You’ve Got to Be Kidding Me

Sapphire Blue Balloons

“Han Geng!” The Chinese girl screamed when he saw Han Kyung in the hospital suite’s doorway. Si Won and Iris exchanged glances. Si Won was affronted by the fact that the girl didn't even recognize him. Even before Han Kyung can say anything, the girl fired nonstop in Northeastern dialect and the two who only knew Standard Mandarin can’t keep up.

They saw Han Kyung listening carefully and nodding once in a while. When the girl stopped, Han Kyung turned to Iris. “I thought Henry’s in New York?”

“He is.” She turned to Si Won. “Isn’t he. . ? SuJu-M’s activities won’t start until the end of this month.” She saw Han Kyung flinching by the mention of the group he formerly lead. And Si Won averting her questioning gaze. 

“He made us promise not to tell you.” Iris sighed heavily. “Yet. But he knows you’ll know soon enough.” Si Won continued easily, still in Mandarin. He let out a relieved sigh when she seemed to let it go for the time being.

“He’s. . .he’s running away.” All three of them looked at Ke Rou when she spoke, her voice just a little above whisper. “From me, that is.”


“Damn Kyu Hyun.” Hee Chul muttered under his breath. He was sleepy. He just came in from his radio program Youngstreet. But instead of going straight to bed like what his entire being was screaming for him to do, he won’t. At least not until he finished the Secret Garden re-run. It was Kyu Hyun’s favourite drama of all time, mimicking all quirks and dialogues of Hyun Bin’s character and before he knew it, he was also hooked. Not that he would admit it to Kyu Hyun or to anyone else for that matter.

He was watching the last slew of advertisements before the drama airs (the volume was on the lowest he could tolerate so as not to be found out watching such a ‘girly’ drama) when the sound of the door bell echoed in the otherwise muted dorm. He made a mental inventory of the people who lived with him and as far as he was concerned, everybody’s already fast asleep. He glanced at where their car keys usually hung and not a single key was missing including all the spares and the one Eun Hyuk loaned to Henry. Must be someone from the 11th floor dorm. He opened the door without checking who it was first and slammed it back close just as fast. He took deep calming breaths; he was instantly in his most foul mood in months.

Series of knocks pulled him out of his musings, it was low and calculated--as if the person on the outside knew he was just on the other side. He opened the door again and punched Han Kyung hard in the face for all he was worth, sending the other man stumbling backwards in the carpeted hallway. “! Ouch!” He muttered a string of profanity, holding his right hand. He glared at the younger man as he staggered a bit while getting up. He felt some sense of satisfaction when he saw the side of his mouth bleeding.

He left the door open, a silent confirmation that he was letting him in and went straight to Dong Hae’s room that he currently shared with Henry and banged the door harshly, not caring if he woke the whole dorm up. “Henry! Henry Lau!”

Dong Hae soon opened the door, a small pony tail sticking from just above his forehead. “Hyung,” Half-asleep, half-annoyed. “Do you mind? It’s ing three in the morning!”

“Hyung? What is it?” Henry asked, rubbing his eyes.

“Your mother is here.” Hee Chul said darkly before disappearing to his room, slamming the door harshly and Dong Hae wondered why it didn’t fall off its hinges.

Henry blinked, not fully registering what Hee Chul just said, “My. . .mother?”

But they didn’t have much time to linger on their individual thoughts as they saw Han Kyung standing before them, lips bleeding.


It was almost morning and the rest of the dorm spent the last few hours catching up with Han Kyung—except for Hee Chul. He already visited Jin at the hospital the very morning following his arrival and invited Han Kyung to stay at the dorms. It will be too dangerous for him to stay at any hotel without rising suspicions from the press. Suddenly, he didn’t only want to protect Han Kyung but Jin as well. He’d been working like forever and he was dead tired but sleep eluded him.

