Bad News to come

The Time Pass still love is strong! {HIATUS}

At 2pm you went to the museum and prepear a welcome sing and someother things you boss wanted you to do for them and he also help with some food he love you and your little sister like the daughter he never had since he only had one boy and for his son wich is you sister boyfriend. Ahh yes misterious thing is destiny you work at you brother in law father's museum wich is very much visited by people around the world so you did your best this time specially for two things well lets say three. 1) for the great impresion you wanted them to have when they visited the museum since you didnt knkw if its first time or not! 2 for you brother in law and sister to have a great time without falling asleep in the tour. You knew they got bored easyly when its about history. And the 3 was something you wanted to do from your heart and did without knowing it. You put some awesome clothe to impress the guy you like wich ofcurse has been you love since you first saw him in super junior even though he wasnt the first one you knew of he capture your attention and steal your heart without him knowing it. " ahhh im ready! Gomawo for all the help ajeoshi! " you hug him " cheonma dear " ill be going then! Remember to go visit Miok she has been asking for you the whole day so when ever you can please go visit her!" he hug u againg and leave. You think * ahh ne ne ill be here from 4:50 pm to 5:50pm i cant take longer than that time!* you stop thinking and went to the bus and drive to the base and waited for them to get on while it you put Severely of ftisland and then S.O.L.O of super junior. Someone shouted from outside "hey open the door its gonna rain" you open fast "sorry sunbae i had to leave it close" you apologize stading up to bow. " wahh no need to do that! And dont call me sunbae you know how to call me! " he smile. " arraso! You look diferent now like that! I beat most will go without umbrella and hat! " you smile! "hey hey im here my friend" heechul apear. " annyeong oppa! I notice you using a hat! Wae?" you ask while he sits in the chair behind the chofer chair. "cuz i like it! And im not use to this super short hair!" he say touching the hat. After everyone got in the buss and sit down you started the car and drive to the museum. Once there you lead them inside. "wahhhh incredible" junghae saying surprise. "EVERYONE WELCOME TO ___ museum of history! Hope you enjoy the time here!" you say happyly. "WOW this place is beautiful" kang exclaim surprise. "you did all this alone nunna?" you laugh. " ah no no! Ajeoshi Dae help me" you reply happy you didnt like taking all the credits. " ahhh appa help? He really likes helping even when its so busy! Hahahaha" he say surprise of it. " but then again you and my girl are like daughter to him! Oh and saying he say something about Miok-sshi!" he say taking a note out of his poket. "oh ne! Um lets stary i shouldnt take much longer! I promise i would go somewhere!" you say remembering about it all the sudden. " um then lets start now" kang say while taking the note off junghae's hand and putting it on his poket. "wahhh hyung! Wae you did that? " junghae ask confuse. " um ne! That didnt mean i couldnt get the note! " walking toward kang with a hand expand making a give me sing. "kang hyung give it to her! " junghae exclaim. "may we talk a moment saeng!?" kag and chul say at same time. " please the note before you go talk to him" you say in a comanding way but still politely. " ne hyungs but the...." he was interup by someone! " lets just start so shw can go" the soldier say impatient. " arraso but after it you most give it to me! " you say serious to kang and walk to the front and start giving the tour.

the tour ended some minuts late than you wanted it to end but you still had time so you let them take a second look by them self and went out to start the buss engine when someone enters. " ahh im so tired! Never though this would tired so much" you look back when you hear a giggle. " you tired? I never though such work would be tiring!" kang say walking to the back of the bus. " well it is when you got to answer so much and explain even the most stupid details" he laugh out loud hearing you notice what he was doing all tour long. " ah so you do study for your job dont you?" he say laughing turn to look at him and think * ahhh he look so cute! Those eyes! No wonder wae i love him!* he notice you spaced out and laugh even harder " you ok? Did i remember you something? " he ask leiyng down on the back sit. You shake your head " ahh anio anio! " you turn to look foward before he could notice you blush. Then everyone got i the car in a akward silence. You drove them back to the base and they got out bowing in thanks and got out running to not get wet by the rough raining. You close the door and drove back to the museum. " ahhh next time ill kill him" you sight. " now im gonna be so late ajeoshi will be mad also Miok-sshi! " you sudenly heard someone make streachin sounds " ahhh are we there y..... " he saw the bus empty and you complaining. " oh so we havent left!" you scream. " Ahhhhh you you you where sleeping! We left minuts ago i swear i though you left with the rest! Im going back home ill take you back now! Mia hae i should have check! The...." he smile sweetly " no its ok! Its my fault and well... " he stood up and walk towards you geting something from his fron jacket poket. "here! I did forgot but its best for you to read it when you get there! Dont want you to get worried and have an accident! " taking you hand gently and puting the note on it. " oh! Um... Thanks! " you look at it already worried by what could its content be saying. " wahh no please dont im sorry im sorry" he bow like hundred time " i should go get you there to the base!" you say geting out of the bus fast. " hey hey wait dont get like that! I wont go after you visit miok-sshi" he took you by the arm before you could get i your car ignoring the fact of wich car was it. You turn and look at him. " then call and say you will b..." he took the keys from your hand. " ill drive! forget about the rest!" he say while he walk you to the passenger door and open it for you. " not that..." he pull you inside softly. "just let go, ok! " he walk to the other side.


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