A song for you~

The Time Pass still love is strong! {HIATUS}

The Contineu of The =FLASHBACK=

“you love to come here right?” you ask while walk with him to the part where he was earlier. “ne! I come almost everyday and how about you?” he look at you. “sometimes! I have a sister to take care of so I don’t got much time!” you admit laughing. “ahh arraso! But what about your mom and dad don’t you have one?” he took his guitar out of the guitarbag. “mom died! And dad well he never got free time and also died without saying even good bye!” you look down remembering your sister never got to meet him in person. “oh um sorry for bringing sad memories! It wasn’t my intetion!” he sit down and signal you to sit beside him. “ill teach you how to read them! And if you want I can teach you how to play the guitar or would you like the drums?” you sat beside him “oh no no! There is no need for it!” kang shook his head “no! I insist! It’s the best I can do for making you go sad!” 
and like that you two meet after that day you didn’t see him again! He had problem with time like you so both didn’t had time to see each other! But very much you never forgot him.
End of FlashBack
Kang pinch your cheek softly. “hey you here!? Calling ____ To earth!” you shook your head and smile. “Oh um… yes! Sorry! I was having some thoughts!” he laugh “what kind of thoughts!?” you look at him and giggle “well better say was a flashback! Still are thoughts!”He sight “Ohhh I wonder of who is the flashback!”put on a smirk “Is it of me!?” you nod sudenly feeling embaraced “n ne! remembering that day!” he smile big “so you do remember it all!” he kiss your cheek and hug you. “yep! And you broke a promise!” he widen his eyes and look at you. “MWO? What promise!?” You nod “Well… you promise to teach me how to read musical notes and guitar or drums! Remember?” he surprise and ashame “I guess I shouldn’t have promise things I wouldn’t do!” you laugh and shook your head “no! Its fine! I mos tell you the truth!” you poke his cheek. “I learn how to play the drums and guitar!” he look at you and sight “ AHHH REALLY!? Who teach you?” you couldn’t hold your laughter “Ahahahaha My cousins and some of their friends!” he then frown like a little kid “awwww! I wanted to teach you!” you smile. “ its ok! Now I can play them with you! Don’t be like that!” he nod. “then should we go! I want to show you something!” he say smiling. “yes its very cold here!” 
You both got out of the hospital and went to a studio in S.M 
“Wait! Oppa I shouldn’t be here! Wont they scowl you for it!?” you say looking around. “Nahh you’re with me so don’t worry at all!” he pull you into a music room and close the door after it. “Wow! Nice!” you widen your eyes. “yeah! I asume you remember the song I try finishing that day!” you nod “yes! I notice you use it for super junior!” He widen his eyes “You Did notice that!? Hmmm what is the theme then!?” you laugh “No idea! Come one you never used it! But that one did sound familiar!” he sight. “yes I know but I didn’t want anyone to know of it! Still whats the name of the one of super junior? I wanna see if you know!” you try to remember the title of the song. “Hmm! Promise with sungmin!” you say sure of your answer. Kang laugh and nod surprise “Yes! Wow you have a good memory!” he took a guitar, sit down and signal you to sit beside him; after you sit down he start playing the song. “but didn’t you left it in half! Im sure you couldn’t finish it that day!” he nod “yes but I had lot of time to finish it and sungmin help me! So we wrote promise to make it sound almost same!” you nod *WOW he did that! I wonder why!?* “oppa wae you did that?” He start singing and smile while he sing it.
After he finish the song you where out of words. You just had no word to describe how beautiful it was while still you had that curiosity to know why not use the original one and make a new almost alike it. Those thought keep roaming around your mind. He smile and put the guitar back to its holder. “so what you think?!” you only nod and spaced out in those thoughts. “wae not use this one!? Its beautiful!” he look back at you “cuz this one is very special for me and at the end well I remember of you when I sing it! So I want you to have this!” Turn around and gave you a cd with only one song in it. “I dedicated it to you! Cuz I love you since that day I saw you! And im greatful that I turn around to say sorry! Otherwise I wouldn’t have meet you! And this song would have still been incomplete!” 


To be contineu~~

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