Oh, Henry!

Sapphire Blue Balloons

"Eh? What are you doing here?" Before Hee Chul could lash out on whoever it was on the door for forgetting their keys, Henry stumbled inside the dorm, dragging his heavy suitcase with him.

"Good to see you, too, Hyung. And I miss you more than you miss me." Henry rolled his eyes and puffed his cheeks as he fell against the sofa bed in a huge heap of tired bones and aching muscles. His flight from Toronto had been delayed and even first class accommodation didn’t compensate for the time he’d been held captive by the waiting lounge’s uncomfortable seats.

"What are you doing here?" He repeated. Okay, he called forth a meeting but surely, he wasn’t expecting Henry or Zhou Mi or Han Kyung to be there. Especially Henry since he’s thousand miles away. He didn’t even know if he got the message (which he probably didn’t if he’s going to factor the time he would’ve spent in the plane).

"Can I stay here, Hyung? You have a vacant room, yes?" Hee Chul blinked. "I would stay in Hyuk Jae-hyung’s room but you know how organized he is and how he’s always absorbed with his yadong and--"

"Yah, yah yah! Henry Lau! Hajima!" He held a thin, bony hand up to stop his babbling. "I am not asking why you’re here in my dorm but I want to know why you’re here in Korea and not in Canada." He stated matter-of-factly, arms crossed loosely in front of his chest. Before Henry could retaliate, they heard insignificant shuffling, presumably, from the phone Hee Chul was still holding. "Aish!" He placed the phone back to his ear. "Kay-yah, jeongmal mianhe." His tone made an abrupt change, Henry’s brows raised in amusement. "I’ll call you right--yah, yah!" He let out an exasperated sigh before deciding to deal with the matter-on-hand first, throwing the phone aside. "Okay, if you don’t tell me the real reason why you’re here, I’ll let you sleep in the hallway and no one, not even EeTeuk, can do anything about it." He threatened.

"I--I’ll tell everyone once they’re here to save myself from retelling it." He stood up to wheel his suitcase to the guest room when Hee Chul called him.

"That room is being renovated. Just share Shindong’s for now." Before Henry can move a fraction, "And don’t you dare sleep before the meeting starts." He warned.

"Oh, how I miss my mother." He mocked before marching to the hallways that lead to the rooms.


"Did you contact Ki Bum?" EeTeuk asked tentatively as he sat about the common computer in the living room of the 12th floor dorm. He wanted to see for himself what Ki Bum wrote in his homepage. Eun Hyuk and Ryeo Wook hovered behind him.

"He won’t answer my calls." Hee Chul as he paced around the living area.

"I would do the same thing if I am Bummie-hyung." Kyu Hyun mumbled without looking up from his trusty PSP.

"Cho Kyu Hyun!" Hee Chul admonished loudly, simultaneous to a hard whack that the younger boy dropped his beloved gaming console in surprise.


"I am still your hyung!"

"I am still THE hyung here and if you two don’t stop, I’ll handcuff you together." Eeteuk said between gritted teeth.

"What’s so urgent that I have to cut short dinner?" Dong Hae emerged from the foyer, shrugging out of his jacket. "Did something happen to Ki Bum?"

"Dinner?" Eun Hyuk parroted. "Isn’t it too late for dinner?" It was almost midnight.

"Well," Dong Hae had his fingers clasped behind his nape, a habit associated with him being nervous. Truth was, Dong Hae waited until it was just Ok and her friend Min Ji that was in the apartment before he came over. He had put off dinner to sample Ok’s cooking only to be summoned home immediately. "It was a party but I can’t be there until there were only a few people." If he’ll be completely honest to himself, he was reluctant to befriend a showbiz outsider -- at least after he became the Lee Dong Hae. Not for anything else but because he understood how much toll it will take if ever his relationships leak out. No matter how platonic it was.

"Who is it, Hyung?" Ryeo Wook asked innocently.