EeTeuk laid in bed and stared at the ceiling, hoping it would give him the answers to his mundane questions or at least make him fall asleep. When was the last time he felt this way anyway? Three—four years ago? His heart beat erratically just by thinking of Hye Mi. It excited him as much as it scared him. The last time he lost himself to the feeling, he almost took his own life when it didn’t end up the way he wanted it to be.

He remembered his last conversation with her. He was not surprised at all that he got an earful. He already knew she’s different from all the women that he met before. Suddenly, it was all too new again. Although a scandal was the last thing he wanted to bother himself with just before he leaves for the army, part of him was also thankful he had a valid reason to get in contact with her. But he’s sure Gem or Iris would have a different say in the matter. He found himself wincing inwardly at the thought.


“I can’t believe you have the guts to call me! What did I do to you people? Super Junior has found pleasure to ruining my life to the hilt!”

“Calm down, Hye Rin-sshi—” He tried to make amends.

“Calm down? You expect me to calm down? How can I calm down when every girl in this city wanted me dead? All because of a stupid misunderstanding!” But then he wouldn't put it past his fan girls to pummel her to death whenever they get the chance.

“You said so yourself that it was just a misunderstanding and I’ll fix this, I promise.”

“You better!” Suddenly, he heard some commotion in the background, “Hello? Hye Rin-sshi? Are you still there?” The line was left open and he heard some shouting and a lot things being thrown around somehow. And then nothing. He got so incredibly worried he went to the police station and alerted almost half of the people in his phone book including his mother. There’s this uncle who worked for the census and he was able to locate her but she wasn’t there anymore when he got to her address. The police just wouldn’t send a search party just before the twenty-four-hour waiting time.

She was kicked out of her apartment because she was not able to pay the rent on the given time frame. He realized she was being serious when he heard her talk about her situation at the restaurant. He, too, was surprised to find himself driving around Seoul to catch a glimpse of her for four whole hours but it was futile. He tried to call her number again numerous times but she didn’t pick up.

[end of flashback]

He wanted to believe that what he was feeling was mostly carried out by guilt. He was the main reason why she lost her job after all. But he was old enough to know better. He divested himself of the covers and got out of bed, giving up the idea of sleep. The digital bedside clock read five am. Kyu Hyun must be playing Star Craft still.


“Hi! Please have a seat.” The president and CEO of SM came in from an anteroom and was smiling genially at Jae Kyung. She frowned. She didn’t like her. Not one bit. When she first met her, she not only made her look so meager beside her, she totally turned the tables around so she agrees in everything she says including working for SM--of all places. If she’ll be honest, what was offered to her was too good to be true. She could have gone to jail and nobody could and would rescue her.

She worried her lower lip and sat on an armchair in front of her desk. She looked at everything around her but the other person in the room. From the crimson painted walls to the huge mural of a foreign actor that she didn’t even know to the wide collection of vintage Coca Cola bottles neatly arranged inside an open armoire. It was akin to a 50’s diner complete with red bar stools and colorful candy dispensers. What would she want from her this time?

“So. . .how are you doing?” Iris asked, tone light. She was observing her intently and she saw the same odd mixture of contempt and fear in her eyes when she first met her.

“What do you want this time?” Jae Kyung wasn’t in the mood to play nice. If she didn’t like someone, she’ll let them know.

Iris sighed heavily. “I’ll have your mother transferred to a hospital in Kangwon-do. You leaving her with some neighbors who don’t even know how to take care of her isn’t a good thing.

“What?! But Kangwon-do is too far from Seoul! And who gave you the right to decide for my own mother?!” She spat, eyes narrowing.

“I just want to remind you that you are at my mercy, Jae Kyung-sshi. If I choose to send you to jail, you won’t be seeing her for a long time.” She leaned back on her swivel chair with an all too serious expression. Jae Kyung wanted to hit her but she also realized that she’s right. “That way, we can monitor her situation twenty four-seven. Besides, once you transfer to your new post, you can’t afford to go home everyday.”

