Bunny Min

Sapphire Blue Balloons

February 10, 2011. Seoul, 7pm

"The Chemist took a swab of the specimen to the laboratory and the test results will come out tomorrow morning." Ye Sung crossed his arms loosely in front of his chest as he regarded the floor with an indiffrent stare. Everyone were gathered around the huge kitchen of the 11th floor dorm that evening. Sung Min was in an out-of-town shoot, Si Won hadn’t come back from Singapore yet and Dong Hae won’t be back until a few days.

"How. . ?" Hee Chul bit his lower lip, not liking the idea that someone tried to kill one of his friends again. That incident with Yun Ho years ago traumatized the whole idol world like no other.

Ye Sung sighed and peered at Ryeo Wook, asking premission to tell the story. Ryeo Wook nodded at once. "Wookie cleaned the mess after you ran away," His gaze zoomed in to Hee Chul and the former gulped. "He put away eveything but I woke up this morning and saw this (pointing at the map-like mark on the wooden floorboards, much lighter than the actual color of the floor) and I thought wine shouldn’t leave something like this. We called maintenance and he told us only two things can fade varnish. Vinegar and the other. . .being," He heaved a deep sigh once more. "Bleach." Gasps with varying degrees of horror were heard soon after.

"We should thank Kyu he failed to put the garbage out again so we still have the broken glass." Eun Hyuk sneered, clapping a hand on to the maknae’s back. Gem’s knees wobbled but Shin Dong caught her and let her sit on one of the stools in the breakfast counter.

"Gwenchanayo?" EeTeuk asked Gem. "No, don’t answer that." He retracted. "Sajangnim, what do we do?" There were only very few ocassions when he would adress Iris formally. If you were to ask him, he would want to rip the person who sent Sung Min the wine apart. Pull that person’s guts out and drown him into his own blood. He had to leave this thing to Iris lest he would do something drastic.

Iris cleared . "Let’s wait for everyone to be here first. I know Oppa needs to spend some time with his family. I’ll have someone pick him up from Mokpo the day after tomorrow. Si Won and Sung Min should be here by then. Gem, arrange for Zhou Mi and Henry to take the first available flight to Seoul and clear Ki Bum’s schedule for Saturday as well. We will hold a press conference." She fished for her phone and pressed speed dial two. Someone picked up after a couple of rings. "Sheila? Yes. Can you call the hotel where the boys stayed?--Yes. Please have them mail us a copy of all surveillance videos taken during their stay. From the moment they stepped into the hotel to the time they checked out. Have them trace the names of all the employees who attended to their needs, bellmen, housekeepers, room service personnel and security. Have them fax us the complete list of names by the end of the day.--No. I don’t want it any later than that." The firm reply. "Also, have all managers meet me at the headquarters tomorrow.--No, not just Super Junior managers. Then have Kay Fujimori call me, ASAP.--Neh, that’s it for now. Komawo."

"Why not have her call me instead?" Hee Chul pouted.

"It’s not time for you to joke around." Iris admonished and Hee Chul pouted more.

"I’ll take care of Zhou Mi and Henry. We’ll figure something out for Ki Bum as well. Gem, just go to Busan. Sung Min needs you." EeTeuk volunteered.

She shook her head weakly. "There are a lot of things that needed attention. I can’t be gone." As Vice President for Operations, fundamental tasks were all asigned to her. Even though all she wanted was to be with her boyfriend at the moment, she can’t afford to neglect her duty.

"No, Gem, it’s okay. There’s no better person to tell him what’s going on. I’ll cover your work for now. Just go." Iris hugged her.


Busan, 10:37pm

Sung Min opened his eyes and trained them in the dark. He felt faint movements inside the trailer and as far as he was concerned, he’s alone and the rest of the crew members have their own separate trailers to retire to for the night. He fumbled for the remote light switch and made sure the hunting knife was strapped securely on his ankle. He listened carefully and concluded that the intruder was in the makeshift kitchen. He can see the light seeping under the door to the bedroom. He climbed off the bed without making any sound and opened the door slowly, ready to maul the trespasser over.