"Nobody you knew." He dismissed rather harshly and the expression of the younger boy dimmed. "But I intend to introduce her to you guys one of these days." He retracted almost immediately when he realised his mistake. "She’s an ELF and she’ll be thrilled to meet you guys. But wait, I saw Clai--" He slapped a hand to his mouth and bit his tongue as he remembered his promise.

"You saw who?" Hee Chul prompted.

"I saw an old classmate from Mokpo and it was pretty cool how she didn’t recognize me." He chuckled nervously. Hee Chul still eyed him suspiciously but he seemed to let it go.

"It’s that thing right there." Hee Chul pointed to the screen, freezing EeTeuk’s hand on the wireless mouse. The three that were gathered in front of it gaped in varrying degrees of shock. It was written in English but a a helpful fan translated it to Hangul for the benefit of everyone.

"Did Iris find Ri Na yet?" EeTeuk asked, Dong Hae and Kyu Hyun had joined them in front of the stark white iMac just as Ye Sung, Shin Dong, Sung Min and Si Won came about.

"Is Ri Na lost?" Ye Sung’s question earned him slanted looks from the other members. "What? I don’t even know where she is." They all found their places in the living room, claiming a bean bag or the couch or a space on the carpeted floor

"Exactly. Nobody knows where she is. And I’m afraid Ki Bum’s losing it. You know he keeps to himself all the time. The things that we know of him, more often than not, we know by accident or we learned eventually but never because he told us. Only Ri Na tamed Ki Bum’s stubborn streak, he became totally dependent to the drug that she is and now that she’s gone, he’s suffering from withdrawal." They heard a snicker and everyone gathered were shocked to see a sleepy Henry in his (or Dong Hae’s) pyjamas except from Hee Chul.

"That’s a very unique metaphor, Hyung."

"Why are you here?" EeTeuk narrowed his eyes at him.

"Ditto." Hee Chul rolled his eyes.

"Aren’t you training for your Carnegie recital?" Ryeo Wook gave his dongsaeng a bear hug.

"Can’t I train here?" He pouted and slumped beside Si Won who messed his hair up playfully.

"Ni hao ma?" He asked. All he got was a deep sigh.

"Don’t tell Iris-noona I’m here -- at least not until she discovers it herself." He toyed with his lower lip. "Please?" He was sure the President and CEO of SM Entertainment will throw a fit. "Where's Gem-noona?"

"Did something happen in Canada?" Sung Min asked instead, ignoring the question that was aimed at him. "I remember you boarded the next flight out of Seoul right after the press conference." Henry was bound to perform with renowned musicians in Carnegie Hall in New York City by fall. SM relieved him of his commitments so he can dedicate his time preparing for it. This opportunity was a make or break for Henry. Though being a member of Super Junior M meant a lot to him, his music was still his priority. And to be offered to perform with the likes of Maksim and the Kronos Quartet was more surreal than anything.

"Something did happen." Hee Chul concluded smugly. "Tell us now or I'm calling Iris."

"It's Mom." He breathed. "We had a fight and Hera--I just felt the need to get away." He put his legs up and embraced his knees, guilt washing over him once again. To be caught by your little sister in a yelling contest with your own mother was not something to be proud of. Especially when that sister thought so highly of you.

"What's the matter?" Henry was a filial son. He always did what he was told and always delivered what was expected of him as a son and a brother. But he thought what his parents asked of him -- expected of him -- this time was too much. So he ran away.

"Just cool down for a bit but you know fairly well you have to face it one way or another. Oh God, Han Kyung, I so hate you!" EeTeuk exclaimed, clutching his head in frustration. He was anxious, he knew something bad was bound to happen and someone's gonna get hurt. He had problems of his own and as much as he loved Henry, Han Kyung knew him better and he felt he was in no position to be talking to him like this.

"Hyung? Gwenchanayo?" Ye Sung peered at him from across the room, voicing the question the others had, too.