“N-New post?” She gulped. What will she do this time? Scrub bathrooms and floors?

“Yes. Your new post as Super Junior’s assistant.”


“You heard me.” She just hoped that she made the right decision. Or was she putting the boys in danger? She just wanted Jae Kyung to realize something and this was the only way that she can think of. A warning knock was heard and Ryeo Wook came in.

“Wookie-ah.” She beamed.

“Annyeong, Noona. Annyeong hasseyo, Jae Kyung-sshi.” He greeted shyly.

“Ryeo Wook will take care of you and tell you roughly what your responsibilities will be. Next week, once Manager Hong returns from his vacation, he’ll give you the details. You will start tomorrow so please settle everything with Soleil first.

“But—“ The look in Iris’s face made her stop. “Fine.” She said grimly and went out of the room without acknowledging Ryeo Wook.


A/N: I’m so sorry for the long wait! Life is crazy for me that I can barely keep up. Please let me know of what you think about this chapter. I didn’t like it at all and it felt like I puked letters or something. But thank you for reading and for being patient with meJ

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sania92 #1
Chapter 26: I miss this story... T_T
Author-nim hwaiting!
You're evidently a Gengfan! I don't see a single chapter without Hangeng! But you're a Donghae biased, too, right? I don't see much of Hae love here though. Just asking!:) but I really like this chap. Heechul is so funny! <br />
jungminmal0403 #3
Ahhhh so it's Henry's girl who is searching for some help from Hankyung v.v ahhh! xD Secret Garden...didn't have enough time to watch that drama once xD Ouch...!Hankyung...! xD haha poor baby xD Punched by Heechul xD Who hurt himself while hurting Hankyung LOL that's just...hilarious xD Haha Hankyung is the 'Umma' of true xD Heechul is being protective of Hankyung and JIn =) OHhhh Teukie oppa T.T I wish I could help you somehow,but...I can't xD aigooo!I would be worried too If I was him =/ GameKyu xD Ohhh Super Junior's assistant...not a bad job at all v.v and hey...her mother is being taken care of a lot better now thanks to she should be thankful...but I somehow can understand Jae Kyung...she neither likes Suju nor Iris so everything SUju or Iris do will seem like a bad thing to her xD ANd yeah...I supposed mine and Hankyung's problems won't end that easily haha xD -.- aigoo~ xD
The long awaited update..ha ha and yes a nice one...Han Geng drama is not over yet ? Chulie got to have it in him. Teukie's story is quite intriguing..Nice update...
jungminian0403 #6
ha! another chapter! hope you can update more! haha! XD don't worry, 'm not rushing you! ^_________^
lolisho #7
awh its okay ! <br />
I thought this update was really good, you get a feel for a few of the members situations ^^ and the girls too!<br />
yikes...Heechul really did let Han Kyung have it >.<
-dolce- #8
@presstoplay: It's for me to know and for you find out :P and you can't take Hankyung home because he's MINE. Got it?:) peace!<br />
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@PxAhyoo: Isn't SiWon sweet? I think Iris is just being overly dramatic. LOL! But HanKyung and AhYoo's problem will not be solved by a simple sorry. I think. LOL! So let's see what will happen. I think this chap answered your other questions, right?:) <br />
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@Anne60: Sorry...this is the SOONEST it could possibly get. And you know the reason why.:) <br />
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@lolisho: Sorry if this chapter is sooo crappy. I know you're looking forward to it but I'm afraid I failed to highlight it. I promise to take care of it in the succeeding chaps. Mianhe!<br />
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@aristargirl: Try visiting for more infos . It's just that I joined a loooong long time ago that I already forgot how. Besides, procedure differs from where you are. Thanks! But this chap ! Big time! LOL! <br />
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@jungminian0403: hey! Change of name?:) Thanks for reading and commenting. This chap is BAAAAD. Mianhe! But please continue supporting the story.
jungminian0403 #9