To say that he was surprised to see Gem inside his motorhome would be the understatement of the year. "Jagi?! Oh, my! I almost killed you!" He crossed the distance between them and crashed his lips onto hers, kissing her senseless which she met with equal fervor. He didn’t stop until he felt something wet on his face. "Y-Yah. Why are you crying?" Then the floodgates were opened, she was weeping helplessly in his arms, he can’t understand a thing she was saying with her ragged breathing and hoarse voice. He got up to get her some water but she didn’t let him. She snuggled even closer to him like she would never let him go. "Gem-ah, what happened, hmn?" He asked gently, wrapping his arms around her tightly.

"Saranghae, Lee Sung Min. I love you so much, always remember that." She finally said when she calmed down completely.

"Whoa, whoa! You drove all the way to Busan just to tell me that you love me?" He chuckled. "I think I should always accept out-of-town assignments just to hear your declaration of love." He kissed the top of her head and laughed out loud when he earned a mild whack from his girlfriend. "I already know that, silly. Na do saranghae."

"I am agreeing to what you proposed before." She said meekly after a long while and she felt Sung Min stiffen.

"Are we talking about what I think we’re--" He pulled away slightly so he can watch her face, gauge if she was indeed telling the truth.

"Yes. I think it’s time we go public about our relationship. Life is too short to be hiding this wonderful feeling all the time." She didn’t want to think about what could’ve happened if Hee Chul hadn’t dropped the wine. What if they were able to drink it? Or what if Hee Chul didn’t insist on drinking it and he had consumed it alone? What if she had lost Sung Min forever?

"Took you long enough to realize it, my Jagi." He squished her playfully, happy that Gem already agreed to go public. They had a huge fight before Super Junior left for the Philippines. He wanted to tell the world that he’s already taken by a wonderful woman--though he would be happy to claim her as his anytime soon, he knew she’s not ready to tie the knot yet. But he wanted as much as to be able to tell everyone about how happy he was and she wouldn’t let him. She was making a big fuzz about his career, about what the ELFs would say, about what people will say about him dating a non-Korean. And he thought of those as nothing but mere excuses and he exploded. He had walked out on her and they never talked to each other since then.

He always believed that love breaks barriers and it transcends time and distance--even race! And he didn’t think for one second that his fans would abandon him just because he’d found true love. He had a lot more faith than that.

"Sung Min-ah, mianhe." She murmured. "I was too dumb to let my insecurities take over the best of me. Don’t ever leave me, yes?"

"Never." He declared. "But tell me one thing."


"Who told you to drive all the way here and alone too!? It’s dangerous!" His voice raised a fraction. Gem bit her lip in guilt. She had parked far enough from the trailer so she won’t wake him up. He knew the sound of her car too well. She wanted to prepare something for him to eat when he wakes up and then leave before everyone does. Though she agreed to let their relationship known, she didn’t want to involved in any scandal. It wouldn’t do them any good. Especially Sung Min and the company.

"As a matter of fact, I came to tell you something." She started. She didn’t want to be the one telling him this but she had no choice.

"Besides that you love me?" He teased.

"Sung Min-ah, about the Screaming Eagle--"

"Don’t remind me! Hee Chul-hyung has a lot to pay for!" He thundered.

"No, no! That wine was spiked! We should all thank him he dropped it before anyone gets to drink it." She said hastily like she won’t be able to say if she won’t.

"What do you mean. . .spiked?" His tone dangerous, fox-like eyes narrowing in slits.


I watched Gem sleep on my bed, hugging the huge bunny plushie that she gave me on our first month anniversary. I've received hundreds of the same kind from the fans but funny how I carry this one everywhere I go. We have this private joke among the members that when the time comes that we're not that famous anymore, we can put up a toy store. EeTeuk-hyung had us rent a couple of huge container vans parked in the outskirts of Seoul where we store the gifts fans send us all the time and it were almost full.