"Yes. . .No! Aish!" He stood up, knocking his shin on the coffee table but he didn't even flinch. He moved for the computer again and pulled up his favorite search engine and typed his name. It took thirty-three seconds to pop up thousands of results. He had punched the cupboard hard before he can stop himself. He knew the rest of s were watching him, he can feel the weight of stares burning his back but he didn't care. He didn't even know he was bleeding until Ryeo Wook tied a bandana around his hand wordlessly.

"Oh my ing god." Hee Chul was sitting at the swivel chair EeTeuk vacated, gaping at the computer screen.

"Hey, don't use my Father's name in vain." Si Won admonished.


A/N: This goes without saying that the last few chapters were happening quite at the same time -- the last three chaps or so. Have you seen the new pic of KiBum at the last chap? I've replaced it. He's uh, kinda bulky? Is he getting fat? Hehe. Anyway, you can guess about Henry and Eeteuk's predicaments and the winner gets a cookie! LOL!:)

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sania92 #1
Chapter 26: I miss this story... T_T
Author-nim hwaiting!
You're evidently a Gengfan! I don't see a single chapter without Hangeng! But you're a Donghae biased, too, right? I don't see much of Hae love here though. Just asking!:) but I really like this chap. Heechul is so funny! <br />
jungminmal0403 #3
Ahhhh so it's Henry's girl who is searching for some help from Hankyung v.v ahhh! xD Secret Garden...didn't have enough time to watch that drama once xD Ouch...!Hankyung...! xD haha poor baby xD Punched by Heechul xD Who hurt himself while hurting Hankyung LOL that's just...hilarious xD Haha Hankyung is the 'Umma' of Henry...so true xD Heechul is being protective of Hankyung and JIn =) OHhhh Teukie oppa T.T I wish I could help you somehow,but...I can't xD aigooo!I would be worried too If I was him =/ GameKyu xD Ohhh Super Junior's assistant...not a bad job at all v.v and hey...her mother is being taken care of a lot better now thanks to Iris...so she should be thankful...but I somehow can understand Jae Kyung...she neither likes Suju nor Iris so everything SUju or Iris do will seem like a bad thing to her xD ANd yeah...I supposed mine and Hankyung's problems won't end that easily haha xD -.- aigoo~ xD
The long awaited update..ha ha and yes a nice one...Han Geng drama is not over yet ? Chulie got to have it in him. Teukie's story is quite intriguing..Nice update...
jungminian0403 #6
ha! another chapter! hope you can update more! haha! XD don't worry, 'm not rushing you! ^_________^
lolisho #7
awh its okay ! <br />
I thought this update was really good, you get a feel for a few of the members situations ^^ and the girls too!<br />
yikes...Heechul really did let Han Kyung have it >.<
-dolce- #8
@presstoplay: It's for me to know and for you find out :P and you can't take Hankyung home because he's MINE. Got it?:) peace!<br />
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@PxAhyoo: Isn't SiWon sweet? I think Iris is just being overly dramatic. LOL! But HanKyung and AhYoo's problem will not be solved by a simple sorry. I think. LOL! So let's see what will happen. I think this chap answered your other questions, right?:) <br />
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@Anne60: Sorry...this is the SOONEST it could possibly get. And you know the reason why.:) <br />
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@lolisho: Sorry if this chapter is sooo crappy. I know you're looking forward to it but I'm afraid I failed to highlight it. I promise to take care of it in the succeeding chaps. Mianhe!<br />
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@aristargirl: Try visiting SJ-world.net for more infos . It's just that I joined a loooong long time ago that I already forgot how. Besides, procedure differs from where you are. Thanks! But this chap ! Big time! LOL! <br />
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@jungminian0403: hey! Change of name?:) Thanks for reading and commenting. This chap is BAAAAD. Mianhe! But please continue supporting the story.
jungminian0403 #9