
She dreamt about Kris Wu


I made it home but... I was dripping wet. I know Kris gave me an umbrella for me to use. A car passed by and sort of splashed water all over me.

Gross, I know. Fortunately, my aunt was not home. I hurriedly went upstairs and into the shower, before I catch some cold

I was sitting on the couch. A blanket is on top of my wet hair and on my body. My hands cupped on the mug of hot chocolate milk. 

I was watching TV when the happenings a while ago came rushing in my mind. He rushed out just to give me an unmbrella. He's so nice.

My cheeks warmed at the thought of Kris. I can’t help squealing and wiggling my arms in a jiggly motion. I slumped my small body on the sofa and kicked my legs in the air. Gosh, what’s happening to me…

The feels Hyebin, the feels!

Then I felt something hot splash on my shirt.

“Ouch Hot! Hot!” I hissed as I hurriedly placed the mug on the coffee table. I quickly wiped the spilled beverage off with some tissue and rubbed my hands for warmth.

I diverted my gaze outside observing the rain that hasn’t paused from pouring.

 I sighed in content placing my feet on the table and grabbed the mug to take a sip that would probably do little to calm my feels.

I woke up feeling a horrible pain on my back and an irritating pounding head.

 For some reason, my brain felt like it’s been frozen overnight. It felt so heavy and cold. I ruffled my hair as I realized I fell asleep in the living room.

I sat up and the blanket draped over me slipped to the floor. I shivered unwillingly and swiftly bent down to pick back my warmth provider.

 I wrapped myself like a burrito and took groggy little steps to the bathroom when my aunt in the kitchen noticed me.

“Morning!” she called over while flipping an omelet.

Mmmm…smells nice.

“Mrrmphh.” I manage to get out. It didn’t sounded anything like ‘morning’. It sounded like I was being muffled by a pillow.

“I didn’t bother waking you up when I got home. Dear, you looked so tired.” She clucked, as she stirs something on a pot that I suspect as stew.

“S’okay.” I replied , my voice sounding hoarse and thick. Oh no…

“Wash up. Breakfast will be ready soon.”


I entered the bathroom and caught a glimpse of my disheveled hair in the mirror. I look terrible. My nose was red and the bottoms of my eyes were swollen and dark. You could tell I hung out with Tao yesterday. I got his eye bags.

I sneered at my reflection and grabbed my toothbrush from the sink. I lazily squeezed out the toothpaste on it and brushed my teeth slowly.

Afterwards, I splashed some cold water on my face which wasn’t really pleasant. It just made me shiver the more. I suppose I should shower but I’m not in the mood. I feel awfully weak.

Finally, I dried myself with a towel and trudged back to the kitchen. My aunt has set the table and was now waiting for me to take my seat. I dragged out the one opposite hers and slumped on it.

We thanked for the food before taking anything into our system.

“So, what happened last night that you appear to have caught some cold?” My aunt asked while reading the daily newspaper.

“I was on my way home when rain poured down. I kind of got splashed by some polite driver.”  I replied before drinking down a bowl of Yukgaejang (Spicy beef and vegetable soup.)

“Oh dear that’s bad.” She looked up and frowned at me.

I shrugged and asked for another fill of the stew.

Ah~ the stew just feels good against my throat and cold tummy.  

My aunt insisted on washing the dishes and made me lie down on my bed. Hey, I was feeling unwell but not to the point of lying down my bed all day.

After fifteen minutes, she came back to the room dressed like she’s going out. Her eyes rounded when she saw me playing PSP and gobbling down chips.

“Hyebin!” She scolded and took the chips and PSP away.

I pouted at her but she ignored it.

“That’s not going to do any good to make you feel better.” She muttered while throwing the snacks in the trashbin and locking the PSP inside a drawer.

“I’m going out. I received a call from my office. Apparently, we have to finish some sort of documents that is due tomorrow. There’s left over stew in the fridge in case you get hungry. Medicine is on the counter. Drink it every 6 hours. Don’t you forget that.” She told me before closing the door of my room.

“Ne Auntie…”

I was about to dash to the kitchen to get some chips again but my aunt swung open the front door again.

“And don’t you eat anything that would make your colds worse.” She said before shutting the door.

“Aw man…” I pouted.


I decided to finish my school works that only made my headache worse. It took me hours to finish it and I knew I should’ve skipped it but I don’t want to get bad grades. Never.