Shining star. . .like a little diamond. . .makes me--

I pushed the answer button of my mobile before it could wake Gem up. I saw Iris's name flashing on the screen. "Yobosaeyo?" I practically whispered on the mouth piece.

"Oppa? I was about to hit the bed, did Gem reach safely?" I smiled because of her thoughtfulness.

"Neh, kamsahamnida. She's sleeping now." I said softly.

"Oh, good. That's all I need to know. Chaljayo!"

"Wait, Iris-yah," I called before she can hang up.


"Kamsahamnida. For taking care of everyone." I heard low chuckling on the other line.

"Jeonman ye yo (Don't mention it). Goodnight!"

"Iris-yah," I called again and I heard a low growl and grunted response. I really love teasing her. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"I wish I am." And I heard the busy tone. I shook my head. I really hope she'll do something about it. Soon.


A/N: You probably have an idea who's next, yeah? Haha. Anyway, do take note of the dates. I didn't put them there for nothing:) And please leave a message. Silent readers, don't be silent, okay? Haha. Thank you for reading!


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sania92 #1
Chapter 26: I miss this story... T_T
Author-nim hwaiting!
You're evidently a Gengfan! I don't see a single chapter without Hangeng! But you're a Donghae biased, too, right? I don't see much of Hae love here though. Just asking!:) but I really like this chap. Heechul is so funny! <br />
jungminmal0403 #3
Ahhhh so it's Henry's girl who is searching for some help from Hankyung v.v ahhh! xD Secret Garden...didn't have enough time to watch that drama once xD Ouch...!Hankyung...! xD haha poor baby xD Punched by Heechul xD Who hurt himself while hurting Hankyung LOL that's just...hilarious xD Haha Hankyung is the 'Umma' of Henry...so true xD Heechul is being protective of Hankyung and JIn =) OHhhh Teukie oppa T.T I wish I could help you somehow,but...I can't xD aigooo!I would be worried too If I was him =/ GameKyu xD Ohhh Super Junior's assistant...not a bad job at all v.v and hey...her mother is being taken care of a lot better now thanks to Iris...so she should be thankful...but I somehow can understand Jae Kyung...she neither likes Suju nor Iris so everything SUju or Iris do will seem like a bad thing to her xD ANd yeah...I supposed mine and Hankyung's problems won't end that easily haha xD -.- aigoo~ xD
The long awaited update..ha ha and yes a nice one...Han Geng drama is not over yet ? Chulie got to have it in him. Teukie's story is quite intriguing..Nice update...
jungminian0403 #6
ha! another chapter! hope you can update more! haha! XD don't worry, 'm not rushing you! ^_________^
lolisho #7
awh its okay ! <br />
I thought this update was really good, you get a feel for a few of the members situations ^^ and the girls too!<br />
yikes...Heechul really did let Han Kyung have it >.<
-dolce- #8
@presstoplay: It's for me to know and for you find out :P and you can't take Hankyung home because he's MINE. Got it?:) peace!<br />
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@PxAhyoo: Isn't SiWon sweet? I think Iris is just being overly dramatic. LOL! But HanKyung and AhYoo's problem will not be solved by a simple sorry. I think. LOL! So let's see what will happen. I think this chap answered your other questions, right?:) <br />
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@Anne60: Sorry...this is the SOONEST it could possibly get. And you know the reason why.:) <br />
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@lolisho: Sorry if this chapter is sooo crappy. I know you're looking forward to it but I'm afraid I failed to highlight it. I promise to take care of it in the succeeding chaps. Mianhe!<br />
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@aristargirl: Try visiting SJ-world.net for more infos . It's just that I joined a loooong long time ago that I already forgot how. Besides, procedure differs from where you are. Thanks! But this chap ! Big time! LOL! <br />
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@jungminian0403: hey! Change of name?:) Thanks for reading and commenting. This chap is BAAAAD. Mianhe! But please continue supporting the story.
jungminian0403 #9