A Photo

The Photographer

I was panting real hard.

'I'm almost there' I thought to myself over and over again.

When I got to the finish line, I stopped and sat on the ground.

'Good job' I thought and walked over to the bench where my stuff was. Suddenly, I heard a click.

*click* There it was again.

I stop cleaning myself with the towel and saw a guy by a tree.  He was sitting under that shady tree.

"Hmm..." I said and walked towards him.

'A pedo?' I thought. 'Hopefully not'

"Hello" I said

"Hi" He said as he looked up at me

"Why were you taking pictures of me?"


"I saw you taking pictures of me"

"Ohh", he said and smiled, "I wasn't"

"You weren't?"

"No. I was taking pictures of the flowers and grass"


"Because I'm a photographer. Well, I just like to take pictures"


"By the way", He stood up, "My name is Taemin"

"HI Taemin. I'm Amy"

"Amy, you can sure run fast. You're really good at running"

"Wow", I said, "Thanks. When did you start liking photography?"

"Since I was in junior high"

"Wait. I haven't seen you around school"

"Because I moved here 2 years ago"

"Oh. From where?"

"From South Korea"


"Oh! Can you do me a favor?"


"Stand over there" Taemin pointed near the track and the bench.

"Okay" I said and went where Taemin said to go.

"Here?" I asked

"Yes!" Taemin said. "Now look up"

I nodded and put my head up high.

“Put on a smile!”

I put on a smile, not showing my teeth.

“Perfect! Now stay still” Taemin commanded and held up his camera.


“There!” Taemin told me and I walked back.

“Wow…” I said when I saw the photo.

“Do you like it?” He asked me

I nodded and he smiled.

“Good”, Taemin said, “I’m going to give you the picture”


“I have to go now Amy. Nice meeting you!” Taemin said as he started to walk backwards.

“You too Taemin” I said and he turned around and kept walking.

‘Hold on…’ I thought.

“Taemin!” I yelled

Taemin turned around.

“When are we going to see each other again?” I asked

“School!” Taemin yelled and I nodded.

Taemin winked and held up his camera.


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Chapter 1: please update I really like this story and I want to know what happens
raviolli101 #2
Chapter 1: Thats a cute way to meet :)