  So I know exactly how you look with black hair, which is amazing, by the way.”

Hyung’s smile immediately returns to take over his entire face, he is such a kid, so easy to please. 

“Really, Daesungah?” 

I shake my head up and down, giving him my best smile so he knows I am telling him the truth.  I get up to put my mug in the sink and head toward my room.  But before that, I turn around.

“Hyung, cheek or lips?”


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munmun27 #1
Chapter 2: I guess now I know the reason Seunghyun dyed his hair pink <3
pikachu79 #2
Super cute, esp the last few lines
Chapter 2: That's cute, especially the last two lines!
Thegreatestshipwhore #5
Chapter 2: I think i am in love with your todae stories (i am not even kidding)
Chapter 2: 'Hyung, cheek or lips?" awwww!? That is so cute! HOW ADOR-FREAKING-ABLE!
Chapter 2: Cheek or lips?! Seunghyun would answer: "BOTH"
Nice story!! Like it!<3
Chapter 2: This was so cute!!! XDD
Waa SeungHyun is so cute *0*
Chapter 1: Waa this is so cool :D