With all the things lined up to get done, I wasn’t even able to eat my lunch. I had to do my part for some project and send it through e-mail. Afterwards, I finished some minor home works before proceeding to studying.

After I’ve overcome the purgatory of endless assignments, I finally got the time to do siesta since it’s already 4 in the afternoon. I took the stew from the fridge and heated a portion of it in the microwave. I gobbled down the meal with some rice before settling in front of the TV again to watch something rewarding.

That was when I thought the time and house was all to myself. Until my phone buzzed, indicating a text message.

The text was from my cousin. I swiped the phone’s screen to unlock.

What I read could be the most dreadful news I can ever receive from him.

Especially that the house is full of my clutter.

This guy really wants to be skinned alived and dipped in a pool of lemon juice.

Did I mention the bundle of tissues on the floor? Or the unwashed dishes on the sink? Or the fact that I haven’t showered since this morning?

Well, yeah.

It wasn’t only the house that was on hiatus. I was also a mess.

I scratched my head in frustration and replied to my cousin before I launched myself from the sofa and used up all energy I have left to make the house look presentable.

I gathered all the tissue on the floor and dumped it on the trash bin. I fixed the pillows on the couch and turned off the TV to avoid distraction.

Then, I rushed to the sink to clean up the dished I used to eat stew. I also wiped the tables clean with a wet cloth.

I even vacuumed the whole house and swept it.

Else more, I mopped the floors real fast before noticing how time has gone so fast.

Gosh, just five minutes left!

I scolded myself and rushed to the bathroom. I heated the water and took a quick shower.

I was drying myself with a towel when I heard a doorbell.


With hurried steps, I rushed to my room which was quite a far journey from the bathroom. I have to cross the dining room and the front door before getting to it. Just as I was passing in front of the main door, I heard the doors unlocked.

I forgot he had the freakin keys.

It was just the right time for my cousin to freeze and see me dashing to my room.

In a towel.

And it was not just him who saw me.

Twelve pairs of eyes also followed my figure running to my room like a rat chased by a cat.

I almost squeaked in embarrassment as I leaned on my room’s door.

Kill me now please?

Struck by a lightning.

Shot by a stray bullet.

I don’t care what method.






“Dude, was that Hyebin?” Xiumin asked Joon.

“I…Guess…So.” Joon replied, still in a daze.

Why was she running around in a towel? Has she gone crazy?

“Let’s just pretend we didn’t see, okay?” Joon suppressed himself from laughter.

“Arasso~~” Tao replied. He was also biting his lips, holding in the giggles.

The other members, including Kris didn’t utter a single word but laughed noiselessly, clapping their hands like retarded seals.


[Sent 4:37 p.m.]

Oi, Hyebin, I’m coming over with EXO.


[Sent 4:39 p.m.]

Mother F


[Sent 4:40 p.m.]


Don’t you dare come in an hour.

Unless you want me to hang you upside down

on your legs with your hands tied to your ankles.


[Sent 4:45 p.m.]

The house is a mess isn’t it? Hahahaha.

Good Luck. <3 ~





Happy April 2 !!


Thank you new subscribers, commenters, readers, upvoter, babies ....

I love you all! 


Oh, and have you heard about the NoKor and SoKor thing?

God, please. Pray for them. :'(


P.S. The chappie yesterday was my fault. 

XD Nielle didn't have a clue about it.

Mian chinggu yah~~

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Chapter 17: Dragon fanfan sounds fierce but adorably cute at the same time :3
And you Hyebin can you not silent that phone-- oh oh and let me punch Tao and Kris for misssing you too much that they had to call you in the middle of your class. /rolls sleeve/
Chapter 16: Thank you for the lovely update ♥
*author-nims fighthing*
Chapter 16: Galaxy slave? Oh how I would love to have a galaxy begging on its knee. XD
Chapter 16: I love what you did on the end!! Galaxy Slave. OMG XD
Chapter 15: I miss this story.. Please update soon~ >.<
Chapter 15: ahah I'm loving this story! Please update soon :D
SaranghaeMuffin #8
Chapter 14: LOLOLOLOL Hyewon si like the typical superduper fangirl I swear
Chapter 14: I... just can't :))))))))))))))))))))
Chapter 14: Omg lol Hyewon you need some serious help. XDDDD I just really cannot with the friend. *RLAB*